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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

I. Перепишите слова и выражения в свой спортивный словарь, напишите их транскрипцию, пользуясь англо-русским словарем, и выучите ИХ.


alpine skiing горнолыжный спорт
all round sportsman всесторонний спортсмен
amateur любитель, любительский
cycling велосипедный спорт
cyclist велосипедист
discus-throwing метание диска
biathlon биатлон
bobsleigh бобслей
decathlon десятиборье
freestyle wrestling вольная борьба
rule правило
horse racing конные состязания
grass hockey хоккей на траве
academic rowing академическая гребля
shooting стрельба
slalom слалом
javelin throwing метание копья
referee судья
judge судья
to walk заниматься спортивной ходьбой
walking спортивная ходьба
walker спортсмен, занимающийся спортивной ходьбой
triple jumping тройной прыжок
to pole vault прыгать с шестом
pole voulting прыжки с шестом
pole voulter прыгун с шестом
to throw discus метать диск
discus thrower метатель диска
to throw hammer метать молот
hammer thrower hammer throwing метатель молота метание молота
to throw javelin метать копье
javelin thrower метатель копья
to put a shot толкать ядро
shot-putting shot-putter толкание ядра толкатель ядра
triple jumper прыгун в тройном прыжке




The world’s greatest international competitions are known as the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are held once every four years in one of the member-countries of the International Olympic Co­mmittee. The world's best amateur sportsmen are allowed to par­ticipate in them (professionals are prohibited).

They take part in summer and winter events. The summer events are: track-and-field, basketball, boxing, cycling, horse racing, fencing, grass hockey, modern pentathlon, academic rowing (sculling), football (soccer), sharp shooting, water sports (swimming, water polo, diving), weight-lifting, wrestling, boat sailing (yachting), gymnastics. The winter events are: hockey, skiing (slalom, downhill run, ski jumping, Alpine skiing, biathlon), skating(speed), figure-skating, bobsleigh, tobogganing.

The Olympic Games began in 776 B.C. in Olympia, Greece. They were for men only. At that time the participants took part in running 183 and 4, 500 meters, discus-throwing, javelin-throwing, first fighting, long jump, wrest­ling, horse racing, chariot racing. The rules were very strict. Winners were called " olympionics". In 394 A.D. the Roman emperor Theodosius prohibited them. About 300 games were held till that time. The honour of being the principle initiator and organizer of the modern Olympics goes to Pierre de Сoubertin, the French historian, pedagogue and writer. In 1894 the International Cong­ress of Amateur sportsmen made a decision to revive the Olympic Games, an international festival of sport, and to establish the International Olympic Committee. The first Committee consisted of 12 member-countries (including Russia).

The first General Secretary was Pierre de Coubertin. Now the programme of the Olympic Games is quite different, but the aim is the same. The opening ceremony is celebrated by lighting a flame called the " Olympic Flame", this flame is brought from Olympia. The winners get gold, silver and bronze medals. Nowadays, winter sports occupy as strong a position as summer sports. In 1924 the first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix (France). Since then they have been held regularly.

The Olympic motto is Сitius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger). And new generations of sportsmen are competing trying to storm existing records.


B.C.- до нашей эры

A.D. - нашей эры

Olympic motto - олимпийский девиз

to light a flame - зажигать огонь

nowadays - сейчас, в наши дни

fist fighting - кулачный бой

chariot racing - гонки на колесницах


The first Russian Olympic champion

The first Russian Olympic champion was Nikolai Kolomenkin (his sporting pseudonym was N.Panin). At the Games of the 4th Olympiad in London in 1908 he won the gold medal in a typically winter kind of sport which was included in the program of the Summer Games, figure-skating. Panin's victory was no accident. Skating as a sport, including figure-skating, appeared in Russia in the middle of the last century. The very first decades of its existence showed the high level of Russian speed- and figure-skaters. For three years running (1887, 1888 and 1889) Alexander Panshin from St.Petersburg won the Austrian Speed-Skating Open Championships, and in 1888 he also won the first place at the International Competition in Amsterdam. The figure-skater Alexei Lebedev got the first prize in the contest of the top European and American skaters in St.Petersburg in 1890. In fact this contest was an unoffi­cial world championship.

