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Answer: _____Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Балла) Count and fill in the missing numbers. Choose the right variant. 1) There are … postcards. 2) There are … pens. 3) There are … masks. 4) There are … pairs of glasses. 5) There are … notebooks. a) 1) three, 2) five, 3) eight, 4) six, 5) four b) 1) three, 2) five, 3) eight, 4) ten, 5) four c) 1) two, 2) five, 3) seven, 4) ten, 5) four d) 1) three, 2) five, 3) seven, 4) six, 5) two Балла)Read what Mickey wants to buy and choose two shops he needs to go to. В ответе запишите буквы двух магазинов в алфавитном порядке без знаков препинания и пробелов. Например, ad Answer: ________________
Балла) Look what girls like to do in their free time. Match each sentence with the appropriate picture. Choose the right variant. 1) Kelly likes to pick berries. 2) Amanda likes to feed her dog. 3) Lilly likes to walk her dog. 4) Kate likes to do the washing - up. 5) Angelina likes to water flowers. 6) Nataly likes to go fishing. a) 1d 2c 3a 4e 5b 6f b) 1e 2a 3c 4d 5b 6f c) 1d 2a 3c 4e 5b 6f d) 1e 2c 3a 4d 5b 6f
Балла) Use the decoding table to decode the key word. Use the key word and help minions to fill in the missing letters in the last instruction of the recipe.В ответе запишите получившееся расшифрованное предложение без знаков препинания. Между словами ставьте строго один пробел. Answer: _____________________________________