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Методические рекомендации по организации учебной деятельности на занятиях по иностранному языку

Для выполнения целей и задач иностранного языка используются пособия: Click on, Interprise, Upstream, Language to go, Matters, Grammerway, Successful Writing, Reading and Writing, Practice Exam Papers, Listening and speaking skills. Данные пособия содержат необходимый материал для выполнения программы по иностранному языку в экономических вузах. В процессе обучения студенты изучают такие темы:

1. Семья.

2. Рабочий день.

3. Учеба.

4. Свободное время.

5. Хобби.

6. Квартира.

7. Времена года.

8. Путешествия.

9. Спорт.

10. Праздники.

11. Покупки.

12. Планы на будущее.

13. Карьера.

14. Формы организации бизнеса.

15. Политико-административное устройство.

16. Россия.

17. Достопримечательнности Петербурга.

18. Работа с персоналом.

19. Основы менеджмента.

20. Общество и экономика. Мировой рынок и международная торговля.

Студенты изучают такой грамматический материал:

1. Существительное.

2. Артикль.

3. Местоимение.

4. Прилагательные.

5. Предлоги.

6. Числительное.

7. There is\are.

8. Временная система. Активный залог.

9. Временная система. Страдательный залог.

10. Согласование времен.

11. Условные предложения.

12. Инфинитив.

13. Причастие.

14. Герундий.

Каждая тема включает определенный лексический материал, который студенты должны знать. Новая лексика в данных пособиях представлена в контексте, который позволяет осуществлять беспереводную семантизацию новых лексических единиц, в частности с помощью внутренней наглядности (синонимы / антонимы, дефиниция, интернациональные слова). Условно-речевые упражнения развивают и совершенствуют лексические навыки у студентов.

1. Complete the sentences.

Friendly delicious cheap busy interesting

1. The clothes are _______. For example, you can buy a shirt for 1 pound.

2. The people are____________. They always talk to you.

3. I love the street food. It’s___________________.

4. It’s______________ on Saturday. There are lots of people.


2. Match the adjectives on the left with the opposites on the right.

1. Cheap a) Unfriendly

2. Busy b) Bad

3. Big c) Quiet

4. Friendly d) Expensive

5. Interesting e) Small

6. Good f) Boring


3. Underline the adjective which does not go with the noun.

1. Cities: cosmopolitan\ dangerous\ historic\ delicious\ busy

2. Weather: hot\ dirty\ dry\ wet\ cold

3. Beaches: clean\ dirty\ crowded\ empty\ modern

4. Countryside: flat\ small \ quiet\beautiful\ mountainous


4. Match the words on the left to the examples on the right.

1. Economy a) United Kingdom – 56 million people

2. Transport b) money, bank

3. Space c) cloudy, rain, hot

4. Politics d) car, aeroplane, bus

5. Population e) the moon, Mars, a space station

6. Communication f) phone, satellite, e-mail

7. Climate g) government, president, The White House


5. Underline the word which is different.

1. Notebook diary pen

2. Laptop calculator bag

3. Bag briefcase watch

4. Laptop mobile phone pen

5. Camera wallet bag

6. Dictionary diary camera


6. Find the transport words.

7. Rac __________

8. Xiat __________

9. Yclbice __________

10. Ramt ____________

11. Uwbyas ___________

12. Oabt ____________

13. Nelpa ____________

14. Sub ______________


7. Put the words in the right category.

Brother father aunt grandfather daughter children husband son wife sister parents mother uncle grandmother

Men both women


8. Match the words with their definitions:

Chop simmer serve melt boil mix add stir fry roast grill pour

1. Present a finished meal, ready for eating

2. Cook in hot fat

3. Turn hard food into liquid by heating it

4. Put one ingredient in with another

5. Cook in very hot, bubbling liquid

6. Cut into pieces

7. Blend different ingredients together

8. Cook for a long time in the oven

9. Cook for a short time under strong heat

10. Move a spoon around in liquid while cooking

11. Cook liquid gently

12. Transfer liquid from a container

Определенный объем лексики сдается студентами на зачете, где используется перевод с русского языка на английский.

Зная слова, студенты не могут выражать свои мысли, если они не знают правила, по которым слова связываются в предложениях. Для этих целей они должны знать грамматику. Коммуникативный подход предъявляет особые требования к отбору, предъявлению и отработке грамматического материала. Грамматический материал подается не изолировано, а в контексте и отрабатывается в коммуникативных ситуациях. Акцентируется различие в грамматических системах родного и ИЯ и определяются иноязычные эквиваленты русских грамматических категорий. Образование грамматической формы объясняется на родном языке. Затем на основании полученных сведений студенты составляют предложения. Если были допущены ошибки, то им дается образец построения данной грамматической формы и они сами исправляют свои ошибки. Работают над этим грамматическим явлением, пока не усвоят данный материал. Автоматизация грамматических форм происходит на основе условно-речевых упражнений.

