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Am working

Choose the correct answer: Kazakhstan is divided into....


Choose the correct answer: What is the official language of Kazakhstan?


Choose the correct special word for the question: …does his working day begin?


Choose the correct special word for the question: … does he go after classes?


Choose the right tag question: Mark has a camera, ___?

hasn’t he

Choose the correct answer: When was the national currency accepted in Kazakhstan?

From November 15, 1993

Choose the correct answer: What does the Constitution of Kazakhstan guarantee for all citizens?

Equal rights and liberty

Choose the correct answer: When did Astana City become as a capital of our country?

Find the correct variant: Where do you take books?

At the library

Complete the sentence: What did you do … night? - I went to the cinema.


Complete the sentence. In the evening I like to relax in an …


Put the sentence into the Past Simple Tense: They come to school by bus.

They came to school by bus.

Find the right tense form: I … you for 2 days.

haven’t seen

Choose the right variant: (Мне требуется/Мағ ан қ ажет) 2 hours to do homework.

It takes me

Choose the right variant: (Ей требуется/Оғ ан қ ажет) 2 hours to do homework.

It takes her

Choose the negative answer in the Past Simple: She left her coat in the cloakroom.

She did not leave her coat in the cloakroom.

Find the right tense form: What …you ….at this time yesterday?


Complete the sentence: …you already seen the new film?


Put the verb into the correct form: How fast (you/drive), when accident (happen)?

were you driving/happened

Complete the sentence with the verb: I _________my homework yesterday.


Choose the right variant: Do...know the young man,... name is Patrick?


Complete the sentence with appropriate auxiliary verb: _____they play tennis after school yesterday?


Choose the right variant: She likes to go shopping... Sunday mornings.


Choose the right preposition: My father has lived in Japan... 5 years.


Choose the correct preposition: Nick has gone, but he will return …an hour.


Choose the right answer: He has (никогда) been to London.


Find the antonym: midnight-


Put the sentence into the Future Simple: I go for a walk after supper.

I shall go for a walk after supper.

Put the sentence into the Future Simple: Mr. Patrick is in the office.

Mr. Patrick will be in the office.

Put the sentence into the Future Simple: She passes her exams successfully.

She will pass her exams successfully.

Choose the right variant: sixteen + twenty is ….

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