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Timetable 3st course/6 semester - groups BA-301-338

Day Periods BA-301 BA-303 BA-303 BA-304 BA-305 BA-306 BA-307 BA-308 BA-309 BA-310
Monday 8.00-9.35                    
9.55-11.30 Pathomorphology(lecture) Protsenko O.S. 584
Pharmacology (lecture) Kratenko A.S. 584
11.40-13.15 General surgery(lecture) Zemskov Ya.S.584
Propedeutic of pediatry(lecture) KushchYe.A.584
13.25-15.00 Pathophysiology(lecture) Remneva N.O. 584
Propedeutics to internal medicine(lecture) Kulik O.L. 584
Tuesday 8.00-9.35 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Pathophysiology Viglazova 685 Pathophysiology Viglazova 685    
Pathophysiology Viglazova 685 Pathophysiolo-gy Viglazova 685 Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Avdievskaya O.G. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Avdievskaya O.G.     Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko
9.55-11.30 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Pathophysiology Viglazova 685 Pathophysiology Viglazova 685    
Pathophysiology Viglazova 685 Pathophysiolo-gy Viglazova 685 Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Avdievskaya O.G. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Avdievskaya O.G.     Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko
11.40-13.15 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Till 12.25 Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Till 12.25 Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Till 12.25 Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol till 12.25 Timoshenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Till 12.25 Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Till 12.25 Shmidt Pathophysiology Viglazova till 12.25 685 Pathophysiology Viglazova till 12.25 685    
Pathophysiology Viglazova till 12.25 685 Pathophysiology Viglazova till 12.25 685     From 12.25 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A. S. 587 From 12.25 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A. S. 587 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Till 12.25 Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Till 12.25 Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Till 12.25 Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Till 12.25 Timoshenko
        Pathomorphology Yakimenko A. S. 587 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A. S. 587        
        Pathomorphology Yakimenko A. S. 587 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A. S. 587        
Wednesday 8.00-9.35 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Butenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kostenko Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. From 08.50 Pathophysiology Jemela 685 From 08.50 Pathophysiology Jemela 685
    Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Butenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kostenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova From 08.50 Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. From 08.50 Pharmacology Kratenko A.S.
9.55-11.30 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Butenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kostenko Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Pathophysiology Jemela 685
    Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Butenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kostenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S.
11.40-13.15 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Butenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kostenko     Pharmacology till 12.25 Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology till 12.25 663 Kratenko A.S. Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Pathophysiology Jemela 685
Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V. Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V. Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Butenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kostenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S.
13.25-15.00 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A. S. 684 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 684             Propedeutic (Introductio) of pediatry IofCAH Zemnitskaya Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Panko
Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V. Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V. Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 684 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 684 Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Pathophysiology Jemela 685        
15.15-16.50 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A. S. 684 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A. S. 684     Radiology Arora Sukesh 695 Radiology Arora Sukesh 695     Propedeutic (Introductio) of pediatry IofCAH Zemnitskaya Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Panko
    Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 684 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 684 Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Pathophysiology Jemela 685        
17.00-18.35 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 17.45 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 17.45     Radiology Arora Sukesh 695 Radiology Arora Sukesh 695     Propedeutic (Introductio) of pediatry IofCAH Zemnitskaya Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Panko
    Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 17.45 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 17.45 Pathophysiology Jemela till 17.45 685 Pathophysiology Jemela till 17.45 685        
Thursday 8.00-9.35     From 08.50 Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. From 08.50 Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V.    
From 08.50 Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. From 08.50 Pharmacology Kratenko A.S.         General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh    
9.55-11.30     Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V.    
Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S.         General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh    
11.40-13.15     Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh        
Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S.         General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Krivorotko I.V. HNionh Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V. Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V.
                Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V. Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V.
15.15-16.45 Radiology Suhin Radiology Suhin General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Chernyaev M.S. 692 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Chernyaev M.S. 692            
General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Chernyaev M.S. 692 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Chernyaev M.S. 692 Radiology Suhin Radiology Suhin            
17.00-18.35 Radiology Suhin Radiology Suhin General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Chernyaev M.S. 692 till 20.20 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Chernyaev M.S. 692 till 20.20            
General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Chernyaev M.S. 692 till 20.20 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Chernyaev M.S. 692 till 20.20 Radiology Suhin Radiology Suhin            
Thursday 18.45-20.20             Radiology Suhin Radiology Suhin    
Friday 8.00-9.35             From 08.50 Pathomorphology Gaidabrus A. 684a From 08.50 Pathomorphology Gaidabrus A. 684a From 08.50 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 From 08.50 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587
              General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661
9.55-11.30             Pathomorphology Gaidabrus A. 684a Pathomorphology Gaidabrus A. 684a Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587
                General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661
11.40-13.15             Pathomorphology Gaidabrus A. 684a Pathomorphology Gaidabrus A. 684a Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S.
