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We Go Fishing

I am an English girl. My name is Mary Brown. When I was a little girl, I had a little sister. She was smaller than I. And she was very naughty.

I want to tell you some stories about my naugh­ty little sister. Here is the first story.

One day, when my little sister was four years old, some children came to our house. They all had fishing-nets.

" Mary, let's go fishing, " they said to me.

" May I go fishing? " I asked my mother.

" Yes, you may, " said my mother.

And she gave me a fishing-net, some bread and butter and a bottle of milk.

Then my naughty little sister said: " I want to go! I want to go, too! "

" You may go, Nancy, " said my mother to my little sister. " But you can't catch fish. You must not go into the water."

So she did not give my sister a fishing-net. But my sister liked to pick up little stones, and my mother gave her a little bag to put them in. Then she gave her some bread and butter and a little bottle of milk and a big apple, too.

" Nancy must not go into the water. You must look after her, " my mother said to her.

" All right, Mother, " I said. We went to the little river. Then my friends and I took off our shoes and socks and went into the water to fish with our fishing-nets. It was sum­mer, and the water was warm.

We fished and fished, but we did not catch any fish. Then one boy said:

" Look, your sister is in the water." We saw my naughty little sister in the water with her shoes and socks on.

I wanted to catch her, but she ran away and fell down in the water. Her dress was wet, her hair was wet, and her shoes and socks were wet, too.

We took off her wet things and put them all on the grass to dry. My sister began to cry.

We gave her some bread and butter, and she ate it all up. She ate up all her bread and butter and all my bread and butter. She drank her milk and my milk, too. Then she ate her apple.

When her dress and her shoes and socks were dry, she put them on and we went home. At supper I did not get any cake. Mother said:

" Only bread and butter for you. You did not look after your sister very well."

So I got only bread and butter.

My sister went to bed, and my mother gave her some hot milk.

But do you know what my mother found in the little bag?

She found a fish! Yes, a little fish!

" Look! " said my mother. " Your little sister caught a fish with her little bag."

2. Письменно переведите прилагательные на русский язык и напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения:

naughty, warm, little, small, wet, big, dry, hot.

3. Письменно переведите и поставьте глаголы в форму прошедшего времени:

find, go fishing, catch, pick up, give, look after, take off fall down, dry, cry, drink, begin, get, eat, see, run, want.

4. Письменно переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

- " May I go fishing? " - " Yes, you may. "

- " You may go, Nancy, " - " But you can't catch fish. You must not go into the water."

- " Nancy must not go into the water. You must look after her."

Письменно объясните случаи употребления выделенных модальных глаголов. Особое внимание уделите разнице в их значении.

5. Заполните пропуски глаголами can или may в нужной форме.

1. You.......... not stop time. 2. This job........ become very difficult for you. 3........ you bring me a glass of water? 4. Who......... tell me what the matter is? 5. The radio said it......... snow today. 6. Don’t throw away these notes. We....... need them later. 7. I........ not believe it! 8. This team....... win the match but I’m not sure. 9. He........... do it when he comes. But he........ not arrive on time. 10. We...... go to the restaurant when the babysitter comes. But she...... not come on time.

6.Составьте не менее 15 предложений и расположите их в логической последовательности:

    Mary Brown Her sister Some children Mother Nancy It They The children had went gave was saw caught picked up took off did not get came did not catch to look after ate found fell down asked gave fished     Mary Her Nancy their     any fish a fishing-net fishing-nets four years old a bottle of milk into the water shoes and socks a little bag little stones in the water a fish a big apple to their house sum­mer any cake a little girl

7.Заполните пропуски местоимениями. Используйте her, their.

1) One day, when her little sister was four years old, some children came to ______house.

2) But her sister liked to pick up little stones, and _____mother gave _____a little bag to put them in. 3) Mother gave ____ a little bag to put the stones in. 4) Mary and her friends took off _____ shoes and socks. 5) They wanted to catch ____.

8.Напишите слова во множественном числе:

a sock, a shoe, a cake, a little bag, a bed, a child, a fish, one boy, a fishing-net, a house, a thing, a story.

9.Согласитесь или не согласитесь. Укажите письменно true (верно) или false (ложно):

1)Mary Brown is an Italian girl.

2) Nancy was very naughty.

3) One day some children came to their house. They all had rods.

4) Mother gave Mary a little bag.

5) Nancy could catch fish.

6) They went to the little lake.

7) It was autumn, and the water was cold.

8) They saw her naughty little sister in the water with her coat and gloves on.

9) She drank her milk and Mary's milk, too.

10) Mary looked after your sister very well.

11) At supper Mary got some cake.

12) Nancy caught a fish with her little dress.

10.Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту:

1) Why did the children come to Mary one day?

2) Did mother let Mary and Nancy go fishing?

3) What did she give the girls?

4)What did the children do on the bank of the river?

5)What season was it?

6) Who did they see in the water?

7) What did they put on the grass to dry?

8)When did the children go home?

9) What did mother find in the little bag?

11. Ответьте письменно на вопросы:

Do children often go fishing in summer?

What do they usually take when they go fishing?

What can they do on the bank of the river?

Would you like to go fishing?

12. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Элен - жена мистера Сэндфорда.

2. Сколько лет вашей племяннице?

3. Он женат, и у него большая семья.

4. Ваша сестра замужем? - Да, ее муж шахтер.

5.У него есть племянник?

6. Мне очень хочется иметь собаку в доме, но мои родители против этого.

7. Она непослушная девочка.

8.Моя школьная подруга очень любит животных.

9. Его дети хорошо воспитаны.

10. Нелли добрая и славная девочка.

11.Сколько лет вашему сыну?

12. Мери самая молодая из моих подруг.


Вариант контрольной работы № 2, 14

1. Прочтите и переведите текст со словарем:

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