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Citrus Germplasm 2 страница
Table 4.3. Continued
| Attribute
| References
| Citrus and hybrids
| Medicinal use
| 1999; Middleton et al., 1994; Miller et
| al., 1992, 1994; Montanari et al., 1997;
| Paul and Cox, 1995; Rouseff and Nagy,
| 1994; San Martí n A., 1983; Shah and
| Joshi, 1971
| Citrus and hybrids
| Metaxenia
| Burger, 1985; Hearn et al., 1969;
| Wallace and Lee, 1999
| Citrus and hybrids
| Mineral nutrition
| Castle and Krezdorn, 1975; Cooper and
| Peynado, 1955; Cooper et al., 1952,
| 1955; El-Shazly et al., 1992; Embleton
| et al., 1962, 1973b; Fallahi, 1992;
| Fallahi and Rodney, 1992; Haas, 1945a,
| b; Hodgson and Eggers, 1938; Intrigliolo
| and Starrantino, 1988; Labanauskas
| and Bitters, 1974; Lin and Myhre,
| 1991a, b; Rasmussen and Smith, 1958;
| Shannon and Zaphrir, 1958; Sharples
| and Hilgeman, 1972; Smith, 1975;
| Smith et al., 1949; Sudahono et al.,
| 1994; Wallace and Mueller, 1972;
| Wallace et al., 1952, 1953; Wutscher,
| 1986, 1989; Wutscher and Dube, 1977;
| Wutscher and Shull, 1972, 1975, 1976a,
| b; Wutscher et al., 1970
| Citrus and hybrids
| Photosynthesis
| Iwasaki and Oogaki, 1985; Khairi and
| Hall, 1976; Morinaga and Ikeda, 1990;
| Syvertsen and Graham, 1985
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to Alternaria
| Gardner et al., 1986; Kohmoto et al.,
| 1991; Solel and Kimchi, 1997
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to canker
| Gottwald et al., 1993; Koizumi, 1981;
| Leite and Mohan, 1984; Peltier, 1918;
| Peltier and Frederich, 1920, 1924;
| Zubrzycki and Diamante de Zubrzycki,
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Bitters, 1959, 1972; Bitters et al., 1973b;
| Carpenter et al., 1982; Costa et al.,
| 1949; Dornelles, 1976; Garnsey, 1992;
| Grant and Costa, 1948; Grant et al.,
| 1949, 1951; Knorr, 1956; Mü ller and
| Garnsey, 1984; Olson, 1960; Salibe,
| 1977; Stubbs, 1963; Xueyuan et al.,
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to diseases of
| Beretta et al., 1992; Donadio and
| recalcitrant aetiology
| Banzato, 1988; Marais and Lee, 1991;
| Marais et al., 1993
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to Mal secco
| Chapot, 1963; Crescimanno et al.,
| 1973; De Cicco et al., 1984; Russo,
| 1976/77; Solel and Spiegel-Roy, 1978;
| Thanassoulopoulos, 1991
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to miscellaneous
| Laranjeira et al., 1998; Li et al., 1996a,
| bacterial diseases
| b, c, d, 2000
Table 4.3. Continued
| Attribute
| References
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to miscellaneous
| Bender and Menge, 1986; Ieki, 1981;
| fungal diseases
| Inoue, 1984; Klotz and Fawcett, 1930;
| Olson and Godfrey, 1953; Peltier and
| Frederich, 1923; Winston, 1923;
| Winston et al., 1927
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to miscellaneous
| Bové et al., 1996a; Fraser and Singh,
| mycoplasmas
| 1969; Garnier et al., 1991; McClean and
| Schwarz, 1970
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to miscellaneous virus or
| Bitters, 1950; Calavan and
| viroid diseases
