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Check the words.


Azure ['x Z q] the blue colour in coat of arms or [L] the gold or yellow in coat of arms


Rampant-standing on the hind [haind] legs.


Use the words from the box to complete the sentences.

flag or anthem trident national


1. __________ js gold or yellow tincture.

2. __________ was the symbol of authority.

3. The song with the patriotic text was officially adopted as the ________ of the Ukrainian State.

4. The _______ became a symbol of all-Ukrainian unity.

5. The composition of the ________ colours Was decreed by law.


Are the sentences true or false

True - V False - X Don't know -?

1. Yellow was the most frequent colour of the Ukrainian banners.

2. Ancient Ukrainian rulers had different banners.

3. The Ukrainian Cossacks had crimson banners.

4. The trident was superseded in the eleventh century.

5. Pavlo Chubynskyi wrote " Ukraine Hal Not Yet Perished in 1883.


Answer the questions.


1. What are the National emblems of Ukraine? -

2. What was the trident?

3. What was the most frequent colour of Ukrainian banners?

4. When was the light blue above yellow flag adopted?

5. When was the anthem of the Ukrainian State officially adopted?

3. Be ready with the project “The National Emblems of Ukraine”


A) Study the following words and word combinations on the topic

the everlasting dream — довгождана мрія

the masters of their own destiny — хазяїн власної долі

a single-chamber national Parliament — однопалатний національний пар­ламент

executive authority — ви­конавча влада

legislative authority — за­конодавча влада

to nominate — виставляти, пропонувати кан­дидата, призначати (на посаду)

approval — схвалення; розгляд; сприйнятливі думки

to combine efforts — поєднати зусилля

a wealth of — надмір, велика кількість

to tend — скерову­ватися, мати схильність, провадити

key challenge — ключовий виклик

establishment — встановлення

B) Do the following activities to study the words on the topic better


1) legislative branch а) Верховний Суд

2) executive branch b) загальні вибори

3) judiciary branch c) гарантії

4) commander-in-chief d) законодавча влада

5) Supreme Court e) законотворчий орган

6) Supreme Council f) головнок6мандувач

7) general election g) Палата Представників

8) guarantees h) законопроект

9) voters і) Верховна Рада

10) lawmaking body j) виконавча влада

11) bills к) судова влада

12) House of Representatives l)виборці



Decide which is the odd word in each group and explain why. Bear in mind that more that one answer may be possible.


1) legislative democratic judiciary executive

2) court law bills judge

3) senator voter representative member of parliament

4) Conservative Labour Democratic Liberal



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