In February 1908 just before the Games of the 4th Olym­piad it was decided to hold international figure-skating competitions in St.Petersburg for A.Panshin prize. These compe­titions attracted particular attention because the seven-time world champion Ulrich Salchow, the national pride of Sweden, was taking part in them. In addition to the famous Swede five other skaters were competing, three of them Russi­ans - N.Panin, K.Ollo and F.Datlin, Salchow was very confi­dent. Many people in St.Petersburg considered him to be much above the other competitors. He performed and then sat down calmly to watch. Then something quite unexpected happened.

The young figure-skater and a member of the St.Petersburg Ama­teur Speed-Skating Society Nikolai Panin, astounded every­body with his mastery and elegant performance.

Only in the free skating did Salchow manage to pull himself together and win the first place, but this did not save him from an overall defeat. The cup was won by the Russian sports­man Nikolai Panin.

This brilliant feat of the Russian athlete was by no means his only one. Panin left a great mark in the history of sport. He was an all-round sportsman, who played tennis and football magnificently and was a first-class rower and yachtsman. But his finest successes were in figure-skating and shooting. He was a five-time Russian figure-skating champion, twelve time pistol-shooting champion and eleven time service revolver shooting champion. The first Russian Olympic champion had a long sporting life.


...considered him to be way above the other competitors - считали, что он на много опередит других спортсменов

elegant execution of the special figures - изящным исполнением. обязательных элементов

...did Salchow manage to pull himself together - Салычев смог собраться

...this did not save him from overall defeat - это не спасло его от полного поражения

...years running - летподряд



The Winter Games are " younger" than the Summer Olympics; winter sportsmen have been holding “their own” Games only since 1924 (Chamonix, France). There were 300 competitors in Chamonix of whom 102 were skiers.

The modern Winter Olympic Games include bobsleigh, lugening,

biathlon, skiing, speed-skating, figure-skating and ice-hockey. In 1970 the IOC passed a decision which stated that a winter sport may be considered Olympic if it is extensively practiced on two continents in no less than 25 countries for men or 20 countries for women. The Winter Olympic Games are held in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Olympic Games and the Technical Regulations of the International Federations. The 7th Winter Olympic Games (1956, Cortina d'Am­pezzo, Italy) were among the most significant in the history of the Winter Games. It was the first time that Russian team participated in the Winter Games, and it included 55 athletes. They took part in all events except bobsleigh and figure-ska­ting, winning the competitions in speed-skating and ice-hockey. At these Games, our team totaled 7 gold, 3 silver and 6 bronze medals. The first Winter Olympic gold of our country`s ath­letes was won by Lyubov Kozyreva (Baranova by marriage). This 26-year-old skier from Leningrad added the title of the Olympic Champion in the 10 km race to her world champion title. At the 7th Winter Olympic Games she lived up to her reputation as the " skiing queen" and " ran away" from her team-mate Radya Yeroshina and Sonja Edstrom from Sweden. The 8th Winter Games were held in 1960, in Squaw Valley, USA the 9th - in 1964, in Inns­bruck, Austria; the 10th - in 1968, in Grenoble, France; the 11th - in 1972, in Sapporo, Japan. Innsbruck, Austria in 1976 saw the 12th Winter Games. Lake Placid, USA, in 1980 - the 13th Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, in 1984 - the 14th: Calgary, Canada, in 1988 - the 15th; Lillehammer, Norway, in 1992 saw the 16th Olympic Winter Games.


lugening - санный спорт

to pass a decision - принять решение

in accordance with - в соответствии с

regulations - устав» инструкция

to live up to - быть достойным чего-либо

" ranaway" – опередил



Track-and-field athletics is popular all over the world. Its history goes as far back as the ancient Greek Olympic Games in the 13th century B.C. Ancient Olympic Games included mostly athletic events. Athletics is not only the oldest, but also the most popular sport. Many people all over the world practice run­ning or jumping because other sports assume that sportsmen must be fast and strong. As modern sports athletics began to develop in the middle of the 19th century. The first regular athletics competitions began in 1850. In the beginning running races were held on open fields. Later stadiums appeared where sports­men could train and compete.