| Christiansen, 1965; Carpenter
| and Furr, 1967; Childs, 1951; Cohen,
| 1974; Iwanami et al., 1996; Olson et al.,
| 1962; Rossetti et al., 1965; Salibe and
| Moreira, 1965; Vogel and Bové, 1971;
| Yamada and Sawamura, 1952
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to nematodes
| Baines et al., 1960, 1967; Cameron et
| al., 1969; Davis, 1984; Feldmesser and
| Hannon, 1969; Ferguson et al., 1992;
| Ford and Feder, 1958, 1962, 1964,
| 1969; Ford and Hutchins, 1967;
| Hutchison and O’Bannon, 1972; Kaplan,
| 1981; McCarty et al., 1979; Niles et al.,
| 1995; O’Bannon and Ford, 1977; Van
| Gundy and Kirkpatrick, 1964
| Citrus and hybrids
| Reaction to Phytophthora
| Baines et al., 1967; Bitters et al., 1973b;
| Cameron et al., 1972; Carpenter and
| Furr, 1962; Carpenter et al., 1975, 1981;
| Davenport and Rouse, 1992; Furr and
| Carpenter, 1961; Gondell, 1946; Grimm
| and Hutchison, 1977; Hutchison and
| Grimm, 1972; Ippoloti et al., 1997; Klotz
| and Fawcett, 1930; Klotz et al., 1967,
| 1968; Lee, 1925; Smith et al., 1987;
| Tuzcu et al., 1984; Vanderweyen, 1980
| Citrus and hybrids
| Root characteristics
| Bevington and Castle, 1982; Castle and
| Krezdorn, 1977; Castle and Youtsey,
| 1983; Cossman, 1939; Ford, 1952,
| 1954; Luxmore et al., 1971; Savage et
| al., 1945; Smith and Wallace, 1954;
| Syvertsen, 1981; Syvertsen and
| Graham, 1985
| Citrus and hybrids
| Storability of pollen
| Ganeshan and Sulladmath, 1983
| Citrus and hybrids
| Tree size control
| Castle, 1980; Fallahi, 1992; Fallahi and
| Rodney, 1992; Phillips and Castle,
| 1977; Roose et al., 1985; Shannon and
| Zaphrir, 1958; Wallace et al., 1953;
| Wutscher and Shull, 1975
| Clausena
| Anti-insect properties
| Yang and Tang, 1988; Jones, 1995
| Clausena
| Essential oils
| Brown, 1954; Swingle, 1943; Swingle
| and Reece, 1967; Molino, 1993
Table 4.3. Continued
| Attribute
| References
| Clausena
| Food use
| Brown, 1954; Burkill, 1935; Swingle,
| 1943; Swingle and Reece, 1967
| Clausena
| Medicinal uses
| Anderson, 1986a, b; Brown, 1954;
| Burkill, 1935; Jones, 1995
| Clausena
| Quality of wood
| Burkill, 1935; Jones, 1995
| Clausena
| Reaction to canker
| Gottwald et al., 1993; Lee, 1918; Peltier,
| 1918; Peltier and Frederich, 1920, 1924
| Clausena
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Mü ller and Garnsey, 1984; Yoshida,
| Clausena
| Reaction to miscellaneous fungal diseases
| Winston et al., 1927
| Clausena
| Reaction to nematode
| Baines et al., 1960
| Clausena
| Rootstock use
| Swingle, 1943; Swingle and Reece,
| 1967; Campbell, 1974
| Clymenia
| Anti-insect properties
| Bowman et al., 2001
| Clymenia
| Food use
| Swingle, 1943; Swingle and Reece,
| Clymenia
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Yoshida, 1996
| Clymenia
| Reaction to miscellaneous virus or
| Iwanami et al., 1993
| viroid diseases
| Eremocitrus
| Anti-insect properties
| Bowman et al., 2001
| Eremocitrus
| Cold hardiness
| Chapman and Brown, 1993; Yelenosky
| et al., 1978
| Eremocitrus
| Drought tolerance
| Swingle, 1914b
| Eremocitrus
| Leaf characteristics
| Hirano, 1931
| Eremocitrus
| Reaction to canker
