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Land of diversity

What is population of Canada?

Is Canada a rich country?

Are Canadians a bilingual nation?

O Canada! Where pines and maples grow, From east to western sea

Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow, Thou land of hope, for all who toil!

How dear to us thy broad domain, The true North, strong and free!

Canada /Indian " kanata" - a village/ is a magnificent land. It has an area of nearly 10, 000, 000 square kilometers and population about 28 million; 550, 000 Indians, and 36, 000 limits. 23% of population live in rural areas. The majority of the Indians live in 2, 200 reservations. Canada has two official languages: English /69%/, and French /24%/. 6% of Canadians speak Italian, Chinese, German and Portuguese.

Within its borders lies a diversity of life, landscape and climate that few countries can rival. Bor­dered on three sides by oceans, Canada possesses a variety of terrain, from rainforests to nearly deserts. Its mountains range from the peaks of the western Cordillera to the peaks of the Laurentians. Canada has 7 land regions. The Canadian Shield, the Hudson Bay -Arctic Lowlands, Arctic islands, the Appalachian, the Great Lakes lowland, the Western Interior and the Western Cordilleras.

The Canadian Shield is the heart of North America and geographic foundation of Canada. It cov­ers 48 % of the country. Some of the world's oldest rock - over 3 500 000 000 years old- is found here. It is called the storehouse of Canada's metallic minerals.

The Hudson Bay-Arctic Lowlands are covered by swampy forests. The harsh climate doesn't permit farming here but the animals and minerals of the region are important resources

The Appalachians stretch from the state of Georgia of the Southern U.S. to Newfoundland in the north. They are the oldest Highland region in Canada.

The Great Lakes lowland lies south of the Canadian Shield. It was formed during Paleozoic era. It includes the Great Lakes section.

The Western Cordillera stands along the western edge of Canada like a great wall. It is famous for beautiful glaciers. The Rocky Mountains are on the eastern side of the Cordillera. The highest peak in the Canadian Rockies is Mount Robson /3, 954 ml.

Canada is a northern country, but its climate varies dramatically. Winters can be long and cold, summers often scorching. Ocean currents moderate these extremes - the southwest coast of British Colum­bia is labeled Canada's “banana belt". Two thirds of Canada has harsh winters /in the far north -40C, in the south -18C, at St. John's, Newfoundland -4C, in Victoria +4C/. Northern and Western Canada are cool in summer. A July temperature is +9C, +16C in Victoria. The interior has a continental climate. Southeastern Canada has a humid climate. Heavy snow covers eastern Canada in winter.

From the land comes a variety of riches. Forests are the basis of a lumber industries. The Prairie Provinces provide wheat and other crops. A bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables is reaped from fertile farming districts across the country. Canada is rich in petroleum, natural gas and minerals: its riches still uncounted. Canada is one of the teaming producers of nickel and zinc, silver, asbestos, uranium, molybde­num, potash and platinum.

Canada's water resources are remarkable. Its lakes account for one half of the world's fresh water. River systems provide hydroelectric power for domestic use and export.

The astonishing natural beauty attracts visitors from around the world. The people of Canada its greatest resource. A mixture of nationalities and races, its population has often been termed a " mosaic" Native people, Indian and Inuit, French and English are joined by immigrants from every corner of globe. It is officially bilingual nation.


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