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Finding security in the us

An alien is a person who is not a citizen of this country- In the United States an alien has many - but not all - of the rights of a citizen-

An alien does^not have the right to vote. He cannot hold public office or a government job. He cannot serve on a jury-He has to notify the Immigration and Naturalization Service of his address.

However, there are many rights that an alien can enjoy; for example, an alien, like a citizen, is protected by the ConstitutioD of the United States. The Constitution gives him the Tight to speak freely, as well as the right to worship as he pleases. " The alien also has the right to travel, to own property; he has the right to police and fire protection; and he has the right to an education for himself and his family.

More than that, there are many Federal State and local laws that protect the alien. One of these laws protects the worker who has lost his job. He may be paid, for as long as 36 weeks in some states. The money to pay the worker comes from a special tax paid By Uie employer. I

Aay of us can become needy. We may get too old to| work or disabled. Worst of all, we may die and leave members of our family with no one to support them.

The Federal Government began taking care of these problems many years ago. It started a social security plan for workers- The plan insures working people against the loss of wages or earnings

due to old age, serious injury, illness or death. It is like/insurance against fire or damage to your home or car.., <

Every person should learn about, this plan. A worker earns his right to social security by paying a special tax. This tax is taken out of wages he earns by working-for someone

else. If he works for himself, the worker pays a different kind of special tax-If you work for someone else, your. employer t^kes just a few cents out of each dolar you earn. He takes the same amount of his money and sends it with, yours to the government. If you work for yourself, your tax is a little more than if you work for someone else.

The social security office keeps a record of your wages and earn­ings during all of your working life in the US ihen, when applica­tion is made for social security benefits, the government can tell

from this record.how much money yo".or your family should be paid.

The amount you or your family will receive from social security depends on how much money you earned and the number of your family dependents. To receive benefits you must have worked for a minimum number of years-, '.,

When you grow old and cannot dp much work, you may decide to stop working. Before you retire, you should consider how much money you will receive from social security, you may need it to help pay rent or buy food and clothing, r,..

You cao receive social security payments when you are 62 or 65 years old'. The amount of money the government will. pay you will be more if you stop working wnsn you are 65 years old than it will

be if you stop at 62, The money will be sent to you by the govern­ment each month-If you become disabled or so: sick that you cannot work, you and your family can begin receiving social security benefits after Graonths. In case you die, social security payments.will be made to your family. ,, -.;.

Nearly all people 65 years old and over are eligible for two kinds of health insurance protection, often called " Medicare", These are hospital insurance and, for those who choose it, medical insurance. If you are 65 years or over you are entitled to social security bene­fits, you are automatically.eligible for hospital insurance. This will help you pay the cost of hospital bills.

.You •will receive medical insurance protection.only if you can sign up for it and pay a small amount each month. This medical

insurance will help you to pay doctors bills and other medical expenses.

A worker must have a social security card. You can apply for a card at your nearest Social Security office or at any post office. The card will be mailed to you within a short time after you apply for it.

There are other benefits that an alien can receive when he is out of work and has no money. He can get public assistance. This is money which his local government gives him when he cannot buy rood or clothing for himself and his family, or cannot pay his rent-is A worker who is hurt on his job can get workmen's compensa­tion. He can receive payments during the time he is unable to woA.

An alien may join a labor union. He is also protected by a min­imum wage law in certain kinds of work. This law provides that an employer must pay the worker no less than a fixed amount of money an hour-In these many ways. Federal and local governments protect the welfares of the people It will not be long untill you become a citizen of the United States. Even before you do, you have many benefits enjoyed by citizens. After you become a citizen, you will have full rights,., and benefits.

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