| Gottwald et al., 1993; Lee, 1918; Peltier,
| 1918; Peltier and Frederich, 1920, 1924
| Eremocitrus
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Yoshida, 1996
| Eremocitrus
| Reaction to Mal secco
| Russo, 1976/77
| Eremocitrus
| Reaction to miscellaneous virus
| Iwanami et al., 1993
| or viroid diseases
| Eremocitrus
| Reaction to Phytophthora
| Carpenter and Furr, 1962; Grimm and
| Hutchison, 1972
| Feroniella
| Condiment
| Traub and Robinson, 1937
| Feroniella
| Reaction to canker
| Lee, 1918; Peltier, 1918; Peltier and
| Frederich, 1920, 1924
| Feroniella
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Yoshida, 1996
| Feroniella
| Reaction to miscellaneous fungal diseases
| Winston et al., 1927
| Feroniella
| Resistance, tolerance, susceptibility
| Iwanami et al., 1993
| to miscellaneous virus or viroid diseases
| Fortunella
| Anti-insect properties
| Bowman et al., 2001
| Fortunella
| As a preserve
| Swingle, 1943; Swingle and Reece,
| Fortunella
| Cold hardiness
| Hume, 1902; Young and Hearn, 1972
| Fortunella
| Level of apomixis
| Ueno et al., 1967
| Fortunella
| Reaction to Alternaria
| Kohmoto et al., 1991
| Fortunella
| Reaction to canker
| Gottwald et al., 1993; Lee, 1918; Peltier,
| 1918; Peltier and Frederich, 1920, 1924
| Fortunella
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Grant and Costa, 1948; Yoshida, 1996
| Fortunella
| Reaction to Mal secco
| Russo, 1976/77
| Fortunella
| Reaction to miscellaneous fungal diseases
| Fulton, 1925; Winston, 1923; Winston et
| al., 1927
Table 4.3. Continued
| Attribute
| References
| Fortunella
| Reaction to miscellaneous
| Moll and van Vuuren, 1982
| mycoplasmas
| Fortunella
| Reaction to miscellaneous virus or
| Childs, 1951; Iwanami et al., 1993;
| viroid diseases
| Yamada and Sawamura, 1952
| Fortunella
| Reaction to Phytophthora
| Carpenter and Furr, 1962; Grimm and
| Hutchison, 1972
| Glycosmis
| Anti-insect properties
| Bandara et al., 1990; Bowman et al.,
| 2001; Shapiro et al., 1997, 2000
| Glycosmis
| Medicinal use
| Burkill, 1935; Dagar and Dagar, 1991
| Glycosmis
| Poison
| Burkill, 1935
| Glycosmis
| Quality of wood
| Burkill, 1935
| Glycosmis
| Reaction to canker
| Peltier, 1918; Peltier and Frederich,
| 1920, 1924
| Glycosmis
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Knorr, 1956; Mü ller and Garnsey, 1984;
| Yoshida, 1996
| Glycosmis
| Reaction to miscellaneous fungal diseases
| Winston et al., 1927
| Hesperethusa
| Condiment
| Swingle, 1943; Swingle and Reece,
| 1967; Traub and Robinson, 1937
| Hesperethusa
| Reaction to canker
| Lee, 1918; Peltier, 1918; Peltier and
| Frederich, 1920, 1924
| Hesperethusa
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Mü ller and Garnsey, 1984; Yoshida,
| Hesperethusa
| Reaction to miscellaneous fungal diseases
| Winston et al., 1927
| Limnocitrus
| Salt tolerance
| Swingle, 1940a
| Limonia
| Anti-fungal activity
| Adikaram et al., 1989
| Limonia
| Food use
| Allen, 1967; Burkill, 1935; Corner, 1988;
| Swingle, 1943; Swingle and Reece,
| Limonia
| Ink
| Burkill, 1935
| Limonia
| Medicinal use
| Allen, 1967; Burkill, 1935
| Limonia
