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Culture Learning Questions

1 Are you indifferent to any unpleasant situations and what are they?

2 How do you usually show indifference?

3 In your culture, do people show indifference tactfully?

4 In your opinion, is it possible to be both polite and show indifference? If so, how? If not, why not?

Cultural Note

Indifference to something one is told may be expressed politely as follows:

(Oh,) really?

Is it / she / he / there really? formal or informal;

Are you / they/ there (really)? said in a flat uninterested voice

Did you /it /he, etc. (really)? Is that so? – formal, semi-formal

I am afraid… –informal, semi-formal

The following forms express indifference more explicitly and should only be used to people whom one knows well, or when the situation justifies a more direct approach.

It doesn’t matter (to me). So what? Who cares?

What does it matter? I don’t (really) care (when / where, etc.)…

It makes no difference (to me). What difference does it make?

I couldn’t care less. very strong; possibly rude

I don’t give a damn.

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