| Grammar
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“English 8”, Ò.Ä.Êóçíåöîâà, Ï.Ã.Êîçëîâ, èçä. «Ìåêòåï», ã.Àëìàòû, 2012
I TERM Kazakhstan is my Motherland (9 hours)
| Diagnostic Test
| To define students’ level of know of English
| Word formation, types of sentences (imperative, interrogative, negative) and questions (general, special, tag-question, alternative question)
| Revision of learnt material of the 7th grade
| Kazakhstan is my motherland (population, towns and cities).
| Vocabulary (country, homeland, city, hills, valleys, etc.) and pronunciation
| Present / Past Simple, construction there is/ there are
| To write 10 sentence on the theme ‘My motherland’
| Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.
| Reading and speaking,
| Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses
| To ask 5 questions to the text
| Sightseeing in Kazakhstan.
| Sightseeing, glacial, heavenly, mountains, monuments, park, etc.
| Present Perfect Continuous tenses
| To make the project “ Sightseeing in Kazakhstan”(slide show presentation)
| Geographical position of Kazakhstan (climate, landscape, rivers, waterways, hills, mountains, plains,)
| Vocabulary (climate, landscape, population, rivers, waterways, etc.) and pronunciation
| Past Simple tense
| To write a topic “ Geographical position of Kazakhstan”(15 sentences with the words from new vocabulary)
| Ecological problems of Kazakhstan (water/air/land pollution)
| Vocabulary (pollution, to threaten, oxygen, soil, oil, tankers, etc.) and pronunciation
| Past Continuous tense
| To find information about ecological problems of our city
| Ecological problems of English speaking countries
| Vocabulary (pollution, to threaten, oxygen, soil, oil, tankers, etc.)
| Adjectives
Prepositions of place
| To write an Essay on theme “Environmental protection”
| Control test
| Vocabulary “ Kazakhstan is my Motherland ”
| Present/Past Simple, Present/Past Continuous, Present Perfect tenses, “there is/there are” construction, word formation
| To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
| Corrections
| Vocabulary “ Kazakhstan is my Motherland ”
| Present/Past Simple, Present/Past Continuous, Present Perfect tenses, “there is/there are” construction, word formation
| To do corrections
New technology (9 hours)
| Mass Media in our life.
| Vocabulary (mass media, spectators, readers, newspaper, channels, etc.) and pronunciation
| Present/Past/Future Simple tenses
| To learn the new words by heart, to compile 10 sentences
| Radio and TV in my life.
| Radio, channels, to turn on/off, switch on/off
| Present/Past/Future Simple tenses
| Ex.IV on p.137
| Adverts. Watching TV.
| Advertisement, newspaper, to express their opinion about advantages and disadvantages of TV
| Modal verb would/should+ Perfect Infinitive
| Ex.II, III on p.139 Ex IV (2) on p.141
| Television and children.
| to develop dialogical speech
| Questions (Past, Present Simple tenses)
| Ex III on p.142
| The Internet services. Computer.
What is hardware and software. Bill Gates and computer.
| Network, social network, facebook, internet page, browser, admin, user, delay, Hardware, software, mouse, monitor, processor, printer, scanner, keyboard etc.
| Compound nouns
| Ex V (2) on p.146
Ex II (1, 2) on p. 149-150
| Mobile phone. The Internet.
| Cell-phone, mobile phone, internet service, banking, etc.
| Present / Past Simple tense
| Ex IV on p. 151
| Mass Media in Kazakhstan. Mass Media. The Media in my life.
| To speak about favourite TV programmes in small groups
| Degrees of comparison of adjectives
| Ex II, V (2) on p.154
| Control test
| Vocabulary “ New technology ”
| Present/Past/Future Simple tenses
Degrees of comparison of adjectives
| To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
| Corrections
| Vocabulary“ New technology ”
| Present/Past/Future Simple tenses
Degrees of comparison of adjectives
| To do corrections
Education in Kazakhstan, the USA and the UK (14 hours)
| Schools we get knowledge in.
| Educational system, junior, primary, high, infant, college, etc.
| articles and prepositions
| Ex.V on p.106
| Schools in Kazakhstan.
