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Translate into English. 1. Оптова торгівля – важливий елемент ринкової системи.
1. Оптова торгівля – важливий елемент ринкової системи. 2. Товари йдуть від оптового продавця до покупця через роздрібнюючого торговця. 3. Непряма система збуту найкраща. 4. Оптові скупщики отримують товар. 5. Посередник отримує проценти від продажу. 6. Посередник як завжди веде переговори з приводу купівлі або продажу. 7. В цьому магазині хороший асортимент товарів.
ВАРІАНТ 5 I. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to the form of predicates. State the tense and the voice of the predicates in the sentences. 1. All the experimental part will have been completed by this time tomorrow. 2. I had been shown a room and offered a cup of tea before it rained. 3. Why aren t you answering? You are being spoken to. 4. I knew I was being waited for. 5. He is cross with her because she made a joke at his expense. 6. You see, he has never been laughed at before. II. Translate the sentences into English using the passive voice. State the tense and the voice of the predicates. 1. Він зміг продивитись тільки частину документів, оскільки решта ще друкувались. 2. Ваша контрольна робота ще перевіряється. Вона буде готова через деякий час. 3. Дізнайся, будь ласка, чи куплені вже білети в Київ. 4. До того часу як я дістався туди, листи вже відіслали. III. Open the brackets using the verbs in the necessary tense form. 1) I suppose she (to know) English very well. 2) The delegates were told that the guide just (to go) out and (to be) back in ten minutes. 3) We were sure our sportsman (to win) the game. IV. Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech. 1) He said “At two o clock we'll be passing a bridge”. 2) I said “I'm changing my shoes”. 3) Ann said to Pete “Put on the light because it is getting dark”. 4) She said to us “I didn't go to the station to see her off”. 5) The policeman asked “Why have you crossed the street in the wrong place? V. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the modal verbs. 1) Some new considerations must be involved into this study. 2) These sketches cannot have been intended for the exhibition, they lack talent. 3) She may be wearing her hair long now. 4) You needn't wair for me. 5) You should spend more time out of doors. VI. Fill in the blanks with modals verbs or their equivalents. 1) When … you come to see us? 2) Peter … return the book to the library. We all want to read it. 3) … we do the exercise at once? – Yes, you … do it. 4) … john really do this today? – No, he … not, I think, he has little time. He … do it tomorrow. 5) Where … the lecture to take place? I suppose in the assembly hall.