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Australian ways

What is " G' Day"?

Do you like " pav"?

Did you dine in the BYO restaurant?

General attitudes. Australia is a clean country. There is a stiff fine for littering. Australians are friendly and easygoing. Many people frequent local pubs. Being prompt is important. When con­versing, Australians often gesture. Australians are outgoing and relaxed i n public. They express feeling openly.

Greetings. Australians greet friends with G'Day /Good day/ and a warm handshake. Close female friends may hug and kiss on the right cheek. Mere formal greeting is Hello, how are you? People prefer to use first names. From a distance, a wave is a greeting. For passerby greetings Australians may nod their head up and to the right.

Gesture. There are strong rules of basic etiquette in Australia. Winking at women is considered inappropriate. Forming a " V" with the index and the middle fingers, palm facing in, is vulgar /Americans use this to express the number 2./ Pointing at someone with the index finger is impolite. One points with an open hand.

Visiting. Australians enjoy inviting others to dinner. One popular reason for getting together is the barbecue. When invited by friends, people offer to bring something to the meal. The hosts can accept or decline the offer. Hosts greet guests warmly at the door. Guests often bring flowers or a bottle of wine. After dinner, the company " goes out" /dance or sports club, or movie/. Parties and card games are also popular.

Eating. The food in Australia is a result of a great diversity of cultures. Australians eat in the continental style: the fork is in the left and the knife is in the right hand. In a private home, guests don't serve themselves but receive a plate already served. Water is not served unless asked for. Beef is the most popular meat. Australians prefer plain, not spicy meal. Crocodile Bread is a bread with bacon, green peppers and cheese and looks like crocodile when it is made. Sausage Rolls soup is rather popular. Tea is a favourite hot drink in Australia. Coffee comes second. Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink. A favourite dessert was created by Western Australian chef Bert Sachse in honour of ballerina Аnnа Pavlova who visited Australia in 1926. The pavlova s hell or " pav", rich with whipped cream and ice-cream, is a wonderful dessert which should appeal to anyone with a sweet tooth. Placing utensils on the plate to­gether indicates one is finished. The bill is paid at tie register after the meal. Tipping is not necessary. One distinctive of restaurant in Australia is the BYO -Bring Your Own. The BYO restaurant allows you to bring your own bottle of wine, and the waiter will open it and serve it to you. BYO restaurants are smaller and less expensive. Tables are neat and clean, but basic. BYG places are most popular in Melbourne and Sydney. Chinese restaurants are common through Australia.

Daffodil Daу. On September 1, people buy a bunch of daffodils for cancer sufferers. All proceeds from sales that day go towards cancer rersearch.

Family. The Average family has 2 or 3 children." Society" is family orientated. There are numbers of single-parent homes. Women comprise 38% of the workforce. They are equal to men. Teenagers' are, rather independent. Home is valued highly and is a part of the Australian Dream. Despite high interest rates on home loans, 70% of Aus­tralians have their own homes.

Dating and Marriage. Dating usually begins by age 15. Going to movies, dancing and socializing are the most popular activities. The average age for a woman to marry is 23 arid 25 for men. Church weddings are still com­mon. Australians send flower for wedding.

Recreation. Australians of all ages enjoy football, soccer, rugby, cricket, basketball, cycling, bush walking /hiking/, tennis, lawn bowling, and swimming. Horse racing and golf are also popular. The Melbourne Cup horse race is a nationally televised event. Netball, a game similar to basketball and played by girls, is popular all over the coun­try. Fishing is the most popular.

Holidays. Australian's holidays are New Year's Day, Australia Day /26 January/, it commemorates the arri­val of the first European settlers to Australia; Good Friday, Easter, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, or Veterans Memorial Day, /25 April/, Queen Elizabeth's Birthday /second Monday in June, Christmas, and Boxing Day /26 December/. Labour Day, bank holidays vary from state to state. There are ethnic festivals and local holidays in Australia. Commerce. Most Australians work 38 to 40 hours a week. Workers receive 4 weeks of paid vacations each year. Busi­nesses are open Monday through Friday from 8: 30 a.m. to 5: 30 p.m., and from 9: 00 a.m. to noon on Saturday. One evening a week, usually Thursday, shops stay open until 9: 00 p.m. some shops are open on Sunday.


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