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Scaglia Changes His Tune


Even as Nancy felt Hannah’s pulse and found it strong and steady, the housekeeper groaned and moved her head.

Nancy rushed into the kitchen and held a tea towel under the cold water tap, then wrung it out and rushed back to put it on Hannah’s forehead. The woman’s eyes fluttered open.

“Oh, Hannah, are you all right? No, don’t move just yet.” She said. “Tell me what happened.”

“Nancy, I just went out in the garden to pick some tomatoes. And then, soon after I came back in the house, I heard a noise in the living room.”

“Who was it? ” Nancy asked, helping the housekeeper sit up. “An intruder? ”

“Yes! As I came through the hall, a man rushed out of the living room. He bumped into me so hard he knocked me over! I guess I must have hit my head when I fell.” Hannah gingerly felt the sore spot with her hand.

“Do you feel well enough to get up now? ”

“Yes, of course, dear.”

Nancy helped her to her feet and with one arm around the housekeeper’s waist guided her gently to the blue brocaded sofa in the living room. “Now, you lie down here, Hannah, and if you can, tell me exactly what the man looked like.”

“I’ll never forget him! ” Mrs. Gruen shuddered slightly as she settled herself on the sofa. “He was powerfully built and had a crooked nose, and one eyelid sort of drooped.”

The squint-eyed thief from the River Heights Country Club! But how did he get into the house, and what was he looking for?

Nancy decided it was time to seek help from the police. She had already waited too long, it seemed, considering what had just happened to Hannah. She went to the phone and called Police Chief McGinnis. After reporting the whole story, beginning with her own clash with the crook, she added, “In light of his telephone threat, I feel this may be getting serious, Chief.”

“You bet it’s serious, when innocent citizens are attacked in their homes! ” McGinnis growled. “I’ll be there myself in ten minutes.”

While she was waiting, Nancy went to the desk and sat down with pencil and paper to try and sketch the squint-eyed intruder. Being talented artist, trained in life drawing, she soon achieved a good likeness.

“That’s the man, Nancy! ” Hannah exclaimed when she saw the drawing. “that’s exactly how he looked! ”

When Chief McGinnis arrived with two officers from the burglary squad, he also was highly approving. “This sketch will be a big help, Nancy. With this and his height and weight, we should have a good chance of identifying him. My men here will look for fingerprints or any other clues. Anything missing, by the way? ”

“We haven’t checked yet, ” said Nancy. “But it doesn’t look as though he disturbed anything downstairs.”

“We’ll look around, ” McGinnis said comfortingly. “And perhaps you’ll come with us. I’m sure your sharp eyes will be able to spot anything out of place.”

Nancy insisted that Hannah continue resting on the sofa while she went through the house with the policemen. As it turned out, there were no signs that the crook had been upstairs at all.

“I’ll put his picture and description on the police wire, ” Chief McGinnis proised before leaving. “if this creep’s got any record at all, we should be able to get a ‘make’ from the FBI.”

‘Thank you, Chief, ” Nancy said gratefully. “I feel better already.”

As Hannah had dinner all prepared, Nancy had only to put it in the oven and make a salad with the tomatoes Hannah had picked. She insisted that the housekeeper rest until Mr. Drew arrived home and dinner was served.

Later that evening, when the meal was over, she cleared off the dining room table and did the dishes, then went to the phone. She had made up her mind to call Simon Shand. A servant answered, but the trucking tycoon promptly came to the phone when he heard who was calling.

“Mr. Shand, ” said Nancy, “at the country club last Saturday, you asked me to try and catch that thief who was after Kim Vernon’s golf bag. Would you care for a progress report? ”

“You bet I would! ” he rasped. “Say, you don’t let any grass grow under your feet, do you? Why not come over and deliver your report in person.”

“Very well, ” Nancy agreed. This might be a chance, she hoped, to find out how, if at all, Simon Shand himself fitted into the mystery.

Shand gave her directions to his apartment, which turned out to be located in a large, luxurious modern high-rise recently erected in town, overlooking the riverfront.

“Well, well, ” he said, rubbing his hands together as she was shown into his window-walled living room, glossily furnished in ultramodern dé cor. “I’m really curious to hear what you’ve found out. Please sit down, Miss Drew.”