| Reaction to canker
| Lee, 1918; Peltier, 1918; Peltier and
| Frederich, 1920, 1924
| Limonia
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Yoshida, 1996
| Limonia
| Reaction to miscellaneous fungal diseases
| Winston et al., 1927
| Luvugna
| Medicinal use
| Burkill, 1935
| Merope
| Medicinal use
| Jones, 1982
| Merope
| Rootstock use
| Jones, 1982
| Merope
| Salt tolerance
| Swingle, 1915a
| Merrillia
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Yoshida, 1996
| Merrillia
| Rootstock use
| Swingle, 1918
| Merrillia
| Wood quality
| Burkill, 1935; Jones, 1995; Swingle,
| Microcitrus
| Anti-insect properties
| Bowman et al., 2001
| Microcitrus
| As a preserve
| Swingle, 1943; Swingle and Reece,
| Microcitrus
| Drought tolerance
| Traub and Robinson, 1937
| Microcitrus
| Essential oil composition
| Brophy et al., 2001
| Microcitrus
| Leaf characteristics
| Hirano, 1931
| Microcitrus
| Reaction to canker
| Lee, 1918; Peltier, 1918; Peltier and
| Frederich, 1920, 1924
Table 4.3. Continued
| Attribute
| References
| Microcitrus
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Mü ller and Garnsey, 1984; Yoshida,
| Microcitrus
| Reaction to Mal secco
| Russo, 1976/77
| Microcitrus
| Reaction to miscellaneous fungal diseases
| Fulton, 1925; Winston et al., 1927
| Microcitrus
| Reaction to miscellaneous virus or
| Iwanami et al., 1993
| viroid diseases
| Microcitrus
| Reaction to nematodes
| Baines et al., 1960
| Microcitrus
| Reaction to Phytophthora
| Carpenter and Furr, 1962
| Micromelum
| Medicinal use
| Anderson, 1985b; Brown, 1954; Burkill,
| 1935; Cassady, 1979; Jain and
| Borthakur, 1980; Jones, 1995; Uhe,
| Murraya
| Anti-insect properties
| Bowman et al., 2001; Dowell, 1989;
| Jones, 1995
| Murraya
| Condiment
| Burkill, 1935; Joseph and Peter, 1985;
| Morton, 1984; Swingle, 1943; Swingle
| and Reece, 1967
| Murraya
| Dentifrice
| Brown, 1954; Parmar and Kaushal,
| Murraya
| Essential oils
| Burkill, 1935; Joseph and Peter, 1985
| Murraya
| Leaf characteristics
| Halma, 1929; Hirano, 1931
| Murraya
| Medicinal use
| Burkill, 1935; Iyer and Mani, 1990; Jain
| and Borthakur, 1980; Jones, 1995;
| Joseph and Peter, 1985; Manandhar,
| 1995; Morton, 1984; Parmar and
| Kaushal, 1982
| Murraya
| Quality of wood
| Jones, 1995
| Murraya
| Reaction to canker
| Gottwald et al., 1993; Lee, 1918; Peltier,
| 1918; Peltier and Frederich, 1920, 1924
| Murraya
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Knorr, 1956; Mü ller and Garnsey, 1984;
| Yoshida, 1996
| Murraya
| Reaction to miscellaneous fungal diseases
| Fulton, 1925; Winston et al., 1927
| Murraya
| Reaction to nematodes
| Baines et al., 1960
| Murraya
| Reaction to Huanglongbing
| Aubert, 1987
| Pamburus
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Knorr, 1956; Mü ller and Garnsey, 1984
| Pamburus
| Rootstock use
| Swingle, 1916
| Paramignya
| Medicinal use
| Burkill, 1935
| Paramignya
| Reaction to canker
| Lee, 1918; Peltier, 1918; Peltier and
| Frederich, 1920, 1924
| Paramignya
| Reaction to miscellaneous fungal diseases
| Winston et al., 1927
| Pleiospermium
