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Read the text to yourself and state its main theme. Say what kind of investigations were carried out and what qualities of the teacher are valued by the pupils most of all.
1. Developing relations between teachers and pupils means respecting children as persons and not simply " getting on" with them; the first encounters with classes must be handled with clear objectives in mind, taking into account educational and organizational criteria plus a sensitivity to the pupils' expectations of the teacher's role. We know pupils expect teachers to keep order, but what other qualities do they value? 2. Almost 900 ten — fifteen-year-olds were asked to rank six statements concerning three dimensions of the good teacher— the teaching itself, keeping order, and the teacher's personality. The responses showed that it was teaching ability (explaining work and encouraging pupils to work hard) which all pupils valued most, while least weight was given to the teacher's personal qualities (e. g. patience and cheerfulness). However, the teachers who were asked to rank the statements placed personal qualities highest. The mismatch of expectations could account for some control problems in classroom. 3. When the children were asked to rank six items concerned with the manner of keeping order, all pupils tended to put " firmness" and " fairness" first and " letting you have your own way" last, suggesting that pupils value knowing where they are rather than permissiveness. This piece of research would seem to demonstrate that teachers are most likely to satisfy children's expectations if they emphasize helping pupils to learn and a classroom manner which is both firm and fair. 4. A number of interesting points emerge from the studies summarized in the table. First, there is remarkable agreement between pupils of all ages and ability levels. 5. Secondly, two issues crop up again and again. One concerns the pupils' insistence that a good teacher is one who can keep order in a firm but relaxed and nonpunitive way. The other relates to the teacher's ability to make the pupils feel that they are learning something worthwhile and efficiently. 6. Thirdly, children dislike both the " soft" teacher who cannot keep order (and even more so if he or she gets angry or upset) and the " hard" teacher who is overbearing and indiscriminate in his reprimanding and punishing. They like firmness, even strictness, but it must be seen to be just. 7. Further, pupils expect the order to be kept in such a way that they feel some freedom to express themselves in an atmosphere that is fairly relaxed and friendly with a teacher to whom pupils can talk easily, who treats their ideas seriously, and who is prepared to have a joke. 8. Finally, it is important to note the apparent contradictions in some pupil's expectations. They like to feel free yet also controlled; they like adults who come clean with their own views but they resent adults who pontificate. Yes, on reflection, these are not contradictions at all but demonstrate the fine distinctions which characterize a very delicate area in which the teacher has to tread. 9. Living up to the pupils' expectation is a tall order, but the prurient teacher is the one who tries to respond as best as he can. Find in the text sentences in which different qualities of the teacher are mentioned. Which of them are disapproved of by the author? Look up the text to find the author's opinion on the ways of