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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

II. Я ничего не знаю о Вашем письме.

A. I know nothing about your letter.

B. I don’t know nothing about your letter.

C. I knew nothing about your letter.

D. I don’t know something about your letter.


III. Я работал в этом пароходстве много лет тому назад.

A. I was working in the Shipping Company many years late.

B. I has worked in the Steamship Agency for many years ago.

C. I worked in the Crewing Company for much years past.

D. I worked in the Shipping Company many years ago.

IV. Мы можем, мы должны и нам можно сделать эту работу.

A. We may, we can and we must do this work.

B. We can, we must and we may to do this work.

C. We can, we must and we may do this work.

D. We may, we must and we can to do this work.


V. Когда капитан вошёл на мостик, я принимал метеосводку.

A. When the Master enter the bridge, I received a weather forecast.

B. When the Captain enters the bridge, I was receiving the weather report.

C. When Master entered the bridge, I receive weather forecast.

D. When the Master entered the bridge, I was receiving a weather report.

VI. Старший помощник капитана изменит курс судна.

A. The Chief Officer will change the ship’s course.

B. The Chief Mate would change the ship’s course.

C. The Chief Officer of the Master will change the course of a ship.

D. The Chief Mate will changes the course of ship.


VII. Когда вы настроите передатчик?

A. When will you be tune the transmitter?

B. When will you tuned the transmitter?

C. When will you tune the transmitter?

D. When you will tune the transmitter?



Определите правильный вариант


I. Курсанты пойдут на плавпрактику в следующем году?

A. Will the cadets go to sail-practice in the next year?

B. Will be the cadets go on their sea-practice on the next year?

C. The cadets will go on their sailing practice next year?

D. Will the cadets go on their sailing practice next year?

II. Наше судно только что прибыло в порт.

A. Our ship has just arrived to the port.

B. Our vessel have already arrived to the port.

C. Our ship had come at port just.

D. Our vessel comes just now at a port.


III. Они погрузили зерно и закрыли люки.

A. They loaded the grain and had covered the hatches.

B. They loaded the hatches and covered the grain.

C. They loaded the grain and covered the hatches.

D. They have loaded the grain and cover the hatches.


IV. Судно не было отремонтировано, всё будет сделано на будущей неделе.

A. The ship did not repaired and everything will done next week.

B. The ship was not repaired and everything will be done next week.

C. The ship doesn’t repair and everything will do next week.

D. The ship wasn’t repaired and everything will be next week.

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