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Ход урока. Конспек урока в 8 классе
Конспек урока в 8 классе По теме: “Какой ты читатель? ”. Цель: Развитие навыков монологической речи, развитие навыков аудирования, грамматических навыков.
Задачи: Развивающая. Развивать воображение, логическое и критическое мышление. Воспитательная. Формировать культуру чтения, интерес и любовь учащихся к английской классической литературе.
Тип урока: Обобщающий.
Форма проведения урока: “Урок-путешествие”.
Оборудование и наглядность: · портреты известных английских писателей · аудиозапись · раздаточный материал для групповой работы · выставка книг английской классической литературы
Ход урока. 1. Оргмомент. Приветствие.(2мин) T: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, teachers and friends! Today, you are going to have a very unusual lesson. You will travel to a wonderful land fool of images, exciting adventures, spells, amusements and delights. You will meet different characters from your favorite books, speak about your favorite books and also become writers for a short time. I think that lesson will be interesting and you will enjoy the journey. So, welcome to this fascinating and wonderful land!
A wise man sad, “Life without books is as the tree without lives”. How can we understand this quotation?
P1: I think life without books looks as poor and unhappy as tree without lives. P2: I am sure, that if we don’t have books in our life it will be as boring and gloomy as trees in autumn. P3: When you open a book you go in to another world. Wonderful and sometimes incredible heroes become our friends. Each books acts as magic wend and help us to feel happy and cheerful when we are sad and gloomy. P4: Each book is a magic world fool of knowledge and when you read a book you receive lots of splendid and useful information about unknown things. P5: … T: I agree with you. Books teach to be kind, clever, polite, hardworking, and friendly. Books enrich our experience. What kind of stories do you enjoy most? Let us grow our “Book tree”. (5мин)
(На доске изображен ствол дерева с ветвями, но без листьев. На листьях, которые прикрепляются по мере высказываний, написаны слова, обозначающие литературные жанры).
P1: I am fond of fantasies and one of my favorite books is “The Lord of the rings”. P2: Actually, I am fond of fantasies too, and also I like legends. P3: I am fond of reading historical novels. I am interested in the history of ancient countries and cities. P4: … T: Now, let us have a guessing game. Listen to the beginnings of different kinds of story’s and try to guess what story it is and why you think so.
Tape script. (5мин)
1. It was a dark and foggy night. We drove and drove. At midnight, just as we thought we were lost, we saw a light behind some trees. As we got nearer, we could see a house. We knocked on the heavy wooden door. It opened slowly. A tall man dressed in black stood there. “Good evening, - he sad in a slow deep voice. – I have been expected you.”
2. We were traveling through deep space at the speed of light. Suddenly, the spaceship slow down and immediately the system came in to view. A bright star with twenty or more planets. One of this would be our new home, five light years from our own galaxy.
3. The man lay on the ground next to a white van. There was no doubt. He was dead. I quickly looked in the pockets of his jacket – some money and a theatre ticket with a Chicago phone number writing on it.
T: Children, you can see here many books. Are they familiar to you? Have you read them? P1: Yes, I see the books that I have read: “Alice’s Adventure at Wonderland” and “Gulliver’s Travels”. P2: when I was small my favorite book was “The Prince and the Pauper”. I have read it many times and seen the film. P3: … P4: …
T: During our journey you can meet not only the characters of different books, but also some authors. Do you have your favorite authors? (7мин) P1: Yes, of course. I adore Daniel Defoe, the author of “Robinson Crusoe”. He is one of the best-known writers in England. Defoe wrote many books and pamphlets of all sorts. He narrated adventures in a way that makes them easy to believe. P2: I am impressed by the world’s most famous detective story writer Agatha Christie. She wrote 79 novels and several places. Detective stories attract me because they are true to life. When I grow up I’ll become a detective. P3: … P4: …
T: I hope, friends you really love books and read them properly. It goes without saying, of course, you know a lot of writers books, poems, stories and fairy-tales. Now, let us work in groups. Next competition will help you to get the answer to this question: “Who is who? ” (5мин)
(Раздаются конверты с портретами писателей, в каждом по одному портрету. В каждом конверте лежат отдельные карточки, на которых написаны три имени писателей, три названия наиболее известных детских книг, три наиболее популярных героя, карточка-каркас ответа: 1.The name of the writer is … 2.His most famous books are … 3.Most popular characters of his books are …)
T: Having head your answers we have come to the conclusion that you have big libraries at home or you are regularly readers at our school library. But can you guess while listening to the description what characters is it. You are to listen to some short stories and guess what characters it is. Than prove with the help of card that you are right. (7мин)
(Узнай героя по описанию. Каждая группа вытягивает одно имя персонажа. Предлагается три карточки. Группы прослушивают в записи три текста и определяют, какой из них подходит к их герою, и поднимают карточку с номером 1, 2, 3.)
T: Great, really great! Never head or seen more wonderful. I know children that you are good actors. Now, watch some episodes from books by famous English writers. (3мин)
(Учащиеся представляют отрывки из известных книг английских писателей).
T: I am very pleased with your acting. But I don’t know if you are talented narrators and writers. You like writing and narrating stories, don’t you? Look at the pictures and read the words. Than use them to make up your own story. Can you think of a suitable ending? (7мин)
P1: One day, last summer Paul was working through the forest caring his guitar. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Suddenly, he saw a girl. She waved at him and smile. She said: “Follow me.” Paul followed her to a mysterious house. It had a red door and little windows and a lot of flowers around it. Paul waited outside. Than he knocked at the door. Suddenly, he saw a girl looking out of the window. She asked him to sing her a song. Paul obeyed the strange request. In the meantime the girl disappeared. That’s why Paul felt lonely and frightened. However he decided to go into the house. Downstairs found a dungeon. A girl was sitting there. Paul saw a key hanging in the air. He tried to catch it but it was not easy and he didn’t succeed. At last Paul caught it and opened the dungeon. But in fact he didn’t find the girl here. He found a white pigeon.
P1: … P2: …
(Проходит обсуждение и выбор лучшего и самого интересного рассказа). (1мин)
T: Now, listen to the original story. Is it similar to your story?
Итоги урока: (1мин)
T: I think that you work hard at the lesson, so I shall give you …
Домашнее задание. (1мин) Рефлексия. (1мин)