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The First Modern Economists (The Mercantilists and The Physiocrafts).

I (read) a book.

1. right now;

2. two days ago;

3. before you took it from me yesterday;

4. for an hour;

5. as a rule

Задание 2. Не переводя всего предложения, употребите английский глагол в нужной форме:

1.Она регулярно посещает все семинары .(attend) 2. Студенты уже напишут работу завтра до 12 часов.(write) 3. Лаборант сейчас занят, он проводит эксперимент в химической лаборатории. (make) 4. Его студентка-сокурсница будет готовиться к зачёту по химии в течение 2 часов завтра. (prepare) 5. Р абочие справились с заданием вчера. (cope)


Задание 3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, начиная словами в скобках:

1. Usually classes include lectures, seminars and labs. (What) 2. The old building of the Institute occupied 3 storeys. (How many) 3. First-year students had been translating the English text for half an hour last Friday. (How long) 4. There are compulsory and optional subjects in the curriculum of their studies. (Where) 5. She was in Sochi two years ago. (When)

Задание 4. Задайте разделительные вопросы:

1. Students of our Institute are not proud of their library. 2. My friend’s mother heads the research laboratory at the plant. 3. The laboratory has coped with the development of a new alloy lately. 4. There is an acid in the test-tube. 5. A student will cope with all the fundamentals.

Задание 5. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему:

1. The Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys graduates get jobs in any part of our country. 2. I am very interested in meeting Prof. Green. 3. Oxygen is necessary for plants and people. 4. We shall equip the experiment next week. 5. My friend and I are preparing for a seminar in History now.


Задание 6. Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме:

1. She speaks several foreign languages very well. 2. The lesson will be over at 9 o’clock. 3. My fellow-student is very quick in learning foreign languages. 4. Scientists wrote many books about love. 5. She will get excellent marks in all the subjects at her final exams.


Задание 7. Переведите текст в письменной форме:

The First Modern Economists (The Mercantilists and The Physiocrafts).

Between the 16th and 18th centuries, the major countries of Europe believed in the economic theory of mercantilism. Mercantilists argued that nations should behave as if they were merchants competing with one another for profit. Accordingly, governments should support industry by enacting laws designed to keep labour and other production costs low, and exports high. In this way the nation could achieve a favourable balance of trade. Favourable balance of trade described a situation in which exports exceeded imports. The excess, which was like profits to a merchant, would result in an increase in the nation’s supply of gold or silver. And the true measure of a nation’s wealth was its hoard of gold and silver. To achieve favourable trade balances, the major European powers sought to acquire colonies. Colonies were thought to provide the “mother country” with cheap labour, raw materials and a market for its manufactured goods. In an effort to attain these goals in their American colonies, the British, for example, enacted the Navigation Acts. The Navigation Acts protected British industry by prohibiting the colonies from producing certain goods like hats, woolen products and wrought iron. The laws also listed certain “enumerated articles” which could not be sold to buyers in countries other than England. Resentment towards the Navigation Acts was so great that they are regarded as one of the principal causes of the Revolutionary War.

Today there are people who still argue that our coin should promote a favourable balance of trade, that federal government should do what it can to restrict imports and promote exports. For that reason they are considered as neo-mercantilists or “new” mercantilists.

The physiocrats, a group of 18th - century French philosophers, argued that the products of agriculture and other natural resources were the true source of wealth. Since they were God-given, it made little sense for government to help business and industry increase profits. This idea was expressed in the slogan “laissez-faire” (let people do as they choose).

Interestingly, the 200-year- old argument between the favouring regulation the economy and those supporting ”laissez-faire” letting natural economic forces take their course is still with us.

Задание 8. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What is economic theory of mercantilism? 2. How did they try to achieve favourable trade balance? 3. Why did the British enact the Navigation Acts? 4. What were the main ideas of physiocrats? 5. What idea did the slogan ”laissez-faire” express?




Задание контрольной работы №1


Вариант № 7

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the capitol famous for?

2. Why is the thistle a national emblem of Scotland?


<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Упрощенная система налогообложения | II. Требования к территории и размещению лагеря с дневным пребыванием детей в период каникул
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