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1. Teleworking includes the whole range of work activities, all of which mean working remotely from an employer or normally expected place of work. Such work generally includes the electronic processing of information, the results of which are sent to the employer, usually by a telecommunications link.

2. The advances in the computer technology since the early 1960s gave a lot of opportunities for people working in this field. They are typically computer professionals, such as system analysts and programmers, who can work at home. And teleworking is perfect for them. Some parts of Britain are isolated from the rest of the country and teleworking was introduced in order to overcome the problem of rural isolation. British Telecom is supporting the development of such telecommunication centers in Derbyshire and the Highlands and islands of Scotland.

3. Not all jobs are suitable for teleworking. The jobs that depend on personal “face-to-face”contact or need “hands on” operation cannot be done by a teleworker. This includes jobs such as receptionist, counter clerk and makers of goods that require complex machinery to produce. Jobs suitable for teleworking are mostly those that are connected with the handling, processing and transforming of information. In Britain the number of people employed in this type of information intensive job is growing significantly from day to day.

4. The main advantage to teleworkers is that less time, money and effort are spent on travelling to and from the workplace. It provides a wider choice of areas to live if the job is not connected with a certain geographical area. The flexibility that teleworking will give you with working hours is a great advantage for parents with young children. It can also be attractive for those who care for elderly or disabled relatives. Retired people may also use teleworking as a way of working part-time.




Nouns and Noun Phrases
applicant /'xplIkqnt/ желающий получить место, работу; кандидат; претендент
appointment make an ~ keep/break an ~ /q'pOIntmqnt/ назначение, определение (на должность) назначитьвстречу; прийти (не прийти) в назначенное время, место
curriculum vitae ( CV) (BrE) ré sumé (AmE) /kq" rIkjqlqm'vJtaI/   /'rezjumeI/ итог, сводка, конспект, краткая автобиография; резюме
employment /Im'plOImqnt/ 1) служба, занятие, работа; 2) занятость
experience /Ik'spIqriqns/ 1) (жизненный) опыт; 2) опытность
job /GPb/ работа, труд, дело
occupation /" Pkju'peISn/ занятия, род занятий, профессия
position /pq'zISn/ положение, должность
salary /'sxlqri/ жалованье, зарплата, оклад
skill /skIl/ 1) мастерство; 2) квалификация; 3) талант
trait /treIt/ характерная черта
Verbs and Verb Phrases
accept to ~ a post /qk'sept/ 1) принимать; 2) допускать; соглашаться занять должность
apply /q'plaI/ обращаться (за работой, помощью)
counsel / 'kaVnsl/ давать совет, рекомендовать
drop in /drPp/ зайти, заглянуть
hire /'haIq(r)/ нанимать
distinct /dI'stINkt/ 1) отдельный; различный, индивидуальный, особый; 2) отчетливый, ясный; 3) определенный
fluent /'flHqnt/ беглый (о речи)

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