| Secondary, high, college, university, institution, etc.
| revision of Present Simple
| Ex III, V on p.107-108
| Secondary education.
| Reading and interpretation
| Conditional sentences
| Ex IV, VI on p. 110-111
| Schools in our country.
| Reading and interpretation
| Zero Conditionals
| Ex II, VI on p. 112-113
| Schools in Great Britain.
| School uniform, suit, hat, skirt, blazer, jacket, etc.
| First Conditionals
| Project work
| Comparing the systems of education in GB and Kazakhstan.
| Advantages, disadvantages, pros and cons, etc.
| Second Conditionals
| Ex IV on p. 119
| My school day.
| Speaking (dialogue speech)
| adverbs
| Ex II on p. 121
| Speaking about schools.
| Speaking (monologue speech)
| Present tenses
| Ex III, VII on p. 124-125
| A day at school.
| Go to school, make one’s bed, have breakfast, break, bell gone, classmates, courses, coach, trainer, etc.
| Present tenses
| Essay on theme
“My day at school”
| Educational system of the USA.
| Comprehensive, private, boarding school
| Degrees of comparison adjectives and adverbs
| Ex III on p. 129
| Schools of future.
| Reading and speaking
| “to be going to…”
| Ex IV on p. 131, to make a project in groups
| Project work “The school of my dream”
| Writing and speaking
| Future Simple
| To revise grammar
| Control work on p. 132
| Vocabulary “ Education in Kazakhstan, the USA and the UK”
| Present tenses, Degrees of comparison adjectives and adverbs, Future Simple, “to be going to…”
| To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
| Corrections
| Vocabulary “ Education in Kazakhstan, the USA and the UK”
| Present tenses, Degrees of comparison adjectives and adverbs, Future Simple, “to be going to…”
| To do corrections
The flora and fauna (18 hours)
| Wild life of Kazakhstan.
| Wildlife, animals, plants, the Red Book, sea, ocean, rivers, fish, etc.
| adjectives
| To compile 10 sentences with new words from active vocabulary on theme “wildlife”
| Typical Kazakhstan animals.
| Reading, speaking
| Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs
| Essay about favourite pets and animals
| Typical Kazakhstan plants.
| Vocabulary (flora, green, forestgreenpeace) and pronunciation
| Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs
| To make slide show on the theme “Typical Kazakhstan plants”
| Project work “Wildlife of Kazakhstan”
| Vocabulary (flora, green, forest, greenpeace
| Numbers
| To compile dialogues “Environmental protection” (1 student is a journalist, 2 student is a ministry of ecology)
| Wildlife of the USA and the UK.
| Mountains, hills, valleys, forests, dying, statistics, etc.
| Prepositions of place
| To read the text and get new information about wildlife of the USA and the UK, and find similarities/ differences
| Our planet – the Earth.
| Vocabulary (solar system, planets, the Earth, continents, ocean, etc.) and pronunciation
| Prepositions of place
| To learn the new words and compile 10 sentences
| Environmental protection.
| Reading and speaking
| Complex object
| Get ready for discussion of the text (to make 5 questions) to make 5 “True” sentences, 5 “False” sentences
| Nuclear wastes threaten our world.
| Nuclear, weapon, gun, war, wastes, pollutants, harm, diseases, environmental protection
| Past Simple
| To make slide show (Semey)
| The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan.
| Vocabulary (flora, fauna, wildlife, etc.) and pronunciation
| Articles
| To make a project work “Flora and fauna of my motherland”
| The flora and fauna of the USA and the UK.
| Listening and speaking
| Definite and indefinite articles
| To make a presentation: group A “Flora and fauna of the USA”, group B “Flora and fauna of the UK”.
| The attitudes to animals and plants in Kazakhstan and English speaking countries (the USA and the UK).
