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1. That remark set my teeth on edge. (Gr. Greene)

2. " Look here, " said Donald, and he sounded angry, " You're going home now. I'm going to see you to the house and we won't hear any more of this awful rot." (I. Murdoch)


P. Abrahams, The Path of Thunder.

R. Aldington, Death of a Hero.

K. Amis, Lucky Jim.

J. Braine, Room at the Top, The Vodi.

R. Bradbury, The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit.

E. Caldwell, The Windfall.

D. Carter, Tomorrow Is with Us, Fatherless Sons.

A. Christie, The Murder of Rodger Ackroyd, A Murder Is Announced,

Hercule Poirot's Christmas. W. Collins, The Moonstone. A. Conan-Doyle, The " Gloria Scott". A. Coppard, Tales.

A. J. Cronin, The Citadel, Shannon's Way. D. Cusack, Say No to Death. Th. Dreiser, Sister Carrie, The Financier, The Stoic, An American


R. Fox, Storming Heaven. J. Galsworthy, The Man of Property, In Chancery, To Let, The White

Monkey, The Silver Spoon, Swan Song, End of the Chapter, Over

the River, The First and the Last. M. Gold, The Damned Agitator. G. Gordon, Let the Day Perish. G r. Greene, Our Man in Havana, The Heart of the Matter, The

Basement Room, 21 Stories. Th. Hardy, Desperate Remedies. S. Heym, The Crusaders. A. Huxley, Time's Revenges. H. James, Four Meetings. Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat, The Uses and Abuses of

Joseph, The Surprise of Mr. Milberry, The Idle Thoughts of an

Idle Fellow. J. Joice, The Dead. D. Lawrence, The Prussian Officer. S. Leacock, The Awful Fate of Melpomenus Jones. J. Lindsay, Betrayed Spring.

J. London, Martin Eden, The Mexican, The End of the Story. W. Macken, Tuesday's Children,

К. Mansfield, Selected Stories.

W. S. Maugham, Complete Short Stories, The Magician, The Moon

and Sixpence. G. Meredith, The Egoist. I. Murdoch, Under the Net, The Sandcastle. J. Osborne, Look Back in Anger. D. Parker, Lady with a Lamp, Little Curtis. A. Philips, Lost in the Post. K. Porter, Noon Wine. K. S. Prichard, The Roaring Nineties. J. Priestley, The Dangerous Corner. R. Sabatini, Captain Blood his Odyssey. J. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye.

A. Sewell, Black Beauty.

B. Shaw, Widowers' Houses, Mrs. Warren's Profession, Pygmalion. A. Sillitoe, The Fishing-Boat Picture, The Loneliness of the Long

Distance Runner. J. Steinbeck, The Moon is Down. I. Stone, Lust for Life. W. M. Thackeray, Vanity Fair. J. Wain, Hurry On Down. J. Walsh, Not Like This.

M. Wilson, Live with Lightning, My Brother My Enemy, H. Wouk, Irresistible Force.

Конкордия Григорьевна Середина,

Анна Карловна Томлянович,

Ирина Анатольевна Краснянская


Пособие для студентов

педагогических институтов

Редактор Э. Г. Андреева

Обложка художника В. Ю. Медведева

Технический редактор K. И. Жилина

Корректор Ц. 3. Мунтянова Сдано в набор 13/ХП 1963 г. Подписано к печати 3/III 1964 г. Формат бумаги 84 X X 108/32. Печ. л. 8, 25 (6, 77). Уч.-изд. л. 7, 85.

Тираж 30 тыс. экз. Цена 16 к.

(Тематический план 1964 г. № 56)

Заказ № 765.

Издательство «Просвещение» Государст­венного комитета Совета Министров РСФСР по печати. Ленинград, Невский пр., 28.

Ленинградская типография № 1 «Печатный Двор» имени А. М. Горького «Главполи-графпрома» Государственного комитета Со­вета Министров СССР по печати, Гатчин­ская, 26.

Обложка отпечатана на Ленинградской фабрике офсетной печати № 4, Боровая, 53.

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