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Smile with us

Given the task of writing a composition about what they would do if they had a million dol­lars, all children in the class except Willy were busily writing away.

The teacher, becoming aware of his idleness, said severely,

“Willy, don’t you know that you are supposed to tell what you would do if you had a million dol­lars? ”

“Well, ” said the boy, lazily leaning back on his chair, “this is exactly what I would do if I had a mil­lion dollars.”


Lesson 5. Value of Higher Education


Task 1. Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it

What can higher education give to the individual and what can an educated individual give to the society he lives in?


Active Vocabulary

Task 1

Pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher

1. value – ценность

2. society – общество

3. to make a choice – делать выбор

4. to be based on – основываться на

5. needs – потребности

6. wants – желания

7. to take into account – принимать во внимание

8. foundation – фундамент, основание

9. to recognize – осознавать

10. to participate – принимать участие

11. properly – надлежащим образом

12. an asset – капитал, имущество

13. to open up – сделать доступным

14. job market – рынок труда

15. to be restricted to – быть ограниченным

16. occupation – профессия

17. confidence – уверенность

18. life situation – жизненная ситуация

19. to express oneself – выразить себя

20. to deal with – иметь дело с

21. to gather knowledge – накапливать знания

22. ambiguous – двусмысленный

23. material possessions – материальное имущество

24. to measure – измерять

25. to pursue – искать, добиваться

Task 2

Match the Russian word combinations with their English equivalents.

1. принимать участие 2. делать выбор 3. воспользоваться преимуществом 4. рынок труда 5. выразить себя 6. накапливать знания 7. иметь дело с 8. основываться на 9. искать, добиваться 10. принимать во внимание a. to make a choice b. to take into account c. to pursue d. to be based on e. to gather knowledge f. job market j. to participate h. to take full advantage of i. to express oneself j. to deal with


Task 3

Read and translate the sentences. Try to explain the meaning of the words and word combinations in bold

1. What kind of person can be called a confident one?

2. Can we measure the value of education?

3. It often happens in life that our needs do not correspond to our abilities.

4. He has a lot to show but it is very difficult for him to express himself.

5. She doesn’t take into account people differences. It results in her loneliness.



Task 1

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