| Speaking and interpretation
| Indefinite pronouns
| To prepare the new information on the theme “The animals and plants from the Red Book”
| Save the nature. (Help our animals)
| Listening and speaking
| Articles, “there is/there are”, to revise types of the sentences (imperative, negative)
| Essay “Saving nature”
| Save the nature 2. (Let’s save our forest)
| Listening, reading and speaking
| Modal verbs
| Make up the plan “Saving our nature”
| Save the nature 3. (Our seas and rivers are in danger)
| Reading and speaking
| Construction “there is/there are”
| To make slide – show (The Aral sea)
| Geography of the USA. Economical position of the USA and the UK.
| mountains, hills, valleys, plains, rivers and waterways, etc.
| Articles, “there is/there are”
| Topic “What not to do…”
| Project work “Let’s think of the future”.
| Speaking and listening
| Present/Future Simple tenses
| To get ready for the control work
| Control work.
| Vocabulary “ The flora and fauna ”
| Articles, “there is/there are”, Present/Future Simple tenses, Construction “there is/there are”, Modal verbs
| To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
| Corrections
| Vocabulary “ The flora and fauna ”
| Articles, “there is/there are”, Present/Future Simple tenses, Construction “there is/there are”, Modal verbs
| To do corrections
The outstanding people of Kazakhstan and English speaking countries, their influence on world culture (18 hours)
| English speaking countries (the U SA and the UK, etc.)
| Vocabulary (state, monarchy, presidential, parliament, congress, peers, speakers, parties, etc.) and pronunciation
| “There is/there are”
| To answer the questions about the text
| Social and political structure of the USA and the UK.
| Vocabulary (state, monarchy, presidential, parliament, congress, peers, speakers, parties, etc.)
| Compound adjectives and nouns
| To make diagram (to show differences and similarities of the social and political structure of Kazakhstan and the USA (1 group)/the UK (2 group)
| The outstanding political leaders of Kazakhstan
| Leader, queen, king, president, ambassador, ministry, etc.
| Compound adjectives and nouns
| To compile 10 sentences; to make 5 questions
| The outstanding political leaders of English speaking countries (the USA and the UK).
| Leader, queen, king, president, ambassador, ministry, etc.
| Compound adjectives and nouns
| To make project work: 1 group - “The Royal Family”; 2 group – “Outstanding political leaders of the USA”
| Traditions and customs of Kazakhstan and English speaking countries (holidays, ceremonies, celebrations).
| Speaking and listening
| Adjectives
| To make slide shows “Traditions and customs …”
| The importance of literature in our life.
| Literature, poet, poem, novel, writer, etc.
| Present Simple monologue speech
| Topic by heart
| Outstanding writers and poets of Kazakhstan.
| Reading and speaking
| Past tenses
| Slide – shows “My favorite poet/writer ”
| Outstanding writers and poets of the USA and the UK.
| Listening and speaking
| Past tenses
| To make presentation “ Outstanding writers and poets of the USA and the UK.”
| Legends, fables and tales of Kazakh people.
| Legend, fable, fairy-tales, hero, etc.
| Reported speech
| To dramatize one of the famous Kazakh /English tales
| Abai, a great Kazakh poet.
| Reading and speaking
| Past tenses
| To learn by heart one of Abai’s poems
| William Shakespeare.
| Sonnets, globe, century, etc.
| Past tenses
| Good reading of one of the sonnets of W.Shakespeare
| Project work “Shakespeare’s world”.
| Writing and speaking
| Past tenses
| To write Essay on the theme “Who is Shakespeare? ”
| Mark Twain “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”
| Listening and speaking
| Past tenses
| Act out one of the scenes from the book
| Charles Dickens.
| masterpieces,
| Past tense
| Topic by heart
| Video lesson “Meeting with the characters of Charles Dickens”
| Writing and speaking
| Revision of Present tenses
| Summary
| Project work “My favorite poet or writer”.
| Writing and speaking
| Revision of Past tenses
| To write Essay on the theme “My favorite book”
| Control test.
| Vocabulary “ The outstanding people of Kazakhstan and English speaking countries, their influence on world culture ”
| Reported speech, Past tense, Adjectives, Compound adjectives and nouns
| To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
| Corrections
| Vocabulary “ The outstanding people of Kazakhstan and English speaking countries, their influence on world culture ”
| Reported speech, Past tense, Adjectives, Compound adjectives and nouns
| To do corrections