| Topic
| quantity of hours
| Modern methods of studying of structure and functions of biological membranes.
| Research of forces of a superficial tension.
| Ionizing radiation. Dosimetry.
| Principles of transformation of biological and not electric signals in electric. Sensors and electrodes designs, their basic characteristics.
| The device, work principle of electrocardiograph. The basic approaches to registration of an electrocardiogram.
Registration of an electrocardiogram and principles of the analysis.
| The device, work principle of electroencephalograph. Basic rhythms of EEG. Registration of EEG and principles of the analysis.
| Laser radiation. Application of laser radiation in medicine.
| The device, work principle of spectrophotometer. Application spectrophometrical methods of research for definition of substances concentration in biological liquids.
| Polarization of light by biosystems.
Boundary control
| Special microscopy receptions of biological objects.
| Model of sliding strings. Biomechanics of a muscle. The Hill’s equation. Modeling of muscular reduction.
| Devices for measurement of function of external breath. The device and a work principle. Registration and the analysis of the given functional researches.
| Research of rheological properties of biological liquids. Methods of research of blood circulation. Rheography.
| Physical bases of hemodynamic. Laws of blood movement in an arterial and venous channel.
| The basic means of medical nondestructive testing.
| The therapeutic techniques based on application of a direct current.
| The therapeutic techniques based on application of HF, microwave and UHF currents.
Boundary control
| Error sources at registration of medical parameters.
Total test control.