Nancy told him about the squint-eyed crook’s threatening phone call and went on to report his attack on Hannah Gruen that afternoon.

Shand was properly indignant. But he added with a frown, “What about clues, though? I mean, how’re we gonna get a line on this guy? Where does all this leave us? ”

“I don’t know yet. But the police are now circulating his description, and they think there’s a good chance he can be identified. Naturally that’ll be a big help in tracking him down.” Nancy hesitated, studying her host keenly. “Actually, I’m wondering whether you can’t give me any help, Mr. Shand? ”

“How do you mean? ”

‘I mean, are you being completely frank with me? Call it feminine intuition, if you like, ” Nancy challenged, “but I still have a feeling you may have some personal motive for wanting this thief caught. Have you? ”

“Look, I’ve already told you, I’m like every other private citizen these days---I’m fed up with crime in the streets. Here’s a hood with gall enough to try and swipe something belonging to a famous sports star. In full view of a whole crowd of people, mind you, and right while she’s being interviewed a few yards away! I think that kind of crook belongs behind bars---and, honey, I’m ready to pay you plenty to put him there! Does that answer your question? ”

“Yes, thank you.” Nancy smiled and nodded noncommitantly. “One thing, Mr. Shand. The thief dropped a small red object, and then stopped just long enough to snatch it up.”

‘What about it? ”

“I keep wondering what it was. Did you happen to catch a glimpse of it? It may sound very odd, but it looked like a red spider! ”

Nancy was watching the trucking tycoon closely as she spoke. At her last words, Shand’s face seemed to freeze---but not before Nancy caught a sudden startled look in his eyes.

But he merely shook his head in reply, although his expression seemed somewhat tight-lipped. “Nope. I do remember him stopping to pick up something, but I wasn’t close enough to see what it was.”

From that point on, Shand’s manner became strained and uncomfortable, and conversation lagged. Nancy rose from her chair. “Well, I’ve made my report, so I’d better be going.”

Shand stood up quickly and walked her to the door. “That’s what I like, the way you keep plugging away on a case. Keep up the good work, girlie! ”

One thing’s certain, Nancy thought with a wry smile on her by down to the lobby in the elevator. Once I mentioned a red spider, he couldn’t get rid of me fast enough!

The next morning was Saturday and the opening day of the Oceanview Festival. Nancy picked up Bess and George early and drove to the Footlighters’ theater, where a big truck and two smaller ones were waiting to be loaded with scenery and sets. Everyone in the group was on hand, and the female members had called on their boyfriends or brothers or husbands to help.

Margo and Hamilton Spencer were everywhere at once, making sure that all props and other items were put aboard in proper order.

Finally everything was on the trucks, and the young people began piling into their waiting cars. Ned Nickerson and Dave Evans, a college pal who often dated Bess Marvin, climbed into the cab of the big truck, while other young men manned the two smaller ones. A holiday mood prevailed.

Oceanview was about an hour’s right from River Heights. The festival performances were to be held in a concrete amphitheater built on a hillside overlooking the town, with a splendid view of the sea.

As they drove through the pleasant shore community, they saw flags flying, banners advertising the festival, and bunting decorating the shops. The town was already thronged with visitors for the week-long celebration.

The Footlighters’ little caravan turned right at the waterfront onto a road which led up the hill from the heart of town to the gleaming white amphitheater.

The Spencers led the procession to the back of the shell which enclosed the stage. Here’ the trucks were backed up, one by one, to a loading dock to discharge the scenery and props, which were then whisked down by elevator to underground storerooms.

“Wow, what a setup! I just hope we learn our way around before Tuesday night, ” Bess fretted after a bit of hasty exploration. “This place is a maze and the stage looks huge! ”

“Don’t worry, ” Nancy said soothingly. “I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Spencer will have everything under control long before curtain time.”

With everyone helping, the work was soon completed, and those of the group who had to return to River Heights began pulling out for home.

“The opera tonight will be The Barber of Seville, ” Nancy told her boyfriend. “I wish you and Dave could stay and see it.”