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Yoshida, 1996
| Poncirus
| Adaptation to soil conditions
| Shaked et al., 1988; Shannon et al.,
| 1960a, b; Yelenosky et al., 1973
| Poncirus
| Cold hardiness
| Roose and Kupper, 1992; Traub and
| Robinson, 1937; Yelenosky et al., 1973;
| Young, 1963b, c, 1977; Young and
| Hearn, 1972
| Poncirus
| Fruit composition or development
| Bitters and Batchelor, 1951; Bitters et
| al., 1973a; Kefford and Chandler, 1961;
| Roose et al., 1985; Sinclair and
| Bartholomew, 1944; Woodruff and
| Olson, 1960; Wutscher and Bistline,
| 1988; Wutscher and Shull, 1975
Table 4.3. Continued
| Attribute
| References
| Poncirus
| Growth rate
| Yelenosky et al., 1968; Maggs and
| Alexander, 1969
| Poncirus
| Level of apomixis
| Frost and Soost, 1968; Khan and
| Roose, 1988; Pio et al., 1984; Ueno et
| al., 1967
| Poncirus
| Mineral nutrition
| Castle and Krezdorn, 1975; Embleton et
| al., 1973b; Hodgson and Eggers, 1938
| Poncirus
| Photosynthesis
| Morinaga and Ikeda, 1990; Syvertsen
| and Graham, 1985
| Poncirus
| Reaction to canker
| Gottwald et al., 1993; Peltier, 1918;
| Peltier and Frederich, 1920, 1924
| Poncirus
| Reaction to citrus tristeza virus
| Bitters, 1959, 1972; Costa et al., 1949;
| Grant and Costa, 1948; Grant et al.,
| 1949, 1951; Salibe, 1977
| Poncirus
| Reaction to Mal secco
| Chapot, 1963; Russo, 1976/77
| Poncirus
| Reaction to miscellaneous fungal diseases
| Fulton, 1925; Olson and Godfrey, 1953;
| Peltier and Frederich, 1923
| Poncirus
| Reaction to miscellaneous
| McClean and Schwarz, 1970
| mycoplasmas
| Poncirus
| Reaction to miscellaneous virus or
| Childs, 1951; Vogel and Bové, 1971;
| viroid diseases
| Yamada and Sawamura, 1952
| Poncirus
| Reaction to nematodes
| Baines et al., 1960; Cameron et al.,
| 1977; Feder, 1968; Ferguson et al.,
| 1992; Ford, 1969; Hutchison and
| O’Bannon, 1972; Kaplan and O’Bannon,
| 1981; McCarty et al., 1979; Niles et al.,
| Poncirus
| Reaction to Phytophthora
| Carpenter and Furr, 1962; Davenport
| and Rouse, 1992; Furr and Carpenter,
| 1961; Grimm and Hutchison, 1972;
| Laville and Blondel, 1979; Raghavendra
| Rao and Prasad,, 1983
| Poncirus
| Root characteristics
| Castle and Youtsey, 1983; Luxmore et
| al., 1971; Smith and Wallace, 1954;
| Syvertsen and Graham, 1985
| Poncirus
| Salt tolerance
| Embleton et al., 1973b; Kirkpatrick and
| Bitters, 1969
| Poncirus
| Tree size control
| Bitters, 1950; Castle and Phillips, 1977;
| Hutton et al., 2000; Phillips, 1969;
| Phillips and Castle, 1977; Roose et al.,
| Severinia
| Adaptation to soil conditions
| Wutscher et al., 1970
| Severinia
| Cold hardiness
| Young, 1963c
| Severinia
| Fruit composition or development
| Wutscher and Bistline, 1988
| Severinia
| Leaf characteristics
| Hirano, 1931
| Severinia
| Mineral nutrition
| Embleton et al., 1973b; Wutscher et al.,
| Severinia
| Nematode resistance or tolerance
| Baines et al., 1960; Hutchison and
| O’Bannon, 1972; Kaplan, 1981
| Severinia
| Reaction to canker
| Traub and Robinson, 1937
| Severinia
| Reaction to canker
| Gottwald et al., 1993; Lee, 1918; Peltier,
| 1918; Peltier and Frederich, 1920, 1924