1. Underline the correct forms of the verbs:

1. My father go/goes for a walk.

2. I visit/visits my friends in the morning.

3. My mother cook/cooks lunch.

4. My father drink/drinks sake.

5. We eat/eats a special fish dish.

6. My brother usually watch/watches television.

7. Our parents give/gives us money.

8. I play/plays cards with my parents.


2. Complete the questions and answers:

1. A: _____________ at school?

B: No, they _________ (not study) German. They study English.

2. A: When ______________?

B: In the evening. She _________ (not listen) to music in the morning.


3. A: _________________?

B: Yes, I do but I_____________(not use) the Internet to buy things.

4. A: Where____________?

B: I___________ (not to meet) new people in bars I meet them at work.

5. A: _______________?

B: No, he_____________(not have) a bank account.

6. A: How_________?

B: I_____________(not contact) friends by e-mail. I use the phone.


3. Insert the missing words:

1. they book hotels on the Internet?

2. he do a German course with a private teacher?

3. When you speak to your friends?

4. Marianna meet new friends at school?

5. Where you meet people?

6. What they buy on the Internet?

7. Trevor buy music in a shop or on the Internet

8. Sarah and Nicky study French?


4. Put the words in the correct order:

1. often do how stay you in?

2. you takeaway sometimes do get a?

3. no get never I takeaway.

4. am always I late

5. it busy is often?

6. usually meet Sundays on friends they.


7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses:

Sarah Jones and Judith Thomson, from England, ____ (grow up) on the same street and _____ (become) best friends. Judith was Sarah’s bridesmaid in 1947. Then Sarah emigrated to the USA and they ___ (lose) touch. Fifty-three years later, they ___ (bump) into each other while they _____ (wait) in a queue at a petrol station in Nevada, USA. They immediately ____ (recognize) each other, even though they ___ (not see) each other for 50 years. While they _____ (talk), they ____ (find out) they ___ (live) and working on the same street in the USA for seventeen years, but ____ (never see) each other.


8. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. I have been to Brazil last summer. It was wonderful.

2. This evening, I go out to dinner in a small, local restaurant.

3. I am always enjoying eating good food.

4. In my life, I went traveling many times.

5. I am meeting people every day through my work.

6. I’ve started studying English when I was at school.

7. I was meeting him when I lived in Asia.

8. This weekend I go to see an art exhibition.


9. Rephrase the sentences using the obligation verbs:

1. It’s not necessary to wear a uniform at school.


2. If you want to help your mother, it’s a good idea to wash the dishes.


3. There is no need for her to worry about us. We’ll be fine.


4. It wouldn’t be a good idea to take the car without asking him first


5. My mother is always telling me not to eat so mush junk food.


6. Don’t speak to any strangers in the street.


Научить студентов говорить и понимать речь на слух – это основная цель в обучении иностранного языка. Речевая деятельность – это совокупность речевых актов. Речевая передача информации осуществляется при помощи языковой знаковой системы, в которой выделяются план содержания и план выражения. Основные виды речевой деятельности: восприятие (слушание, чтение), продуцирование (говорение, письмо).

Основные формы речи: устная и письменная. Развитие и совершенствование речевых навыков идет на основе текста. Он должен быть базой для говорения, которая дает возможности на его основе организовать трансформацию и комбинирование. Выполнение упражнений помогает развивать эти навыки. Используются 3 вида упражнений:

1. Нацелен на обучение выделять: - основную мысль текста, смысловые связи, логику построения, функциональную направленность, образцы высказывания, подводит к понятию, какой материал будет использоваться в речи;

2. Стимулирует на выражение какой-либо проблемы;

3. Предполагает использование студентами материала текста, чтобы строить свои высказывания.

When we speak about family it is necessary to touch the problem of relations between its members. It is interesting to know opinions of all members in the family about their relations. When we discuss this theme the students are given to read an article from the youth magazine “Shout”. This is Sasha’s letter. Here is her photo. Looking at this photo, students must say what they think about this girl. Before reading her letter they read some short information about her problems:

Sasha is 14 and lives with her mum, dad, an older brother and a younger brother and sister. She doesn’t get on well with any of her family and plans to leave home as soon as she is old enough…….

Then students read her letter and answer the questions.

