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Расскажите о пяти вещах, которые ассоциируются у вас с Новым годом. Объясните почему.

Используйте слова и выражения, приведённые ниже:

first thing – первая вещь

second thing– вторая вещь

third thing– третья вещь

forth thing – четвёртая вещь

fifth thing – пятая вещь

because – потому что

so – поэтому

then – потом

also - также



Things I associate with the New Year are:

1. My family

2. New Year's Tree

3. Santa Claus

4. Tangerines

5. Miracles

I think first thing I associate with New Year’s Day is my family, because since childhood I like to meet the New Year at home with our relatives. At 12 o’clock we sit at the table and say best wishes for the New Year.


Неделя 5. Тема: Праздники за рубежом


1. Выйдите по ссылке https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/elementary-podcasts/series-01-episode-08 на аудио «Series 01 Episode 08 Section 4 – Our person in» (время звучания 09.22-11.12).

2. Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:

huge fish tanks – огромные аквариумы

to appear – появляться

to be full of – быть полным

carp – карп

to find this tradition a little strange – считать эту традицию немного странной

to be eaten – быть съеденным

alive – живой

to taste – иметь вкус

to arrive (about Christmas Eve) – наступать о кануне рождества

generous – щедрый


3. Прослушайте аудиофайл «Series 01 Episode 08 Section 4 – Our person in».

Подчеркните слово соответствующее содержанию текста.

Образец: Bill Steadman is our man in Prague /London.

1. When the huge fish tanks appear outside supermarkets here in Prague you know that it must be almost Christmas/Easter.

2. The tanks are full of salmon/carp – the fish traditionally eaten at Christmas here in the Czech Republic and in other central European countries.

3. Carp isn’t usually eaten in Britain/ the Czech Republic.

4. People usually buy the fish from tanks outside supermarkets and take them home alive/dead and put them in the bath.

5. When Christmas Eve arrives you’ll find it very difficult/easy to explain to your children why their pet has suddenly disappeared.


Прослушайте текст еще раз и подберите к вопросам соответствующие ответы.

Образец: 1.d)

1. When does it usually happen? a) They buy fish from tanks outside supermarkets.
2. What do people eat? b) Yes, they do.
3. Where do they take fish for holiday? c) They keep it in the bath.
4. What fish are the tanks full of? d) It usually happens on Christmas Eve.
5. Do people buy fish alive? e) They eat carps.
6. Where do they keep fish after buying? f) The tanks are full of carps.
  g) They keep it in tanks.


6. Заполните пропуски словами, соответствующими содержанию текста:

Образец: The tanks are …of carp. The tanks are full of carp.

1. The huge…appear outside supermarkets in Prague at Christmas.

2. I … this strange that tourists almost never visit this village.

3. She’s … and well and living in New Zealand.

4. It was most … of you to lend me the money.

5. What does pumpkin … like?


7. Ответьте на вопросы.


1. What kind of fish are the tanks full of at Christmas in the Czech Republic?

2. What is really strange about the Czech habit of eating carp at Christmas?

3. What makes the carp taste better when it is eaten on Christmas Eve?

4. How did a friend of Bill explain to her son when he asked why they were keeping the carp in the bath?

5. What is one golden rule about the carp?


1.Поздравьте своего друга с Новым годом. Составьте своё поздравление из следующих фраз, так чтобы получилось стихотворение.

Happy New Year,

I wish you to be

dear friend!

May your way is lit

I wish you to be

Meet in New Year

healthy and wealthy.

only joy and fun.

by the sun.


Неделя 6. Тема: Дом, жилищные условия.


1. Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:

a flat – квартира

expensive – дорогой

gardening – садоводство

enormous – огромный

a dining-room – столовая

a kitchen – кухня

to pay for – платить

homeowners – домовладельцы

to start a family – завести семью

upstairs – верхний этаж, наверху

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