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Katerina Tokovenko
The moment of inertia of a body was deduced by considering the rotation of the rigid body. But it is characteristic not only of the rotating body as each body has its own moment of inertia independently of whether it is rotated or in a solid-state. A body has the minimum value of the moment of the inertia when the axis of rotation goes through the center of mass. The moment of inertia with respect to an axis that goes through the center of mass is called the principal moment of inertia. Let us calculate the moment of inertia in certain cases of continuous distribution of the volumetric mass. For the entire body, the Formula J = ∑ miri2 is approximate. If the body is divided into a great number of small pieces dm, their addition comes to the integration operation: J = ∫ r2dm The distribution of volumetric mass is characterized by density Whence it follows that dm = ρ dv. In general ρ may be changed into the volume of a body, i.e. ρ = ρ (r). Thus, finding of the moment of inertia of a body comes to calculation of integral J = ∫ ρ (r) r2dv. 1. Let us calculate the moment of inertia of the entire disc with the mass m and radius R about an axis z that goes through the center of the disc (fig. 3.4). Let us divide the disc into rings with the width dr. The volume of such layer is Dv = 2π rhdr, Where h is the width.
Dm = ρ dv = ρ 2π rhdr. Since the density of all points is equal and it is possible to take ρ outside the integral sign, it is derived that If the mass of disk m = ρ π hR2 is taken into consideration, the formula for the moment of inertia may be illustrated in a such written form The formula (3.14) defines the moment of inertia of the disk about the axis that goes through the center of mass. 2. Let us calculate the moment of inertia of a core with the mass m and the length l about the axis that goes through its center of mass (fig 3.5). Let us divide the core into small pieces dm that are located at a distance x. The volume of every such The moment of inertia of the entire core is The mass of the core is m = ρ Sl, so J0 – the moment of inertia about the center of mass, 3. Let an axis of rotation z of a core goes through some end of a core (fig. 3.6): That is
Jz = J0 + ma2. (3.15)
The moment of inertia about axis O is
The moment of inertia about axis O` is Since the zero point of x, y, z lies in the center of mass of the body so coordinate of the center of mass xC equals to zero and then the third summand of expression is missing. Consequently, the expression acquires such form:
or Jz = J0 + ma2, where