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Education in the USA

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

In the United States, education is offered from kindergarten to graduate school by both pub­lic and private institutions. Elementary and secondary education involves 12 years of schooling, the success­ful completion of which leads to a high school diploma. Education is free and compulsory in all states from the age of 6 till 16 (or 18).

There are three types of schools in the USA: public, private and home schools. Most children go to public schools. These schools are run by the government. The families who want their chil­dren to study in the private schools must pay tuition. Some families choose not to send their children to school at all. They educate them at home. Par­ents hire teachers for their own children and they believe that this way of studying is the best one because children study at home.

At 6 children begin the first year of elementary school, which is called grade 1. Grades from 1 to 5 make up ele­mentary school. Middle school consists of grades from 6 to 8. High school has last grades from 9 to 12th years of studying.

The American high school offers a wide variety of courses. In the same school a student can specializes in economics, in chemistry and physics, Latin and humanities, or in automobile mechanics. During the four-year high school program the student studies 4 or 5 major subjects per year. In addition the students usually have classes in physical education, music and art. The first two years (9-th and 10-th grades) are a continuation of secondary education. Then (11-th and 12-th grades) a student begins an intensive study of his special field.

When children have completed the 12th grade they receive a high school diploma. At this point students may end their formal education or go to the colleges. At college the student will even­tually specialize in one area of study such as Mathematics, Sci­ence, History, Literature, Theol­ogy, Computer or a Foreign Lan­guage. At the end of four years of studying he or she will earn a Bachelor degree. The student who wants to continue his (her) education after college may work to earn a Master's or doctoral de­gree. A student may also choose to enter a professional school to prepare to be a doctor, teacher or a lawyer.


public school – государственная, бесплатная школа

run – управлять

tuition — обучение

educate — давать обра­зование, воспитывать ребенка

hire — нанимать

elementary school — начальная школа

middle — средний

high school — средняя школа (в Америке)

complete — заканчи­вать, завершать, проходить

eventually — оконча­тельно

Science — естественные науки

Theology — теология, богословие

Bachelor degree — степень бакалавра

Master's degree — степень магистра

doctoral degree — док­торская степень

lawyer — юрист, адвокат


Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1. What types of schools in the USA do you know?

2. Who pays for children’s educa­tion in public schools?

6. Who teaches children at home schools?

7. What stages of study­ing in private and public schools do you know?

8. What age do children start studying at private and public schools at?

9. Where can students go after a high school?

10. Where can student go after a col­lege?


Exercise 3. Form nouns with the suffix –tion from the following words. Translate them into Russian:

To accommodate – accommoda tion, to educate -, institute -, to complete -, academic -, tutor -, to prepare -, to admit -.


Exercise 4. Use “is” or “are” in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian:


  1. In the USA education ____ offered from kindergarten to graduate school.
  2. The first year of elementary school ____ called grade 1.
  3. Public schools ___ run by the government.
  4. To educate children at home ____ the best way.
  5. The first two years of high school ___ a continuation of secondary education.
  6. Education ___ free and compulsory in all states from the age of 6 till 16 (or 18).



Exercise 5. Here are some answers. Write in your questions.


1). How many years ___________________________________?

2). How many types of schools ________________________?


3). At what age ______________________________________?

At 6

4). In what grade ____________________________________?

In the 9-th.

5). What________________________________________?

A wide variety of courses.

6). What ___________________________________________?

A high school diploma

7). Where_________________________________________?

At college.


After college.


Exercise 6. Insert prepositions where it’s necessary:

1). In the United States education is offered … kindergarten … graduate school … both pub­lic and private institutions. 2). Education is free and compulsory … all states … the age … 6 … 16 (or 18). 3). Most children go … public schools. 4). These schools are run … the government. 5). Par­ents hire teachers … their own children and they believe that this way … studying is the best one because children study … home. 6). Middle school consists … grades … 6 … 8. 7) … the four-year high school program the student studies 4 or 5 major subjects … year. 8). A student may also choose to enter … a professional school to prepare to be a doctor, teacher or a lawyer.


Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences:

  1. Public school – is a school run by …
  2. Private school – is a school where parents must …
  3. Home schooling – is a …
  4. Elementary school – is a school that consists of …
  5. Middle school – is …
  6. High school – is …
  7. A high school diploma – is a diploma that…
  8. A Bachelor’s degree – is a degree that’s earned at the end …



Exercise 8. Tell about the system of education in the USA. (You can use Table 1)

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