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Найдите в каждом задании лишнее по смыслу слово.

1. -A. thinner -B. enamel -C. primer -D. bucket   7. -A. hammer -B. bearing -C. round brush -D. scraper  
2. -A. to wash -B. to supply -C. to clean -D. to scrub down   8. -A. to paint -B. to chip off -C. to look out -D. to lubricate  
3. -A. broom -B. deck scrub -C. lub oil -D. mop   9. -A. loose paint -B. roller paint -C. coat of paint -D. primer paint  
4. -A. emery -B. file -C. rasp -D. rest   10. -A. starboard -B. portside -C. port -D. board  
5. -A. engine room -B. mess room -C. boiler room -D. deck house   11. -A. to keep watch -B. to report to the bridge -C. to keep the area clear -D. to produce identification
6. -A. water bucket -B. deep rust -C. heavy dirt -D. salt   12. -A. to investigate -B. to inspect -C. to moor -D. to survey


Найдите в каждом задании ПРАВИЛЬНОЕ предложение.



1. Когда вы обычно завтракали в столовой экипажа во время рейса?

-A. When usually had you breakfast in the crew’s mess room in the travel?

-B. When did you usually have breakfast in the crew messroom during the voyage?

-C. When had you usually have breakfast in the crew’s canteen when you were in voyage?

-D. When did you usually had breakfast in the crew messroom during your cruise?


Чтобы удалить сильную грязь с палубных механизмов, ему необходимо их

Помыть и почистить.

-A. To remove heavy dirt from the deck equipment, he should wash and clean it.

-B. That to scrub down big dirt from the deck mechanisms, he must wash and clear them.

-C. In order to remove severe dirt from deck equipments, he must to wash and clean them.

-D. To get off the dirty from deck mechanism he would washing and cleaning it.


3. Боцман приказал дать матросу ведро, швабру, и щётку для мытья палубы.

-A. The bosun ordered give the sailor a bucket, pile and scraper to scrub deck.

-B. The boatswain order to give the sailor a can, a roller, a brush to wash the deck.

-C. Boatswain orders to giving the sailor a water can, primer and deck scrub.

-D. The boatswain ordered to give the sailor a bucket, mop and deck scrub.


Кадет отбивал ржавчину молотком в течение двух часов.

-A. The cadet chipped rust in two hours with the rust-hammer.

-B. The cadet was chipping off rust with a hammer for two hours.

-C. A cadet had chipped rust off by a sledge-hammer.

-D. Cadet was chipped the rust by the hummer during two hours.


Матрос I класса говорит, что использует для покраски грунтовку и эмаль.

-A. The AB sailor says that he uses primer paint and enamel for painting.

-B. The OS sailor tell that he used prime paint and thinner for paint.

-C. The 1st class sailor speaks that he uses for painting starting paint and email.

-D. The 1st AB sailor tells that for painting he use grounding and emery.


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