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Exercises to be done in writing. Практичне заняття № 1(2 години)
I Семестр Практичне заняття № 1(2 години) Тема 1. Навчання. Клас. (Studying. Our Lecture-room) TEXT 1 Прочитайте mекст, пам’ятайте, що під наголосом перебувають вказівні, займенники, іменники, прикметники та дієслова: This is a’desk. That is a’table. This is a’tape-recorder. It is on the table. The ‘pens, pencils, books and ‘exercise-books are on the desks. The students are at the desks. The teacher is at the table. Запам’ятайте слова: Desks [desk] парта Pencil [pensl] олівець Table [terbl] стіл Book [buk] книжка Tape-recorder [terprike: de] магнітофон Student [stju: dent] студент Pen [pen] ручка Teacher [ti: tse] вчитель TEXT 2 Прочитайте mекст, пам’ятаючи головні правила читання: We learn English. We are students. Anna Pavlova is our teacher. She is not in the ciassroom. She is ill. She is at home. She is in bed. These are my fellow-students. They are at the lesson. We speak, write and read English. Give me your book, please! Send Pete home, please. Take my pen, please. Show me your room, please. Is it a good room? Are these your teachers in the classroom? Learn [ie: n] вивчати Read [ri: d] читати Send [send] посилати Write [rait] писати Take [teik] брати Bed [bed] постіль please [pli: z] будь ласка Give [giv] давати Show [sou] показувати TEXT 3 Прочитайте mекст та дайте відповіді на питання після тексту: My Family My 'family is \large. My 'wife is an e\conomist. My 'mother is a \teacher. My 'father is a \doctor. I am an \engi \neer. My 'daughter is \five. My 'son is \ten. He is a schoоlboy. He is not at school now. He is at \home. He is \ill. 'What is your \name Where are you? 'Where is your \son? 'Is he /ill? Are you ill? 'Where is your \teacher? Is your classroom /large? Запамятайте слова: Family ['f& -mili] сім’я, родина daughter ['de: te] дочка son [San] син economist [ilkanamist] економіст school [skul: ] школа schoolboy [IskusIbei] yчень doctor [‘dekte] лікар EXERCISES TO BE DONE IN WRITING Ex. 1. Read the text “Our Classroom” and answer the following questions: 1.Is this your lecture-room? 2. Are there many desks in it? 3. Are there many chairs in the room? 4. Is there a board on the wall? 5. Are there any tables and pictures on the wall? 6. What is there on the desks? 7. Is there any clock in the lecture-room? 8. What are the students doing? 9. What is the teacher asking the students? 10. Are the students answering his/her questions? 11. Aare there any bookshelves in the lecture-room? 12. Are the bookshelves full of books? Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with personal pronouns: 1…. am a first-year student of the institute. 2. My family is not very large, … consists of 3 persons. 3. My mother is a doctor. … works in the hospital. 4. My father is an operator of the electronic computers. … works at the plant. 5. My friends study at the University. … are in their third year. 6. Have … any relatives? 7. My aunt has two sons. … are twins. Ex. 3. Insert possessive pronouns: 1.We have … English classes twice a week. 2. She likes … new dress very much. 3. Paul keeps … books in the bookcase. 4. I usually go to see … friends in the evening. 5. They often take … children to this park. 6. Do you help … parents? 7. The film is very interesting but I don’t remember … title. 8. Mary is an accountant. She does … work well. 9. Mr. Wilson is in … office now. 10. Peter and Ann teach … children music. Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with the verb “to be” in Present, Past or Future Simple. 1.He … a pupil twenty years ago. 2. I … a doctor when I grow up. 3. They … interested in applied sciences. 4. He … very glad to see his brother at home again. 5. In two weeks we … in Kyiv. 6. My sister … ill last week. 7. Where … you yesterday? 8. … you … at home tomorrow? 9. There … no chalk on the board in the classroom. 10. It.. cold and rainy yesterday. Ex. 5. Choose the correct form of the verb to be in the following sentences: 1.There (is, are) some tape-recorders on the desks. 2. There (is, are) three beds in the room. 3. There (is, are) a large table in the room. 4. There (is, are) a desk, two beds and two small tables there. 5. There (is, are) some pens, pencils and notebooks here. 6. There (is, are) five books on the desk. 7. There (is, are) a chair at the table.