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TASK 50. Answer the questions given below using the for-to-infinitive construction. Make use of the prompts in the brackets. Follow the example.
Example. Why did you leave a note on the fridge? (Mum) I left it for Mum to know where I am. 1. Why did you put the key under the doormat? (room-mate / to find) 2. Why are you telling the boys all that has happened? (truth / to know) 3. Where shall we go in the summer? (you / to decide) 4. Why is Bella standing in the hall? (to wait / telephone / to ring) 5. Why are you writing it in your business diary? (I / to forget) 6. Why is mum still in the kitchen? (to wait / kettle / to boil) 7. Mum, will I go to school tomorrow? (doctor / to decide) 8. Why are you boiling the water? (granny / to make tea) 9. When does our train leave? (Dan / to find out) 10. Why have you bought this armchair? (granny / to feel/ comfortable) 11. Why do you want a TV in the kitchen? (to watch / to cook) 12. Why don’t you want to give me any advice? (you / to choose) 13. Why don’t you want to go for a swim? (wait / wind / to drop) 14. Why are you going shopping today? (to be free / tomorrow) 15. Why do you call your mother every evening? (to be sure / all right)
TASK 51. Translate the sentences below into Englishusing the for-to-infinitive construction.
Subjective WITH THE Infinitive Construction = Complex Subject = (THE INFINITIVE AS PART OF A COMPOUND VERBAL PREDICATE OF DOUBLE ORIENTATION) This construction consists of two parts. The first part is a finite verb which denotes the attitude of the speaker to the content of the sentence, e.g. Philip seemed to understand everything I said. = It seemed to me that Philip understood everything I said. = Казалось, Филипп понял все, что я сказал. / Здавалося, Пилип зрозумів усе, що я сказав. The second part of the predicate denotes the action which is, was or will be performed by the person or thing expressed by the subject, e.g. The weather appeared to have changed. = It appeared to the speaker that the weather had changed. = Казалось, погода изменилась. / Здавалося, погода змінилася. Here is the double orientation to the action which is regarded from two points of view: a) from the point of view of the speaker; b) from the point of view of the subject of the sentence. Complex Subject is a dependent structure and is used only after certain groups of verbs. Group 1. Verbsof seeming or chancing with the general meaning of evaluation
After these verbs, all forms of infinitive can be used. This structure consists of:
a nominal element + an active notional verb + any form of ‘to infinitive’ Note: a nominal element = a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case · Petra’s illness seemed to have made her eyes larger. = Казалось, из-за болезни глаза у Петры стали больше. / Здавалося, через хворобу очі в Петри стали більшими. · Ben appeared to have forgotten about his promise. = Бен, казалось, забыл о своем обещании. / Бен, здавалося, забув про свою обіцянку. · My advice happened to be timely. = Случилось так, что мой совет оказался своевременным. / Трапилося так, що моя порада виявилася своєчасною. · To my great surprise, Philip turned out to live in the next street. = К моему великому удивлению оказалось, что Филипп живет на соседней улице. / До мого великого подиву виявилося, що Пилип живе на сусідній вулиці. · Who could have thought that Mike would prove to be such a reliable friend? = Кто бы мог подумать, что Майк окажется таким надежным другом? / Хто б міг подумати, що Майк виявиться таким надійним другом? · The policeman chanced to be passing the house when he heard the shot. – Случилось так, что этот полицейский как раз проходил возле дома, когда он услышал выстрел. / Трапилося так, що цей поліцейський саме проходив біля будинку, коли він почув постріл.