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Мазок – stroke, touch, dash, dab.
Литография – lithography [lı `θ ɔ grə fı: ] – a process for printing patterns, pictures from a piece of stone or metal. A lithograph – a picture made by lithography. Гобелен – tapestry [`tæ pı strı ] – a heavy cloth woven by hand or machinery with decorative design and pictures and used as a wall hanging, furniture covering, etc. Глиптика – glyptics [`glı ptı ks] – the art of carving or engraving designs on gems, etc. - Инталия – intaglio [ı n`ta: lı ou] – the art of making a picture, decoration by cutting a pattern deeply into the surface of a hard substance, esp. a jewel. - Камея – cameo [`kæ mı ə u] – a piece of jewellery consisting of a raised shape or figure on the background of a small fine flat stone of a different colour. Гуашь – gouache [gua: ∫ ] – a way of painting with opaque colours ground in water and mixed with a preparation of gum; a pigment of this sort. Масляная живопись – oil painting – the art of painting in oil colours, a colour or paint made by grinding a pigment in oil, esp. linseed oil. Мозаика – mosaic [mə `zeı ı k] – the art of making pictures or designs by inlaying small bits of coloured stone, glass, tile, etc. in mortar. Офорт – etching [et∫ ı ŋ ] – the art of producing drawings or design on plates of metal, glass, etc. by the action of acid; a print made from this. Панно – panel [`pæ n`l] – any picture very much longer than it is wide. Пастель – pastel [`pæ stl], crayon [`kreı ə n] – a small stick of a solid chalklike substance made of powdery colouring matter used for drawing; a picture drawn using this substance; any soft light colour. Пленэр – plain air [pleı nε ə r] technique – the art of painting in the open air to depict atmospheric changes. Темпера – tempera [`tempə rə ] – the paint in which pigments are mixed with egg, esp. egg yolk. Фреска – mural painting, fresco [`freskou] – a picture made by painting in water colour on a surface of a wall, made of wet plaster. Экслибрис – book plate – a label, often specially designed, pasted in a book to identify its owner. Эстамп – print: an image created by pressing a special piece of wood, metal, etc. with a raised design on it onto paper or another surface.
5. Выразительные средства (законы) живописи The expressive means (laws) of painting. Грунт (левкас) – ground, priming. A colour used as a background or first layer on a painting, drawing, etc. Импасто - impasto. A way of painting with thick layers of paint. Колорит – colouring, colour-scheme. A combination of colours used together somewhere. Композиция – composition. The arrangement of the parts of a work of art so as to form a unified, harmonious whole. Лессировка – finishing touches. To provide the finished picture with a final polishing or coat of transparent paint. Мазок – stroke, touch, dash, dab.