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Student B

You are a professor taking part in the meeting. The aim of the meeting is to establish the rules for the newly created university. Your task is to suggest some rules the students should follow. Remember you are a professional. You have been working for about 20 years in education and you don’t like many things in modern students (lack of responsibility, bad behavior, missed classes etc.). Suggest the rules that will help the teaching staff to give the education of high quality.

At the end of the meeting you are to write down a resolution in the form of a table.


Student C

You are the member of the administration leading the meeting. The aim of the meeting is to establish the rules for the newly created university. Your task is to listen to the rules suggested by a student and a professor, analyze them and make up a decision whether you accept them or not. You may correct the rules or suggest your own ones.

At the end of the meeting you are to write down a resolution in the form of a table.



Teachers should 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Students should 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Introducing yourself

When you meet someone for the first time, it is customary to introduce yourself.


Task 1

Practice some expressions used for the introduction

My name is …

I am …

My first name is…

My second name is…



How do you do?

Pleased to meet you.

I am from…


Task 2

Read the dialogue, practice it and reproduce it

Ann: Hello. Are you a student here?

Kate: Yes, I am.

Ann: So am I. My name is Ann Duglas.

Kate: How do you do? I am Kate Frank.

Ann: I am pleased to meet you. Is Frank your first name or your last


Kate: My last name.

Ann: Ann is my first name. Please call me Ann.

Kate: Okay, Ann and please call me Kate.

Ann: Okay, Kate. I am from New York and where are you from?

Kate: I am from Manchester.


Task 3

Turn to your partner and make up a similar dialogue

Introducing someone

When you want to introduce someone to someone it is customary to use some expressions

Task 4

Practice some expressions used to introduce someone:

I’d like to introduce…

I’d like you to meet…

Can I introduce you to…


Task 5

Get information about your partner. Here are some questions for you to use

1. What’s your name?

2. Where are you from?

3. Do you work?

4. If not, what do you do?

5. Are you married?

6. What is your native language?

7. Do you have a hobby?

8. What are the three things you like and three things you don’t like?


Task 6

Introduce your partner to the groupmates and tell them about him/her.


Task 1

Give the English equivalents to these job titles?

Преподаватель университета, инструктор по вождению, тренер по волейболу, личный тренер, репетитор, учитель начальной школы.


Task 2

Translate these sentences using job titles from Task 1 and word expressions given below

To work as a …, to give private lessons, to have, to be

1. Он работает преподавателем университета.

2. Чем ты занимаешься? Я даю частные уроки. Я – репетитор.

3. Хелен работает инструктором по вождению.

4. Я – тренер по волейболу.

5. Моя мама – учитель начальной школы.

6. У моего брата есть личный тренер по теннису.


Task 3

Make up sentences using these groups of phrases in one sentence

Example: Natural talent, confidence, to succeed in.

He succeeds in college because of his natural talent and confidence in his abilities.

1. to depend on, motivation, high IQ

2. advisor, the best program, to structure

3. to pay attention to, every university, to have, the Rules

4. to prepare for, professors, to be different

5. to hand in, deadline, term papers

6. to communicate with, experienced students, information

7. to generate, professors, loyalty

8. employment situation, to consider, before entering

9. college, to have, a graduate program

Task 4

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