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Find out the right ending of the plural form of noun
a) -s, -es b) -ly c) –ing d) –ful e) –less 288. Find out the right plural form of the word “city” a) cities b) citys c) cityes d) citis e) cites 289. Find out the right plural form of the word “knife” a) knives b) knifes c) knifs d) knivs e) knifez 290. Put the right article. There is … apple on the plate. a) an b) the c) a d) to e) at 291. Put the right article. I live in…USA. a) the b) a c) an d) to e) at 292. Put the right article. There is …pen on the table. a) a b) an c) the d) to e) at 293. Find out the right pronoun. …. is my brother. a) he b) she c) they d) we e) you 294. Find out the right pronoun. ….. is my sister. a) she b) he c) they d) we e) you 295. Find out the right pronoun. ….. am 18 years old. a) I b) he c) she d) we e) they 296. Find out the right pronoun. …. is a new car. a) it b) she c) he d) we e) they 297. Find out the right form of verb “to be”. I….. a teacher. a) am b) is c) are d) were e) be 298. Find out the right form of verb “to be”. They…. class- mates. a) are b) is c) am d) was e) be 299. Find out the right form of verb “to be”. It… my room. a) is b) am c) are d) were e) be 300. Find out the right form of verb “to be”. Rose and Jane…students. a) are b) is c) am d) was e) be 301. Find out the right form of verb “to be”. He works in a hospital. He… a doctor. a) is b) are c) am d) were e) be 302. Find out the suitable word. A mother of my father is my… a) grandmother b) uncle c) aunt d) sister e) son 303. Find out the suitable word. A sister of my father is my… a) aunt b) uncle c) son d) niece e) daughter Find out the right possessive pronoun. John has a car. ….. car is new. a) his b) her c) their d) my e) our Find out the right possessive pronoun. We live in a flat. … flat is big. a) our b) his c) her d) their e) my Find out the right possessive pronoun. They have a garden. …. garden is very nice. a) their b) our c) his d) her e) my 307. Find out the right form of verb “to have”. He … two sons. a) has b) have c) having d) is has e) is have 308. Find out the right form of verb “to have”. We… many relatives. a) have b) has c) having d) are have e) are has 309. Find out the right form of verb “to have”. My sister… many friends. a) has b) have c) having d) is have e) is having 310. Find out the right form of verb “to have”. How many brothers …. you got? a) have b) has c) having d) are have e) are has Find out the right translation. Баланың ойыншығ ы.Игрушка ребёнка. a) a child’s toy b) a child’s toys c) children’s toy d) childrens toy e) a childs’ toy Find out the right translation. Мұ ғ алімнің кітабы. Книга учителя. a) a teacher’s book b) a teacher’s books c) a teachers’ book d) a teachers’s book e) a teacher book Find out the right translation. Студенттердің аттары. Имена студентов. a) students’ names b) students’s names c) students’ name d) student’s names e) students names 314. Find out the right form of possessive case. This is …. room. a) my parents’ b) my parent’s c) my parents’s d) my parentes’ e) my parents