One of the worst things about my house is the lack of privacy. If I disappear into my room for some peace, it’s guaranteed that someone will come after me, wanting to know what I am up to. The thing is because I share a room with my little sister, I can’t just shut the door, and keep everyone out. She’s always complaining that it’s her room, too. Even worse, it means nothing safe, I guess she goes through all my stuff, mucks about with my toiletries, and eats the sweets I keep in my room. If I want to keep anything secret, I have to use a lock and key on my cup board.

I don’t know who I dislike more, my older brother, who is 16, or my younger one, who’s 11. My older brother is a total creep. He pushes me around a lot and is always making nasty little comments about me. I hate being in the house alone with him. My little brother is just a geek. He asks me embarrassing questions about boys and stuff, and always shows me up in front of my mates. If I’m on the phone to one of my friends, he picks up the extension and listens in.

Although I’m nearly fifteen, my mum and dad treat me like a baby. They don’t let me out at night during the week and if I want to go to a friend’s house at the weekend, they phone up her parents first and arrange what time I’ve to be home by. Dad always asks me about boys, warning me that I’m not allowed to go out on a real date till I’m at least 15 – what a joke! He keeps nagging me about home work and studying, and he doesn’t believe me when I say I don’t have any to do. He just thinks I’m being lazy when I sit watching the telly at night.

The other thing that bugs me is that I’m treated like an unpaid slave in the house. I have to do the dishes, help with the ironing…… I wouldn’t object to this if everyone in the house did their fair share, but my brothers only keep their room clean, and my sister just acts like a baby and does nothing. Mum tells me that she needs the help and I’m the best at doing homework, but that’s because I’m the only one who does it!

I’m going to leave home as soon as I’m old enough. It’d be great if I could get a job and a flat when I leave school, but that’s not very likely, so I wish I just had one tiny room of my own. My mates always say that I’ll miss my family once I leave, but I doubt that!



After reading the text students answer the questions.

Why does Sasha want to leave home?

What relations does she have with her brothers and sister?

Does she like her parents’ attitude to her?

Why does she feel the lack of privacy?

What can you say about relations with your parents?


Match the words and phrases from the text with the closest meaning:

1. lack of privacy a) making you feel nervous and uncomfortable

2. show somebody up b) look at or examine carefully

3. embarrassing c) the state of being unable to be alone

4. nag d) behave towards someone in a particular way

5. act like a baby e) distribute the responsibilities in a fair way

6. do their fair share f) to make someone feel embarrassed by behaving

in a stupid way when you are with them

7. treat g) express one’s negative attitude to someone’s

behavior in a very boring way

8. go through h) behave in a childish way


Sasha has a lot of complaints.

Find the examples Sasha uses to show that she has the following problems.


1. “One of the worst things about my house is the lack of privacy, ”

2. “They treat me like a baby.”

3. “I’m treated like an unpaid slave.”

4. “They don’t do their fair share.”


In small groups discuss the following:

1. Do Sasha’s complaints seem quite objective and fair to you? Why? Why not?

2. What resolutions of her problems has she chosen?

3. What does it tell you about her character?

4. What alternatives would you suggest?

При обучении аудированию студенты должны научиться понимать основное содержание текста, выделять основную мысль, выбирать главное и опускать второстепенное. Аудирование также дает информацию для говорения. Такие виды упражнений можно предложить студентам после прослушивания текста.


1. Listen to a local resident of Cambridge telling some funny stories about student life there.

Say if the following statements are true, false or not stated.

____ a) The speaker is a Cambridge graduate.

____ b) She tells stories from her own experience.

____ c) There are three main stories.

____ d) The stories are all true.


2. Listen again and choose the correct answer.

A.” Town and Gown” means:

a) relations between the city and the University.

b) relations between the students and professors.

c) relations between the students.

d) relations in the University Administration.

B. It is better to be shown around Cambridge by a local resident because:

a) the tourist brochures are not available.

b) a local resident can show you some interesting places.

c) there are no guided tours in Cambridge.

d) The University is far from the city.


C. One of the decorations – a complete sphere – from Clare College Bridge:

a) fell into the river.

b) was stolen by tourists.

c) was broken by the students.

d) was removed by the students.


D. Rag Day is:

a) the day when the students have exams.

b) the day when the students collect money.

c) the day when the students of Oxford and Cambridge compete.

d) the day when holidays begin.


E. On top of the Senate house on one of the Rag Days there was:

a) a cart.

b) a cow.

c) a car.

d) a bicycle.


F. “The Senate House Leap” is:

a) a kind of athletic competition between Oxford and Cambridge students.

b) a jump from roof to roof.

c) a jump on the ground not less than 8-9 feet wide.

d) an athletic competition between Cambridge students and professors.





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