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Кафедра иностранных языков




Сборник текстов и заданий для бакалавров заочного обучения

по направлению 110400 Агрономия





Уфа 2011



УДК 811.11 (7)

ББК 81.2 Англ. (я7)




Обсуждено и одобрено на заседании кафедры иностранных языков (протокол № 5 от 29.11.2011)



Рекомендовано к изданию методической комиссией агрономического факультета, прото­кол № 3 от 23.12.2011.

Составитель: ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Р.А. Юсупова


Рецензент к.с.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков Р.Ф. Азметова


Ответственный за выпуск: зав. кафедрой английского языка к.ф.н., доцент О.Н.Новикова

От автора

Данный сборник текстов и заданий предназначен для бакалавров заочного обучения по направлению 110400 «Агрономия». Использование сборника предполагает наличие у обучающихся исходной языковой подготовки.

Сборник рассчитан для самостоятельного индивидуального чтения. Сборник состоит из 8 текстов близких по тематике и приблизительно равных по объему. Для снятия грамматических и лексических трудностей при работе с текстами в сборнике даются послетекстовые слова-термины. Каждый текст включает в себя тематический словарь терминов и разделы “Answer the questions” и “Say if the sentences are true or false”, состоящий из коммуникативных заданий, стимулирующих разговорную речь.

При отборе текстов автор соблюдал принципы, отвечающие современным требованиям методики обучения иностранному языку. Материал подбирался с учетом профессиональных интересов бакалавров, а также с точки зрения новизны и интересного содержания. Тексты аутентичны. В них представлена терминологическая лексика общеагрономического характера, знание которой необходимо бакалаврам для формирования навыка чтения специальной литературы.

При составлении пособия были использованы тексты из Интернет-сайтов.



When growing onions it is best to grow them from sets, these are immature bulbs grown specially for planting. Sets are much quicker growing and they are less likely to get attacked by pests and disease.

Soil Preparation. Onions love to grow in good soil, it’s highly recommended that you apply compost or well rotted manure into the soil in winter before planting. Before planting the sets you could also add some general fertilizer.

Sowing and Planting. Onion sets should be planted in March or April depending on your location. When planting you should lightly press the set into the soil making sure that the tip of the set is still showing.

After planting you may also decide to cover the onions with nets. Of course, once the onions begin growing the net can be removed.

Looking After the Plants. Keep the plants weed free at all time, you may use a special onion hoe to do this or you can do this by hand.

Harvesting. The onions are mature once the stems of the plants turn brown and fall over. You should leave the plants outdoors to dry after you have harvested them. This will take 7-10 days depending on the size of the onions as well as the current temperature.

Onions should be stored in trays or net bags. If you keep these at the correct temperatures they will keep for nine or even ten months.

Nutritional Value and Health Benefits. All members of the onion family offer some protection against heart disease. Dry onions are also a good source of fiber. Only green onions contain vitamin A. Oils in onions help to lower the blood pressure.


Words to the text:

immature bulbs – незрелые луковицы

sets – лук-севок

less likely to get attacked – наименее подвержены воздействию

net - сетка

as well as – также как

fiber- клетчатка

the blood pressure - кровяное давление



1.1 Answer the questions:

1) What kind of soil is recommended for onions?

2) When should onion sets be planted?

3) When should onions be harvested?

4) What is the nutritional value of onions?



Soil Preparation. Tomatoes are a delicate crop, so choose a warm spot to plant your tomatoes for the best results. During the winter, dig up your plot thoroughly and apply a good compost into your soil. Before planting add a good source of fertilizer to the plot. If you lack ground space, you can easily grow excellent tomatoes, but remember to water them regularly. Regular feeding with a good fertilizer will be necessary.

Sowing and Planting. Sow the seeds into a standard sized pot filled with a good fertilizer or compost. Before you sow your seeds, dampen the soil in the pot and allow it to sit overnight. Sow one seed in each pot by placing the seed on top of the soil. Sprinkle a light cover of compost or fertilizer over the seed. Keep the soil moist, but not wet, for the best results. When the seeds have grown into seedlings that are 6 inches high, transplant the seedlings into your plot.

Looking after the plants. Tie the main stem of each plant to a cane or provide a cage for each plant. Water and feed the plants regularly, especially in hot weather, to keep the soil moist. Overwatering will lead to many problems, primarily split-fruit and blossom-end rot.