“So do I, ” Ned replied. “But we have to get these trucks back by five o’clock. That doesn’t mean we have to leave right away, though. Let’s go get some hamburgers and shakes, and then check out the beach.”

“Good idea, ” said George. “I’m starved! ”

“Hey, that’s my line! ” said Bess in a shocked voice. “I thought you were the one who never got hungry? ”

Everyone burst out laughing.

At about 3: 30 that afternoon, the boys left for the return trip to River Heights. “See you tomorrow, Nancy! ” Ned waved as he drove off.

Nancy herself had planned to go home that evening after the opera. But Bess and George prevailed on her to stay overnight at their motel.

“Sure I won’t be crowding you? ”

“Don’t be silly, ” said George. “With accommodations so tight, everyone’ll be doubling up. The more the merrier! ”

Although at first they talked of enjoying a swim before dinner, the girls changed their minds and strolled back up the hill to the amphitheater. All three were fascinated by its vast size and were eager to look around leisurely, to familiarize themselves with its features, both above and below the ground.

At this late hour of the afternoon, a sort of suspenseful hush seemed to have settled over the place, as if in anticipation of the excitement to come. Only a few people were prowling about backstage. The scenery was now in place for the opera, and one or two members of the orchestra were practicing in the pit. Otherwise the evening’s performers seemed to be napping in their dressing rooms or to have gone off for an early meal.

Nancy, who had wandered away from her two companions, came upon a luxurious lounge with deep leather chairs and soft lights. At one end, a group was softly talking, while at the other, relaxing with a newspaper, sat Renzo Scaglia.

He looked up as Nancy opened the door, then leaped to his feet with a smile of recognition. “Ah, my dear Miss Drew! Welcome to the green-room! Come in, do! ”

“I’m just exploring this wonderful theater, ” Nancy explained. “I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

“No, no, no. Not at all! For me, talking is relaxing, and that’s what I’m doing now---relaxing before tonight’s performance. I shall be singing the role of Count Almaviva, did you know? ”

“Yes, I’ve seen the posters---and I’m looking forward to hearing you.”

At Scaglia’s insistence, she took a chair and prepared to chat for a while, feeling this might be an opportunity to gain some interesting information. “Haven’t you forgotten something, Signor Scaglia? ” she inquired, her lips twitching in a faint smile.

“Forgotten something? How do you mean, my dear? ”

“When we met in River Heights, you challenged me to solve a crime that had once been committed here.”

“Ah... that.” The tenor looked slightly embarrassed, as if he wished he had never brought up the subject. “It is of no importance now, believe me–hardly worthy of your detective skill.”

“Don’t you at least care to tell me about it? ”

“Another time, perhaps. Why waste these pleasant moments with talk of such matters? ” Scaglia dismissed the subject with a smile and a graceful wave of his hand.

Nancy was puzzled, as well as a trifle disappointed. For some reason, the singer appeared to have decided it was better to let sleeping dogs lie. However, she might still pick up a few useful facts. “Tell me, Signor Scaglia - did you know Madame Arachne Onides well?

The bearded singer glanced at her sharply, but replied after only an instant of hesitation. “Ah yes, I knew her very well indeed. She was–is unforgettable. What a voice, what fire, what verve! But alas, Arachne was also cruel, devious... even unscrupulous.”

Once launched on the subject, Renzo Scaglia talked freely about the famous prima donna. Nancy was amazed at things he told concerning her spendthrift ways, her greed, her stinginess, her generosity, her petty jealousy, her willingness to strike down anyone who stood in her way. But above all, he talked about her wonderful talent and her blazing ambition to become the world’s greatest opera diva.

Nancy found it difficult, however, to make out Scaglia’s own attitude toward Madame Arachne. At times he seemed to be sneering at her, at others his tone was adoring. The picture he painted added up to that of an intensely beautiful, gifted woman who was also a mass of contradictions.

“Dare I ask if you were in love with her? ” Nancy said softly.

Scaglia heaved a sigh and looked soulfully at Nancy. “I can tell you this, my dear. When Arachne died in that devastating plane crash at sea, for me a light went out of the world–never again to see her or hear…! ”

Suddenly the bearded tenor stiffened. His eyes looked past Nancy–at someone or something that plainly did not please Renzo Scaglia.


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