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Read the following job advertisement and a cover letter applying to the described position. Then answer the questions.

Miranda Collins Regional Sales Manager Park House 13 Kings Street Manchester M12 3PG   March 23rd, 2002   Janet Andersen Personnel Manager Dot. Com. Solutions Ltd 10Waterbridge Road Kingcross FK18 9GD   Dear Janet, I am writing to confirm my interest in the position of Overseas Sales Manager that was announced last week. As I mentioned during our phone conversation, I would very much like to have the opportunity to work abroad again. I am confident that I would be able to do the work of this type, as I have developed a solid customer base in my region and successfully managed our extensive sales network for a number of years. My previous work in Asia gave me a lot of experience working with a multinational team, which I think will be important in the context of this job. I have contacted my manager to inform him of my application and he has agreed to release me from my current duties in August. In the meantime, should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.   Yours sincerely, Miranda Collins Miranda Collins

1) What position is Miranda Collins interested in?

2) Does she want to work abroad?

3) What was her previous place of work?

4) What did she develop there?

5) For how long did she manage the sales network?

6) Whom did she inform of her application for a new job?

7) When is she going to leave her present place of work?

6. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

Manager, sales network, experience, require, previous, opportunity, confident, position, environment, pressure

1) Should you _____ any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

2) I am accustomed to working under_____.

3) My _____ work in Asia gave me a lot of experience working with a multinational team.

4) I have contacted my _____ to inform him of my application.

5) I am fluent in this language and would enjoy working in a German-speaking _____.

6) I would very much like to have the _____ to work abroad again.

7) I am _____ that I would be able to do the work of this type.

8) I am sure that this would be extremely relevant to the _____.

9) My work _____ allows me to work in this area today.

10) I have successfully managed our extensive _____ for a number of years.

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