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Упражнения. I. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения


I. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения. Определите видо-временную форму и залог сказуемого.



1. Our factory was producing goods for ten years   Наша фабрика выпускала товары в течение десяти лет. was producing – Past Continuous, Active
2. Employees have followed the directions of their chief   Служащие выполнили предписания своего руководителя. have followed – Present Perfect, Active
3. The terms of the contract were explained to us Нам объяснили условия контракта.  



1. The workers are taking orders from the entrepreneur.

2. The company has gone bankrupt.

3. They learned that the debts of firm had caused a lot of problems for people.


1. Everyone who is connected with a business shares in the risks of the business.

2. The profits which were received from a joint venture were not enough to pay for all of the costs.

3. The goods are usually purchased with money.


II. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Определите функции причастий (определение, обстоятельство или часть глагола-сказуемого).


1. The equipment is delivered to the port of loading   Оборудование доставлено в порт. delivered – причастие прошедшего времени; часть глагола-сказуемого
2. The intentions expressed by the parties were not clear   Выраженные сторонами намерения были неясны. Expressed – причастие прошедшего времени, определение
3. Making a contract you must be attentive   Следует быть внимательным, заключая договор. making – причастие настоящего времени, обстоятельство
4. The buyer was bearing all the expenses   Продавец нес все расходы. bearing – причастие настоящего времени, часть глагола-сказуемого
5. The seller delivering goods guarantees the quality   Продавец, поставляющий товары, гарантирует качество. delivering – причастие настоящего времени, определение


1. Professional foreign exchange dealing requires advanced technical equipment.

2. Your executor must prepare a detailed written evaluation of all the various assets comprising your estate.

3. They provided us with a detailed up-to-date report.

4. The reasons for non-payment are remained unanswered.

5. The firm was responsible for the damages resulting from delayed delivery.

6. If the terms causing misunderstanding are harsh or uncustomary courts will refuse to enforce the agreement.


III. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.


1. The administrations of certain enterprises have to indemnify for the damage of the environment Руководство предприятий должно возмещать ущерб за вред, причиненный окружающей среде. have to – эквивалент модального глагола must
2. Everyone can change roubles for dollars at any savings bank Каждый человек может обменять рубли на доллары в любом сберегательном банке. саn – модальный глагол
3. You will be able to draw your money from the aсcount at any time Вы сможете снять свои деньги со счета в любое время. will be able to – эквивалент модального глагола саn
4. They were to apologize for the mistake made in the Bill of Lading. (B/L) Им следовало бы извиниться за ошибку, допущенную в коносаменте. were to – эквивалент модального глагола must
5. Our proposal may be valid only for two days   Наше предложение может быть действительно только в течение двух дней. may – модальный глагол


l. The economic development and technological progress must be compatible with the protection of the environment.

2. They could send the documents by return mail.

3. You were to ship the goods in accordance with the terms of the Letter of Credit.

4. The amount of payment order may remain unpaid within a month.

5. The bank must make out the commercial invoices in the name of the applicant for the credit.

6. The seller has to airmail to the Buyer's address a number of documents.

7. This company wasn't able to guarantee the delivery of the goods.

IV. Прочитайте и переведите следующие тексты:



As defined by the committee on definitions of the American Marketing Association, marketing is «the performance of business activities directed toward and incident to the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user».

Today discovering demand, managing demand, and physically supplying demand constitute the three major divisions of Marketing effort undertaken by many firms. Marketing management approached this status in die 1950's when the General Electric Company enunciated a policy declaring that «marketing begins the consumer». By discovering and filling unmet wants, its marketing program was designed to produce what General Electric could sell because customers had certain unmet wants. Subsequently, having what you could sell instead of trying to «high pressure» customers into buying what you have required provided the use of marketing research and environment «scanning» of conditions affecting business.

The key concept of market selection and product is the Product Life Cycle. It predicts that any product pass through various stages between its life and death (introduction – growth – maturity – decline). So companies can make better marketing decisions if they find out where each of their products stands in its life cycle.

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