Athletics was in the programme of the first Olympic Games. The International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) was formed in 1912. There were 17 member-countries in it. Since 1913 it has listed as official records the best amateur athletics performan­ces all over the world.

The first Russian athletics club was organized in 1888 in Petersburg. The first athletics championship in Russia was held in 1908. Four years later Russian athletes took part in the Olympic Games, but nobody won. Russian athletes began to partici­pate in international competitions in 1946. Since that time there had been no competitions where our sportsmen did not win gold me­dals. Athletics competitions are held at stadiums. That is why it is sometimes called " track-and-field". Athletics is divided into three main parts: running and walking, jumping, throwing. Both running and walking races are contested on the track. There are four kinds of jumping: high jumping, long jumping, triple jumping and pole vaulting. The throwing events are: discus thro­wing, hammer throwing and shot-putting.

In athletics there are combined events called decathlon and pentathlon. Decathlon is the most difficult of Olympic track-and-field events.

Athletics is justly called the " Queen of Sports".


B.C. (before Christ) - до нашей эры

assume - предполагать

both…..and - и…..и

combined events – многоборье



Almost every boy played football or watched a football match. This game is one of the most popular among other games more than a hundred years. The game is not new. In old Japan and China a game like football was very popular.

Two thousand years later in Greece a football-like game was popular among boys and girls. Besides players there was a referee. When ancient Romans conquered Greece, they used dif­ferent Greek achievements in engineering, arts and sports. The foot-and-ball game was played all over the Roman Empire, which occupied most of Europe including England.

The history of modern football began at the end of the 19th century. At that time the football rules allowed to play both by feet and hands. In 1863 the Football Association was formed. The football referees appeared only in 1878. They signaled with a bell which later was changed for a whistle. The first goal nets were first seen in 1891 when sportsmen from Liverpool used them so that the ball would not fly out of the pitch. In the same year the 11-metre penalty kick was also introduced. The numbers on the players shirts appeared only in 1939. Football was played not only in England. The first international match between the teams of England and Scotland was held in 1872. The International Football Federation (FIFA) was formed in 1904 in Paris, France. England joined it only two years later, though English players had been the best in Europe then.

The Federation decided to hold the football world cham­pionships in 1906, but there was no country wishing to send its national football team. That is why world football championships began only in 1930. Olympic championships began earlier in 1908. Such was the beginning of the era of football - the most popular game all over the world.

Football was brought to Russia, by the English brothers Charnock in 1887 when they formed a football team at their cotton factory in Orekhovo-Suyevo. In our country first foot­ball teams appeared in 1897 in Petersburg. Russia sent a team to the Olympic tournament of 1912, where it lost 2-1 in the first round to Finland because it was not well trained. The team consisted of players from Moscow and Petersburg who met for the first time on their way to Stockholm.

Football is now played everywhere in our country.


Japan - Япония

China - Китай

the foot-and-ball game - игра, в которую играли ногами и мячом

theRomanEmpire- Римская империя

11-metre penalty kick - 11-метровый штрафной удар



Wrestling is one of the oldest sports. It was included in the Olympic Games in 704 B.C. Rules were simple then.

We know the most famous wrestler of ancient Greece, Milo of Croton who won the title of the Olympic champion five times. His training was remarkable. Every day he carried a calf on his shoulders till it grew into an ox. This increased Milo's strength so that he did not lose a single bout.