Harvesting. Pick the fruits when ripe and fully-coloured. Always harvest the fruit with a sharp knife to avoid damaging the plant.

Nutritional value and health benefits. There is a research-based information that tomatoes are good for man. Tomatoes are packed with vitamin C, potassium, fiber and vitamin A in the form of health promoting beta-carotene.

Tomatoes are also a source of lycopene, which play a role in the fight against cancer, especially prostate cancer. Lycopene is responsible for the bright red colour of the tomato.


Words to the text:

feeding - кормление

overnight – в течение ночи

seedling - рассада

overwatering – чрезмерный полив

split-fruit – образование трещин на плодах

blossom-end rot – прекращение цветения

potassium - калий

lycopene - ликопин


2.1 Say if the sentences are true or false:

1) Tomatoes are cool-season crop.

2) Soil for tomatoes should be moist for the best results.

3) Never water plants in hot weather.

4) Carotene and lycopene are responsible for the bright red color of tomatoes.




Cabbage is an excellent, relatively easy to grow. There are three main types of cabbage: spring, summer and winter varieties. There are various types of green, red and purple varieties. Head shapes varies from the standard round to flattened and pointed.

Soil Preparation. Cabbage grows in a range of soil types but prefers well drained fertile soil with plenty of well rotted manure or organic matter added.

Sowing and Planting. The most preferred method of growing cabbage is to sow them indoors under glass. Sow one seed per large module and let the seedlings grow until they have five or six leaves.

You can sow the seed direct into a seed bed outdoors. The seedlings will need thinning to three inches apart and then let them grow until they also have five or six leaves.

When the cabbage seedlings are ready transplant them into firm ground.

Looking after the Plants. Protect the cabbages from birds and cabbage white butterflies by netting over the crop. Keep the cabbage bed weeded and water frequently during the summer months.

Harvesting. Harvest when the cabbages have a good solid head before they split. Heavy rain can cause the heads to split. If this happens harvest the cabbage as soon as possible.

Nutritional Value and Health Benefits. Cabbage is a good source of vitamins and have disease-preventive properties as well. Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable and may reduce the risk of some forms of cancer. Cabbage is also high in beta-carotene, vitamin C and fiber.


Words to the text:

well rotted manure - перегной

module – емкость с торфом или питательной смесью

thinning -прореживание

head - кочан

cruciferous -крестоцветный

fiber - клетчатка


3.1 Answer the questions:

1) What kind of soils does cabbage grow?

2) Can heavy rain cause the heads to split?

3) What types of cabbage do you know?

4) What is the nutritional value of cabbage?




Carrot is a cool-season vegetable grown for the thickened root. Carrots are eaten both raw and cooked and they can be stored for winter use.

Soil Preparation. Carrots grow best in soil that is deep, stone free and fertile, it will be difficult to grow a successful crop of carrots if you are growing them in clay or soil that is extremely heavy.

The bed should be dug in autumn adding a small amount of leaf mould if required. You should not add compost or manure to the soil as this makes carrots split.

Sowing and Planting. Carrot seeds are very small so when sowing it will be better to mix the seeds with some fine sand. Carrots can be sown outdoors between April and June. You should sow the seeds thinly half an inch deep in rows that are 6 inches apart, carrots are not big plants so can be planted close to each other.

Looking after the Plant. Once the seedlings are large enough to handle they should be thinned to two inches apart. It is vital that you try and disturb the plants as little as possible, carrot fly can smell carrot tops and once they have been bruised they will come and eat your carrots.

After that just general maintenance is required, watering when dry and weeding weekly.

Harvesting. You can begin harvesting carrots from July right up until late October or even early November. Lift the carrots with a folk being careful not to damage the roots or bruise the leaves as carrot fly can still be a problem at this stage.

Nutritional Value and Health Benefits. Carrots is rich in beta carotene. The beta carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body. Beta carotene is also a powerful antioxidant effective in fighting against some forms of cancer, especially lung cancer. It may also protect against cancer and heart disease.


Words to the text:

a cool-season vegetable – холодостойкий овощ

thickened -утолщенный

stone free –без камней

seedlings – рассада, саженцы

as little as possible – как можно меньше

carrot fly –муха морковная

lung cancer – рак легких


4.1 Say if the sentences are true or false:

1) Carrots grow best in deep, stone free and fertile soil.

2) Carrots can be sown outdoors between August and October.

3) Carrots can be harvested between August and October.

4) Carrots are rich in beta carotene.


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