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Doomsday will be in 2040


According prophecy of Vanga in 2040 will be Doomsday.


How it will be -explained in Revelation-


https://www.o-bible.com/cgibin/ob.cgi? version=bbe& book=rev& chapter=1


After it all chipped will go to the Hell, all members of the WG-will go to the hell and animal forms of reincarnation forever.

Than-chipping is meanless from beginning, all will go to the hell.


Reason of Doomsday- is chipping of people


If to stop chipping of people-it is possible-to prevent Doomsday


In this case people will not go to the hell, and members of the WG-will not go to the hell and animal forms of reincarnation forever


After Doomsday-mainland the North America will be destroyed.

Reason of it-is chipping of people that began in the USA-see " Revelation" 17-18

https://www.o-bible.com/cgibin/ob.cgi? version=bbe& book=rev& chapter=17





Exist only one way to the members of the WG to prevent their going to the hell and animal forms of reincarnation forever-is stop chipping of all.


Exist only one way-to prevent destruction of mainland the North America-is to stop chipping of all


Than please forbid all types of chipping of all sitizens of our the world!


All chipped people will be managed by comp NATO beast


Beast is expained in Bible here

https://www.o-bible.com/cgibin/ob.cgi? version=bbe& book=rev& chapter=13


it is moral image of comp NATO Beast




In Revelation (the Bible) it is said:

16" And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead; 17and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, [even] the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six."

https://www.readbibleonline.net/? page_id=273


(a bar code always contains three 6.)


The beast that is talked about in the Bible is a super-power computer in Brussels (Belgium).This electronic monster christened by creators quite unequivocally as BEAST occupies three floors of the thirteen-storied building. It is a computer of NATO. The personal profiles will be created on every habitant of the country. All establishments of the World Government will have an instant access to them.

For every sitizen of country will be personal file with information.
Beast do crimes every day.
In case of chipping of citizens of your country Beast will do crimes in your country every day.
To prevent influence of Beast at every country it is need to disallow all types of chipping forever.


Word beast in English means animal. All chipped people will be under influence of comp NATO Beast.And really for chipping of people and using of comp NATO beast-all chipped will go to the Hell and animal forms of reincarnation forever.


Exist some forms of reincarnation-
1 human 2 animal 3 plant 4 mineral

English doctors proved that animal forms of reincarnation really exist

With help of ivf on reincarnation go souls that early were in animal forms of reincarnation.

Please look at face of first girl that was created with help of ivf-


She looks like pig.
Than exist reincarnation from animal form of reincarnation to human forms
And exist reincarnation from human form to animal form
People go to animal forms of reincarnation for sin-chipping

All chipped will go to the Hell, all members of the WG-to the hell and animal forms of reincarnation forever

Than-chipping is meanless from begining, all will go to the hell


Reason of Doomsday- is chipping of people


If to stop chipping of people-it is possible-to prevent Doomsday


Beast it is possible understand not as fool angry computer that punish all easy.But as computer thet demand- follow all will of God and I will not punish you

Beast do and do crimes. It is possible to afraid of it, иut it is possible to understand-what demands Beast.Beast demands-

1 don`t act against Will of God –don`t do chipping,

2 follow Will of God and Beast will not punish you, and your country


Really for our the Earth some time it is possible to prevent Doomsday For this need quickly stop chipping.



If chipping will be stopped-than

Doomsday will be prevented,


Sitizens of our the Earth will not go o the hell,

members of the WG will not go to the hell and animal forms of reincarnation forever,


mainland the North America will not be destroyed


If chipping will not be stopped-than

Doomsday will be


Sitizens of our the Earth will go to the hell,

members of the WG will go to the hell and animal forms of reincarnation forever,


mainland the North America will be destroyed



1 According prophecy of Vanga in 2040 will be Doomsday.


2 How it will be -explained in Revelation-


https://www.o-bible.com/cgibin/ob.cgi? version=bbe& book=rev& chapter=1


3 reason of Doomsday-is chipping

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