              General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661
            Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695 Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695
18.45-20.20         From 18.45 Pharmacology till 20.45 Redkin From 18.45 Pharmacology till 20.45 Redkin        
            Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695 Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695

Day Periods BA-311 BA-312 BA-313 BA-314 BA-315 BA-316 BA-317 BA-318 BA-319 BA-320  
Monday 8.00-9.35    
9.55-11.30 Pathomorphology(lecture) Protsenko O.S. 584  
Pharmacology (lecture) Kratenko A.S. 584  
11.40-13.15 General surgery(lecture) Zemskov Ya.S.584  
Propedeutic of pediatry(lecture) KushchYe.A.584  
13.25-15.00 Pathophysiology(lecture) Remneva N.O. 584  
Propedeutics to internal medicine(lecture) Kulik O.L. 584  
Tuesday 8.00-9.35 Pathophysiology Jemela 684a Pathophysiology Jemela 684a     Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693 Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693     Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587    
Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 5 Central Clinical Hospital Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 5 Central Clinical Hospital Lebedinskaia Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587         Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693 Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693  
9.55-11.30 Pathophysiology Jemela 684a Pathophysiology Jemela 684a     Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693 Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693     Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587  
Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 5 Central Clinical Hospital Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 5 Central Clinical Hospital Lebedinskaia Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587         Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693 Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693  
11.40-13.15 Pathophysiology Jemela till 12.25 684a Pathophysiology Jemela till 12.25 684a From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 12.25 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 12.25  
Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 5 Central Clinical Hospital Shmidt Till 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 5 Central Clinical Hospital Lebedinskaia Till 12.25 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 till 12.25 // From 12.25 Pathophysiology Viglazova 685 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 till 12.25 // From 12.25 Pathophysiology Viglazova 685     Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693 Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693 From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt  
13.25-15.00     Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt      
Pathophysiology Viglazova 685 Pathophysiology Viglazova 685     Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693 Radiology Gudilin T.Ye. 693 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt  
15.15-16.50     Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt      
Pathophysiology Viglazova 685 Pathophysiology Viglazova 685         Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt  
Wednesday 8.00-9.35 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 684 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 684     General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692          
General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692     Pathomorpho-logy Yakimenko A.S. 684 Pathomorpho-logy Yakimenko A.S. 684 Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571 Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571      
9.55-11.30 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 684 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 684     General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692          
General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692     Pathomorpho-logy Yakimenko A.S. 684 Pathomorpho-logy Yakimenko A.S. 684 Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571 Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571      
11.40-13.15 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 12.25 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 12.25 From 12.25 Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. From 12.25 Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692          
General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692     Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 12.25 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 12.25          
13.25-15.00 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Bulich Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Pathophysiology Jemela 685 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692      
Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Bulich Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Zimnitskaya Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Panko     General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. 692  
15.15-16.50 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Bulich Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Pathophysiology Jemela 685 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A.      
Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Bulich Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Zimnitskaya Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Panko     General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A.  
17.00-18.35 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Bulich     Pathophysiology Jemela till 17.45 685 Pathophysiology Jemela till 17.45 685 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A.      
Pharmacology till 17.45 Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology till 17.45 Kratenko A.S. Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Bulich Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Zimnitskaya Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Panko     General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A. General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Novikov E.A.  
Thursday 8.00-9.35         Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571 Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571 Pathophysiolo-gy Amelchenkova E.V. 684 Pathophysiology Amelchenkova E.V. 684 Pathophysiology Budenyi 685 Pathophysiology Budenyi 685  
            Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kusch Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kamarchuk Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Hotsenko  
9.55-11.30         Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571 Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571 Pathophysiology Amelchenkova E.V. 684 Pathophysiology Amelchenkova E.V. 684 Pathophysiology Budenyi 685 Pathophysiology Budenyi 685  
            Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kusch Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kamarchuk Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Hotsenko  
11.40-13.15 Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V. Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V.     Pathophysiology Amelchenkova 684 till 12.25 Pathophysiology Amelchenkova E.V. 684 till 12.25 Pathophysiology Budenyi 685 till 12.25 Pathophysiology Budenyi 685 till 12.25  
            Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kusch Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kamarchuk Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Hotsenko  
13.25-15.00 Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V. Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V.     Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S.      
15.15-16.45             Pharmacology Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology Kratenko A.S.      
        Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V. Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V.  
17.00-18.35             Pharmacology till 17.45 Kratenko A.S. Pharmacology till 17.45 Kratenko A.S.      
              Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V. Hugiene and ecology №579 Korobkova G.V.  
Friday 8.00-9.35     General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661              
            Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587      
9.55-11.30     General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661              
            Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587      
11.40-13.15     General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661     Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 12.25 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. till 12.25      
13.25-15.00 Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695 Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695                  
    Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695 Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695              
15.15-16.50 Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695 Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695     From 16.25 Pharmacology 678 Redkin From 16.25 Pharmacology 678 Redkin     From 16.25 Pharmacology 678 Redkin From 16.25 Pharmacology 678 Redkin  
    Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695 Radiology Kravtsova O.O. 695      
17.00-18.35         Pharmacology 678 Redkin Pharmacology 678 Redkin     Pharmacology 678 Redkin Pharmacology 678 Redkin  

Day Periods BA-321 BA-322 BA-323 BA-324 BA-325 BA-326 BA-327 BA-328 BA-329 BA-330
Monday 8.00-9.35  
9.55-11.30 Pathomorphology(lecture) Protsenko O.S. 584
Pharmacology (lecture) Kratenko A.S. 584
11.40-13.15 General surgery(lecture) Zemskov Ya.S.584
Propedeutic of pediatry(lecture) KushchYe.A.584
13.25-15.00 Pathophysiology(lecture) Remneva N.O. 584
Propedeutics to internal medicine(lecture) Kulik O.L. 584
Tuesday 8.00-9.35                 Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Dudnik I.V. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Dudnik I.V.
