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Модернизируем систему газораспределения

Клапаны в двигателе внутреннего сгорания должны открываться и закрываться десятки раз в секунду при ресурсе 150 тыс. км и более. За счёт изменения режима работы впускного и выпускного клапанов можно добиться увеличения эффективности работы двигателя во всём диапазоне мощностей.

ОБЫЧНЫЙ РЕЖИМ. Ремень связывает коленчатый вал с распределительным валом, обеспечивающим открытие и закрытие клапанов в головке блока двигателя. Изменяя режимы работы клапанов, можно улучшить параметры работы и сократить потери. Уменьшение величины хода клапана при низких нагрузках позволит экономить топливо, а его увеличение обеспечит прирост мощности при больших нагрузках.

ОТКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ЦИЛИНДРОВ (используется на некоторых моделях). В двигателе с большим количеством цилиндров (обычно более четырёх) возможно отключение нескольких цилиндров для работы на малой мощности. Клапаны отключения активируются по команде и открываются. Масло под давлением подаётся под нажимной палец, что приводит к отжиманию соединительных штифтов. Впускные и выпускные клапаны прекращают функционировать.

ДВИГАТЕЛЬ БЕЗ РАСПРЕДЕЛИТЕЛЬНОГО ВАЛА (будущее). Отказ от вращающихся элементов, таких как распределительный вал и приводной ремень, существенно уменьшает потери на трение. Система электромагнитных соленоидов позволяет управлять работой клапанов. На каждый клапан предусмотрен отдельный соленоид, работу которого контролирует система управления. Недорогую конструкцию подобного рода ещё предстоит создать.

Discover How Car Batteries Work

Getting the motor going, is the Car Batteries job. A car is as good as dead with out the electric energy from the battery. Not only does the Car Battery generate enough juice to start the motor. It actually makes its own when the motors run. That’s because this plain looking box, accomplishes two diametrically opposed functions using exactly the same ingredients. It generates electricity, and it accumulates electricity. The Car Batteries manages this incredible feat by exploiting reversible chemical reactions.

Okay, so how does a car battery work? A car battery has a positive and a negative terminal there connected to the car, and send a flow of electrons to power the wipers, headlights, radio, air conditioning, and most importantly the engine starter. Inside the car battery are six small energy producing units called cells. Each cell has two sets of electrodes. Their made of eight overlapping metallic plates, for a total of 16 per cell. Together the plates form a compact grid, the bigger the grids overall surface the more power it generates. The positive grid, covered in led oxide, carries electrons in. The negative grid covered in led, releases electrons.

The plates soak in a chemical bath, 65% water, 35% sulfuric acid. Volatile chemicals: If you are not careful, a drop of it will eat through your clothes, and burn off your skin. But the key to the Car Battery is all those powerful chemicals reacting with each other inside the cells, the reaction repeating as the battery drains. The bath of water and sulfuric acid acts as an electrolyte, a substance that conducts electricity. As the battery discharges, or unloads electricity, the acid bath reacts to chemicals on the plates, the led covering one cell grid, and the led oxide covering the other. Dipping them in the electrolyte bath releases particles called electrons. When they start racing in the grids, they create electricity.

As the electrons race from the positive grid of the first cell and out the negative grid, they produce 2 volts of electricity. The led and led oxide covering the electrodes have been chemically transformed. And when the electrons from the first cell zoom into the second cell, they pick up another 2 volts, for a total voltage of 4. By the time the electrons charge out of the sixth cell, they have a combined voltage of 12. That’s a fully loaded car battery, with enough juice to power the starter, and crank the engine. Once you’ve squeezed out all the juice to start the motor, the fuel system takes over and keeps the motor running.

The car’s alternator takes over the rest of the electrical chores – time for the battery to juice itself up. It recharges by reversing the chemical reactions. Electrons coming from the car’s alternator now enter the battery through the negative grid of the cells and come out the positive side of the cell. The chemicals on the grid go back to normal, and the battery is recharged and ready to put out another 12 volts of electricity. That is unless you happen to leave the car lights on overnight, in that case, the chemical reactions move in one direction, draining the battery, which never get the chance to recharge it self, the inevitable result is a dead battery.

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