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In the English language. Look at these examples and practice saying


Syllable stressed Example
The first 1-2-3 cri-mi-nal; occ-u-pant; le-gis-late
The second 1-2-3 fi-nan-cial; co-llec-tion; ex-po-sure
The third 1-2-3 le-ga-tee; dis-po-ssess; con-tra-vene


B. Read the conversations below and underline all the three-syllable words; classify them in the groups according to the syllable stressed.

1. “Have you seen the evidence? It looks very strong.”

“Yes, but we still expect an acquittal.”

“Do you really think she’s innocent? ”

“Wait until you see the forensic report.”

2. “I hear the Appeal Court disapproved of the decision.”

“Yes, they said that the indictment was incorrect.”

“What’s Jack’s opinion? ”

“Oh, he’s very upset.”

3. “Would you recommend buying shares in Giant Plc? ”

“No. Their performance has been poor lately. There are better companies.”

“For example? ”

“I’ve made a selection for you to consider. Let me give you a copy.”

4. “Have you heard about Giant? One of their employees embezzled over $2000, 000 in six months.”

“No. Who was it? ”

“They don’t know yet but it may have been the director of the accounts department.”

“Do you think they’ll prosecute? ”

5. “Look at this. Another case of government corruption.”

“Is that the thing about the Minister for the Arts? ”

“No, it’s the Treasury Secretary. He’s been accused of insider trading.”

“What are the details? ”



The first syllable tressed The second syllable stressed The third syllable stressed



Task 6. Render into English.

Договор – это соглашение двух или нескольких лиц об установлении, изменении или прекращении гражданских прав и обязанностей.

Договор – это двусторонняя или многосторонняя сделка, поэтому к договорам применяются все нормы, касающиеся таких сделок. Но не любая сделка есть договор, поскольку односторонние сделки к договорам не относятся. На договоры распространяются нормы о недействительности сделок.

Договор характеризуется как юридический факт, относящийся к правомерным действиям, направленным на достижение определенного правового результата (установление, изменение, прекращение гражданских прав и обязанностей).

Договор представляет собой волевой акт.

Принципы гражданско-правового договора:

· Юридическое равенство сторон.

· Экономическая независимость сторон.

· Свобода договора.

Стороны сами определяют заключать или не заключать договор, а также содержание договора. Стороны вправе заключать договоры, как предусмотренные, так и не предусмотренные законом или иными правовыми актами, но им не противоречащие.

· Взаимодействие договора и закона.

· Диспозитивность норм. (Возможность распоряжаться процессуальными средствами защиты, материальными и процессуальными правами).

· Применение обычаев делового оборота.

· Соблюдение договорной дисциплины (договор имеет силу закона для его участников).

· Определение условий договора – по усмотрению сторон, кроме случаев, когда содержание соответствующего условия предписано законом или иными правовыми актами.

· Ответственность за неисполнение/ ненадлежащее исполнение. (При нарушении договора для должники создаются неблагоприятные имущественные последствия).

· Вина как условие ответственности. (Неблагоприятные последствия наступают, как правило, при виновном поведении должника. Но имеются и исключения из этого правила).

· Презумпция вины должника. (При нарушении договора должник автоматически считается виноватым. Должник имеет право доказывать свою невиновность).


Task 7. Topics for discussion.

1. Explain, with examples:

(a) the distinction between void, voidable and unenforceable contracts; and

(b) the effect of this distinction when goods are subsequently transferred to third parties.

2. Explain whether or not Henry has a remedy in respect of each of the following agreements:

(a) His daughter has a knitting machine and makes jerseys in her spare time. Henry promises to sell these in his shop and advertises them accordingly. His daughter then gives up knitting and fails to deliver any.

(b) He agrees to buy a consignment of socks from a wholesaler. The contract contains a clause excluding the jurisdiction of the courts. The wholesaler fails to deliver the goods.

(c) He agrees with a trade union regarding a productivity bonus scheme for his shop assistants. The union fails to honour the agreement.

3. Explain whether Paul is required by the law of contract to fulfil his promises in the following situations:

(a) He promises to sell an expensive car to Arthur for £ 10.

(b) He returns home to find that his house windows have been cleaned by Bernard and he promises to pay Bernard £ 10 for his work.

(c) He agrees to pay Charles £ 100 for painting his house within three weeks and he later promises a further £ 20 if Charles finishes the job on time.

(d) He promises to release Frank from a debt of £ 500 if Frank pays him £ 400.

4. Worsted, a clothing manufacturer, is in financial difficulties and is looking for short-term remedies which might help him. He has an order from Bernard for delivery on a fixed future date and he writes to Bernard saying that he cannot guarantee that delivery unless Bernard promises to pay an additional sum to cover overtime working; Bernard makes that promise.

Worsted next approaches David, a debtor, and says that if David immediately pays 50% of the outstanding debt he will forget the balance; David makes thai payment. Worsted also agrees to sell some of his stock to Eric for a ridiculously low price.

You are required to explain whether Worsted may:

(a) recover the additional sum promised by Bernard;

(b) recover the balance of the debt from David;

(c) refuse to deliver the goods to Eric.


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