9.55-11.30                 Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Dudnik I.V. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Dudnik I.V.
From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko From 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko          
13.25-15.00     Pathophysiology Jemela 685 Pathophysiology Jemela 685            
Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko
15.15-16.50     Pathophysiology Jemela till 17.45 685 Pathophysiology Jemela till 17.45 685            
Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko
Wednesday 8.00-9.35 Radiology Svinarenko Radiology Svinarenko                
    Radiology Svinarenko Radiology Svinarenko            
9.55-11.30 Radiology Svinarenko Radiology Svinarenko                
    Radiology Svinarenko Radiology Svinarenko          
11.40-13.15         Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V.        
        Radiology Svinarenko Radiology Svinarenko Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571 Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571    
13.25-15.00         Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Merkulovа T.V.        
        Radiology Svinarenko Radiology Svinarenko Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571 Hugiene and ecology Dudnik 571    
15.15-16.50     Pharmacology Tantsura 678 Pharmacology Tantsura 678            
        Radiology Arora Sukesh Radiology Arora Sukesh    
17.00-18.35     Pharmacology till 17.30 Tantsura 678 Pharmacology till 17.30 Tantsura 678            
            Radiology Arora Sukesh Radiology Arora Sukesh    
Thursday 8.00-9.35 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kusch Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kamarchuk Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Hotsenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt
Pathophysiology Budenyi 685 Pathophysiology Budenyi 685     Pathophysiology Amelchenkova E.V. 684 Pathophysiology Amelchenkova E.V. 684        
9.55-11.30 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kusch Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kamarchuk Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Hotsenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt
Pathophysiology Budenyi 685 Pathophysiology Budenyi 685     Pathophysiology Amelchenkova E.V. 684 Pathophysiology Amelchenkova E.V. 684        
11.40-13.15 Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kusch Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kamarchuk Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Hotsenko Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Till 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Till 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Petrenko Till 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Timoshenko Till 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Derienko Till 12.25 Propedeutics (Introduction) to internal medicine 24 pol Shmidt Till 12.25
Pathophysiology Budenyi 685 till 12.25 Pathophysiology Budenyi 685 till 12.25     Pathophysiology Amelchenkova E.V. 684 till 12.25 Pathophysiology Amelchenkova E.V. 684 till 12.25        
    Pharmacology Kratenko 663 Pharmacology Kratenko 663        
15.15-16.45         Pharmacology Kratenko 663 Pharmacology Kratenko 663 Pathophysiology Kirilyuk 685 Pathophysiology Kirilyuk 685 Radiology Luhovitska N.I. Radiology Luhovitska N.I.
Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Avdievskaya O.G. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Avdievskaya O.G.             Pathophysiology Kirilyuk 685 Pathophysiology Kirilyuk 685
17.00-18.35     Hugiene and ecology Shvec 571   Hugiene and ecology Shvec 571   Pharmacology till 17.45 Kratenko 663 Pharmacology till 17.45 Kratenko 663 Pathophysiology Kirilyuk till 19.25 685 Pathophysiology Kirilyuk till 19.25 685 Radiology Luhovitska N.I. Radiology Luhovitska N.I.
Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Avdievskaya O.G. Hugiene and ecology IofCAH Avdievskaya O.G.         Pathophysiology Kirilyuk till 19.25 685 Pathophysiology Kirilyuk till 19.25 685
Friday 8.00-9.35         Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Butenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kostenko General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Veklich V.M. 687 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Veklich V.M. 687
Pharmacology Tancura 663 Pharmacology Tancura 663 Pathomorfology Gaidabrus A.V. 684a Pathomorfology Gaidabrus A.V. 684a         Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova
9.55-11.30         Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Butenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kostenko General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Veklich V.M. 687 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Veklich V.M. 687
Pharmacology Tancura till 12.25 663 Pharmacology Tancura till 12.25 663 Pathomorfology Gaidabrus A.V. 684a Pathomorfology Gaidabrus A.V. 684a         Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova
11.40-13.15         Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Butenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Kostenko General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Veklich V.M. 687 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Veklich V.M. 687
From 12.25 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 From 12.25 Pathomorphology Yakimenko A.S. 587 Pathomorfology Gaidabrus A.V. till 12.25 684a Pathomorfology Gaidabrus A.V. till 12.25 684a From 12.25 Pathomorfology Gaidabrus A.V. 685 From 12.25 Pathomorfology Gaidabrus A.V. 685     Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Shevchenko Propedeutic (Introduction) of pediatry IofCAH Evdokimova
13.25-15.00 General surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) Zemskov Ya.S. 661 General

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