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Варіант 2. International trade and resources (2)

International trade and resources (2)


1. It is often suggested that the prime reason a country trades is in order to buy resources that it does not naturally possess. Although there is some truth in this, it often obscures the main motivation. Canada, for instance, is not endowed with a warm and sunny climate throughout the year and is unable to produce bananas commercially. The reason it does not grow bananas is not because it cannot, but because it is cheaper to buy them from countries that possess the necessary resources at lower cost. Most countries, then, can often overcome a resource deficiency by using different methods or other resources, but it does not make sense if this production method results in more expensive products than those obtainable from abroad.

2. Another country has an advantage in producing electronic equipment if it has the right capital, the technical expertise, and a well-educated labour force. It may not, however, be able to compete with other countries in raising sheep. Some countries are well endowed in certain areas while they are impoverished in others. Japan has a well-educated and motivated work force, possesses great technical expertise, and is highly capitalized, yet it is very poorly provided with arable land and possesses very few mineral resources.

3. A country will gravitate to producing in those areas where, because of its own factor endowments, it possesses a cost advantage over other producing countries: Canada produces wheat, lumber, and minerals; Colombia produces coffee; Malaysia produces rubber; Japan produces electronic equipment; and so on. This is no more or less than what Adam Smith proposed when he put forward his theory of absolute advantage. Nations, like firms and individuals, should specialize in producing goods and services in which they have an advantage, and they should trade with other countries for goods and services in which they do not enjoy an advantage. That is the essence of international trade.


I. Знайдіть у тексті та випишіть еквіваленти таких слів та словосполучень:

володіти (мати); досвід (знання, уміння); побороти, закінчуватися, конкурувати; теорія абсолютної переваги; основа (суть); бути позбавленим чогось; прагнути виробництва, електронне обладнання


Найдите в тексте и выпишите эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

владеть (иметь); опыт (знания, умения); преодолеть, привести (к), конкурировать;

теория абсолютного преимущества; основа (суть); быть лишенным чего-либо;

стремиться к производству, электронное оборудование


II. Перекладіть письмово абзац 1.

Переведите письменно абзац 1.


III. Випишіть з тексту речення з модальними дієсловами та перекладіть їх.

Выпишите из текста предложения с модальными глаголами и переведите их.


IV. Поставте 5 запитань до абзацу 3 та запишіть їх.

Поставьте 5 вопросов к абзацу 3 и запишите их.


V. Дайте письмові відповіді на запитання.

Письменно ответьте на вопросы.

1. How can countries overcome a resource deficiency?

2. What is the essence of international trade?


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