Greece was the native land of Greco-Roman or classic wrest­ling. This style with small changes has survived till our time. It was very popular in the beginning of the 20th century. At that time professional wrestlers contested in circuses. Who hasn`t heard of Ivan Poddubny or Ivan Zalkin? These outstanding wrestlers won a lot of victories in Russia and abroad.

In 1896 Greco-Roman wrestling was included in the programme of the first modern Olympics. World championships have been held since 1904, European championships since 1898 and the World Cup was first contested in 1956.

In many countries there were national kinds of wrestling which usually had little restrictions. Wrestlers had more free­dom in their actions. Later national styles were transformed into one international freestyle wrestling. In its modern form it is the most popular kind of wrestling.

In 1904 freestyle wrestling was included in the Olympic programme. The European title has been contested since 1929, and the world title since 1951. The International Amateur Wrestling Federation (FILA) was established in 1912. Russian sportsmen joi­ned FILA in 1947.

Sambo is a kind of wrestling made up of national types of wrestling popular among the peoples ofour country. The word " sambo" is an abbreviation of three Russian words " self de­fence without arms". The development of sambo is often associated with the name of Anatoly Kharlampiev. The first European cham­pionship was held in 1972, the first world championship in 1973 and the World Cup competitions in 1977.


B.C. (before Christ) - до нашей эры

Greece - Греция

Milo of Croton - Милон Кротонский

bout - схватка


функции инфинитива в предложении; перевод инфинитива на русский язык; функции глаголов “should”, “would”; образование и употребление всех временных форм глагола в действительном и страдательном залоге.



Artamonov is known to be not only a talented inventor hut also a brilliant racing man, a fqmous cyclist. This sportsman is expected to show good results. He is said to be the best forward. We were shown the cup to be handed to the winner of the championship.


Were this famous sportsman in Moscow now, he would be able to take part in this competition. The third-year student said that they would take their examination in English next week. A good sportsman should be capable of great endurance.


They have never been to London. He has already finished his experiment. I had already bought a present for my mother when I met him. When you invite them, they will have seen the exhibition. I have received a very interesting letter today. We shall have translated this article by seven o`clock. The pupils have read two English books this month. I had received a telegram before he came. He has got a ticket to the theatre. I had already had dinner when you rang me up. I have been to the Tretyakov Gallery several times.




What are the Olympic Games? - The Olympic Games are the world's greatest international games. How often are the Olympic Games held? - The Olympic Games are held once every for years. What are the summer Olympic events? - The summer Olympic events are track-and-field, basketball, cycling, fencing, football and many others. What are the winter Olympic events? - The winter Olympic events are hockey, skiing, skating, figure-skating and others. When did the Olympic Games begin? - The Olympic Games began in 776 B.C. What is Pierre de Coubertin? - Pierre de Coubertin is the organizer of the modern Olympics. What is the Olympic motto? - The Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger). Do Russian sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games? - Yes, they do. Russian sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games. When did our athletes make their debut in the Olympic Games? – Our athletes made their debut in the Olympic Games in 1952.


What kind of sport do you go in for? - I go in for track-and-field. What degree do you have? - I have the first degree. Where do you train? - We train in sport halls. How much training do you have every week? - I have 3 trainings a week. Do you take part in competitions? - Yes, I do. I take part in competitions. What competitions do you take part in? - I take part in regional competitions. When did you begin to go in for sport? - I began to go in for sport in 1989. What is your favorite kind of sport? - My favorite kind of sport is football. Do you do your morning exercises? - Yes, I do. I do my morning exercises. What is your future specialty? - My future specialty is a coach (a PT instructor). Who is your favorite sportsman? - My favorite sportsman is Saneev. Can you swim (skate)? - Yes, I can. 1 can swim (skate). Are you a soccer fan? - Yes, I am. I am a soccer fan. Do you like sport? - Yes, I do. I like sport.



Борисова Людмила Петровна

Дашдамирова Ирина Валерьевна



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