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The Daily Life in London

Here we are in Cheapside. This famous London place is only a quarter of a mile long, and yet, there are a lot of business offices and important shops here. The whole street is full of life. Taxi-cabs, motor-vans, lorries, cars and buses pass up and down, from morning till night.

Although there is so much traffic we notice that there is little dust. The roads and the pavements are of stone, and when it rains, there is no mud.

From eleven to one o’clock the traffic is very busy. It is very dangerous to cross the road from one side to the other.

Soon we come to the Bank Square, where the main building of the Bank of England stands on one side of it. Besides there are the important buildings of the Royal Exchange and the Mansion House, the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London.

The busy people who hurry to and fro are businessmen and shopkeepers, but also we notice faces of tourists. They visit the famous public buildings: the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the British Museum, the National Gallery, BuckinghamPalace, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and the bridges over the Themes.

Close to the Houses of Parliament stands Westminster Abbey. In this lovely building we can learn much about the history of England. Most of the kings and queens of England were crowned here.

St. Paul’s Cathedral is a magnificent church. Sir Christopher Wren was the designer of many buildings in the City after the Great Fire of London, including St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Londoners and tourists enjoy expeditions by steamer down the Thames from Westminster to Greenwich. We pass under the bridges, and see the grim walls of the Tower of London.

It was a fortress and a prison for hundreds of years. When a ship moves under Tower Bridge a bell rings

Our steamer continues on its way to Greenwich. We hear the Greenwich time signal on the radio. Greenwich Time is the standard time.


I. Напишите транскрипцию следующих слов:

family, parents, always, busy, rather, usual, alarm, thirty, through, event, café, colleague.


II. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

town park, hockey team, musical instrument, summer night, river bank, art gallery, school yard, family album, city centre, market days, summer night, dock system.


III. Переведите:

нож – ножи, нога – ноги, пианино – пианино (мн.), волос – волосы, лошадь – лошади, город – города, деньги – деньги (мн.), фото – фотографии, куст – кусты, цветок – цветы, автобус – автобусы, олень – олени, день – дни, коробка – коробки, мышь – мыши, лист – листья, ребенок – дети, зуб – зубы, звезда – звезды, женщина – женщины, птица – птицы, знание – знания, мужчина – мужчины, бык – быки, жизнь – жизни, театр – театры, овца – овцы, дерево – деревья, год – годы, месяц – месяцы.


IV. Образуйте множественное число от выделенных существительных и произведите другие изменения в предложениях:

1. His child is nice and clever.

2. This woman is an economist in our firm.

3. That man is rather old.

4. The girl has a nice little mouse.

5. Her foot is small.

6. This is a comfortable house.

7. There was a very interesting story in the magazine.

8. The football match was over.

9. The leaf is green and bright.

10. Put the textbook on the shelf.


V. Замените существительные с предлогом of

существительными в притяжательном падеже:

a) the garden of my father, the baby of my cousin Susan, the dictionary of the student, the office of our dean, the pictures of the artist, the elder son of my brother;

b) the car of her grandparents, the things of the women, the children of their friends, the plan of my colleagues, the album of my sisters.


VI. Вставьте вместо пропусков определенные или неопределенные артикли, где это необходимо:

1. Have you got … lot of friends here?

2. His mother is … young and attractive.

3. What is his profession? He is … architect.

4. Are your parents … engineers?

5. That was … poor plan.

6. … plan was on the wall.

7. The textbooks are on … shelf.

8. Take … your books.

9. Those were … new dictionaries.

10. Where is … child?

11. Let’s have…cup of tea.

12. It was such … lovely voice!

13. … water is a liquid.

14. This is … coal.

15. Let’s go for … walk!

16. …Sunday is … day off.


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