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Read the text for obtaining information.

The first centers of science in Old Rus were monasteries. Kyiv Mohyla Academy was one of such centers in the 17th century. In the 19 th century the Universities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa and Lviv became research centers of Ukraine.

Much credit in the development of Ukrainian science is due to mathematician M. Ostrogradskyi /1801-1862/, linguist Osyp Bodiansky /1808-1877/, historian V. Antonovych /1834-1908/. O. Potebnia was an outstanding linguist, folklorist and literary scholar.

The creation of the Ukrainian Academy of Science in 1918 was an event of great importance. Among its founding members were noted naturalist V. Vernadsky and historian M. Hrushevsky. Associated with the Academy are the names of outstanding scientists O. Potebnia, O. Bohomolets, M.Kholodnyi, B. Paton. At present, the National Academy of Science comprises 170 research centers. The National Academy of Ukraine ranks with Europe's leading scientific centers. Since 1962 its President has been Boris Paton, a noted scientists and organizer. A great deal has been done in the leading sciences over the past several years. World priority have first laser data storage, achievements in machine building, rocket and computer technology. The National Academy of Ukraine maintains international contacts with academies in many countries.

Academician Vernadsk y /1863-/is the author of the fundamental studies on Earth, the chemical composition of atmosphere, the role of radioactive elements in the planet's evolution. His scientific findings are universally recognized. He is one of the founders of geochemistryand biogeochemistry.

Oleksandr Bohomolets /1881-1946/ was a founder of a large school of pathophysiologists. He developed the hypothesis that the course of a disease and recovery depends on the resistance of organism. He demonstrated that connective tissue has a protective function in organism. He discovered a stimulant of connective tissue, which gained him worldwide fame. O. Bohomolets' wrote many works in biology, physiology, and pathology. He was president of the Academy of Science of Ukraine in 1930-46.

Yevhen Oskarowych Paton /1953/ was a prominent Ukrainian scientist in the field of bridge-building and welding. He wrote many works in the field of welding and founded the Ukrainian school of welding. In 1945-52 he was vice-president of the Academy of Science of Ukraine. One of the longest bridges across the Dnieper was named after academician Y. Paton.

Borys Yevhenovych Paton is a prominent Ukrainian scientist in the field of metallurgy and metal engineering, the author of numerous research discoveries. Based on his findings special electric metallurgy was created. The fundamentals of welding in outer space were developed. In 1962 Academician B. Paton became president of the Academy of Science of Ukraine.

In the field of the physical sciences Ukrainian scientists contributed much into development of world science. Many of them are known to the public at large but greater part remains unknown.

Ivan Poliui wrote in Ukraine the first textbook on Geometry and the book about stars and planets. He was a brilliant polyglot, he knew 15 languages and worked in Vienna in the field of electrical engineering, mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. He was the first to discover invisible rays some decades earlier than Wilhelm Roentgen. He was the first to study the so-called “cold light”.

Ihor Sikorsky designed the first multi-engine planes.In 1919 he emigrated to the USA. In 1939 he designed the first helicopter.

Ostap Stasiv graduated from Berlin University where he attended lectures of Max Plank and Albert Einstein. He founded the Institute of Crystal Physics in Berlin.

Olexandr Smakula worked in Germany and USA and made dozens of inventions. His quantity mathematical correlation is known in physics as Smakula's formula.

Heorhii Sharpak. Since 1954 he has been working in Geneva where he discovered a new type of nuclear particles detector. He was awarded with the Nobel Prize in physics.

Heorhii Gamov used quantum mechanics and explained alpha decay. He developed the cosmological theory of " Primary explosion".He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences /USA/.

Borys Hrabovskyi was one of the founders of the modern television. Together with his assistant I.Biliansky he designed the first in the world TV set. in July 1928, the image of his assistant appeared on the screen of the TV-set.

Hryhorii Kysunko was adesigner of the first in the world anti-missile system, which was much better than American systems.

Leonid Vereshchahyn. The first synthetic diamonds were obtained under his leadership.

Anatolii Olexandrov created the first in the world atomic-powered vessel.

Anton Komar put into operation the first in the country betatron.

Petro Kapitsa made a great contribution into development of physics working in England and Russia. He was awarded with the Nobel Prize. The whole world knows Petro Kapitsa as a noted scientist in the field of nuclear physics.

Mykhailo Avenarius. The history of physics knows the Avenarius law.

Mykola Pylchykov /1857-1908/ made geological survey of the Kursk magnetic anomaly and studied radioactivity.

Heorhy Latyshev /1907-1973/ built the greatest in Europe electrostatic accelerator.

Kyrylo Synelnykov /19011966/ was born in Pavlograd.. His device for preserving plasma was later named after Synelnykov.

Olexandr Halkin organized in 1965 the Donetsk Institute of Physics and Technologies.

Olexandr Usykov was born in 1904 in Sumy area. He developed powerful impulse generators for radiolocation devices.

Ukrainian physics has a high prestige in the world. Mykola Kuvshynsky, professor of Kyiv University, has been included into the list of " 500 most influential leaders". We must do all we can to support the fundamental science in Ukraine, to prevent it from decay.


Fill in the gaps with the words from the table:


physics academy linguistics monasteries welding
academician designed cold light inventions nuclear


1. The first centers of science in Kyivan Rus were ___________.

2. The Ukrainian____________ of Science was created in 1918.

3. Volodymyr Vernadsky became first Ukrainia______________.

4. The Institute of ____________ was named after O. Potebnia.

5. The fundamentals of____________ in outer space were developed by B. Paton.

6. Ivan Puliuy was the first to study so called _____________.

7. O. Smakula made dozens of________.

8. The scientist was awarded with the Nobel Prize in ___________.

9. Borys Hrabovsky ________________the first in the world TV set.

10. P. Kapitsa is known for his works in the field of physics.

Decide which of the statements are true and which are false. Mark + the true statement, - the false ones.

1. The first centers of science in Kyivan Rus were universities.

2. Volodymyr Vernadsky was the first Ukrainian Academician.

3. Yevhen Paton got interested in welding.

4. Electric metallurgy was created in Ukraine.

5. Ivan Puliuy was first to discover the invisible rays.

6. The first synthetic diamond was obtained under the leadership of A.Alexandrov.

7. Petro Kapitsa as a noted scientist in the field of nuclear physics.

8. Academician Komar took par in creation of electronic accelerators.

Answer the questions::

1. What Ukrainian scientists do you know?

2. Who was the first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Science?

3. Did O. Potebnia protest against denationalization?

4. What kind of metallurgy was created by B. Paton?

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