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Works cited ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
1. Danilova N.A. Climate and recreation in our country – Moscow.: «Mysl», 1980. – 154 p. 2. Informational project on tourism [Electronic resource]. – URL: // https://www.kukiani.ru/index.php? page=content& subpage=s& r=9& p=28& s=103 3. Mitin I.I. Tourist myths and complex characteristics of the territory in humanitarian geography // Tourism and cultural heritage: collection of researches. Issue 3. – Saratov: Nauchnaja kniga, 2006. 4. Theoretical foundations of recreational geography / ed. V.S. Preobrazhensky. –М.: Nauka, 1975. - 224 p. Sample of drawing organization:
Drawing 1 – Physiographic map of Western Siberia [1]
Sample of table organization:
Table 2 – Средние месячные температуры воздуха на ст. Салехард за периоды с 1936 по 1970 гг., с 1971 по 2000 гг., с 2001 по 2012 гг. и разница между ними.
Application form For participation In 15th theoretical and practical conference Opportunities for development of tourism of Siberian region and neighboring areas Tomsk, Russia
1. Full name: Place of employment (study) Name of the organization Name of the department (faculty, major): 3. Position: Academic degree: Academic title: Year of the course (for students): 4. Phone number: Fax: 5. Address for delivery (with code): 6. E-mail: 7. Type of the conference session: Presentation only publication 8. Presentation topic: Accommodation For booking a hotel room you should apply to the organizing committee beforehand