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Open-test (полная версия).

Тема 3.5. Контроль навыков усвоения лексического и грамматического

Материала, пройденного в 4 семестре.

Open-test (полная версия).

60 вопросов выбираются методистом колледжа произвольно.


Тест Английский язык Связь 2 курс 4 семестр
Тема 1 Правила чтения окончаний существительных и видовременных форм глагола
В2 Выберите слова, в которых окончание читается как [ s ]:
О boys
О points
О focus
О bus
В2 Выберите слова, в которых окончание читается как [ k ]:
О concentric
О dielectric
О weak
О device
В1 Выберите слово, в котором окончание читается как [ z ]:
О bus
О series
О dielectric
О process
В2 Выберите слова, в которых окончание читается как [ t ]:
О speed
О consist
О print
О fault
Тема 2 Типы чтения гласных
В1 Выберите слово, в котором произношение ударного гласного звука соответствует звуку [ ei ]:
О patent
О return
О travel
О artificial
В2 Выберите слова, в которых произношение ударного гласного звука соответствует звуку [ u: ]:
О improve
О proof
О industry
О coaxial
В1 Выберите слово, в котором произношение ударного гласного звука соответствует звуку [ e ]:
О cylindrical
О dielectric
О minimum
О contact
В1 Выберите слово, в котором произношение ударного гласного звука соответствует звуку [ ai ]:
О supply
О logical
О manipulate
О special
Тема 3 Социально – бытовая сфера общения
В2 Выберите слова, относящиеся к теме « Space communication »:
О salary
О travel
О launch
О flight
В2 Выберите слова, относящиеся к теме « Coaxial cable »:
О drag
О dimension
О space
О cylindrical
В1 Выберите выражение, НЕ относящееся к теме « Polythene cable »:
О core losses
О lead sheath
О country
О ground network
В2 Выберите выражения, относящиеся к теме « Cable laying »:
О apple
О multi-core cable
О broken circuit
О protection network
В2 Выберите слова, относящиеся к теме « Telegraphy »:
О buzzer
О key
О ladybird
О bell
Тема 4 Учебно–трудовая сфера общения
В1 Выберите выражение, НЕ относящееся к теме « Transmission lines »:
О product's characteristics
О outdoor aerial
О conducting surface
О indoor aerial
В1 Выберите соответствующую характеристику к слову « polythene »:
О is the process of exchanging information.
О is a thermoplastic material used as insulator.
О is a complex wire system to transmit a number of television signals at the same time.
О is a high altitude rocket.
В1 Выберите соответствующее значение к выражению « packets of light that process information».:
О photons
О net
О laboratory
О observation
В1 Выберите выражение, НЕ относящееся к теме « Network »:
О soup-plate
О on-line
О decreased power
О entertainment programs
Тема 5 Социально–культурная сфера общения
В2 Выберите из предложенных вариантов предложений те, которые относятся к будущему времени:
О This company has constructed a mock-up of reusable spaceship.
О Nowadays some aerospace companies have been making plans for con­structing a suborbital ship.
О The aircraft will take the ship to an altitude of 17, 000 meters.
О The spaceships being designed will be placed on top of the carrier air­craft.
В1 Выберите « лишнее » выражение:
О lead-sheathed cables
О teacher college
О long-length cabling
О lead-sheathed paper-core cables
В1 Выберите интернациональное слово:
О laser
О first
О rest
О increase
В2 Выберите из предложенных вариантов предложений те, которые относятся к будущему времени:
О The equipment contains oscillators, modulators, filters, amplifiers, and amplitude limiters.
О Modulators used in the equipment are of the usual type.
О Personal computer users will use educational means on magnetic or optical disks.
О They will have operate telephone systems, control the operation of the television and radio broadcasts.
Тема 6 Страноведение
В1 В какой стране впервые постулировались математические данные по исследованию космоса « The first spaceship was a high altitude rocket. It was launched from the Earth, travelled through the atmosphere into space and returned to the Earth. Information on space collected by the rocket was transmitted to the Earth via telemetry. Мathematically based data on space exploration were postulated by K.E. Tsiolkovsky in Russia»?:
О United Kingdom
О Russia
О United States
О South Korea
В1 Как называется площадь в центральной части Лондона, где стоит памятник адмиралу Нельсону?
О Red Square
О Trafalgar Square
О Windsor Castle
О Winter Palace
В2 Выберите страны, входящие в состав Великобритании:
О England
О Scotland
О Wales
О Northern Ireland
Тема 7 Синонимы
В1 Выберите слово, подходящее по значению к слову « dimension »:
О coaxial
О equipment
О size
О aerial
В1 Выберите эквивалент выражения « пониженная мощность »:
О decreased power
О public organizations
О available means
О memory access
В1 Выберите синоним к слову « make »:
О image
О do
О print
О type
Тема 8 Антонимы
В1 Выберите антоним к слову « go away »:
О eliminate
О improve
О come
О accurate
В1 Выберите антоним к слову « accept »:
О broadcast
О educate
О perform
О give back
В1 Выберите антоним к слову « separate »:
О contain
О add
О polarize
О buzz
Тема 9 Имя существительное
В2 Выберите из списка слова, которые являются существительными:
О core
О exist
О waterproof
О ground
В1 Выберите подходящую по значению форму имени существительного one element – two _______:
О elementes
О elementary
О elementies
О elements
В2 Выберите интернациональные слова:
О signal
О radio
О wire
О definitions
Тема 10 Имя прилагательное
В1 Заполните пропуск, употребив правильную форму имени прилагательного « The _______ construction of the cable eliminates this drag ».:
О coaxial
О coaxialer
О coaxialness
О coaxials
В1 Заполните пропуск, употребив правильную форму имени прилагательного «­­­_______ cable must be taken out and inspected ».:
О Faultous
О Faultory
О Faulty
О Faultive
В1 Заполните пропуск, употребив правильную форму имени прилагательного « Internet is the linking of tens of thousands of _______ institutions, businesses, and public organizations with millions of individual users ».:
О educatage
О more educatent
О the educath
О educational
Тема 11 Местоимения
В1 Заполните пропуск, выбрав подходящую по значению форму местоимения « Since that period _______ have been widely used in different spheres of energy transmission throughout the world ».:
О them
О they
О their
О he
В1 Заполните пропуск, выбрав подходящую по значению форму местоимения « Polythene cables are comparatively new devices. _______ industrial pro­duction started only after World War II ».:
О His
О Their
О Her
О They
В1 Заполните пропуск, выбрав подходящую по значению форму местоимения « In developing _______ telegraph system, Samuel Morse reduced the way of writing the letters of the alphabet to a very simple form ».:
О he
О his
О you
Тема 12 Видовременные формы глагола
В2 Выберите подходящие по значению варианты вопросов к предложению « Polythene cables’s industrial pro­duction started only after World War II ».:
О What is polythene?
О Why can polythene cables be laid directly in the ground?
О When did polythene cables’s industrial pro­duction start?
О Did polythene cables’s industrial pro­duction start only after World War II?
В1 Выберите подходящую по значению форму глагола вместо пропуска « Software _______ by professionals known as computer programmers ».:
О shall be
О were wrote
О won't
О is written
В2 Выберите подходящие по значению варианты вопросов к предложению « By means of electrical relays the electric current flowing in one circuit can open or close a second circuit ».:
О What elements do the equipment oscillators contain?
О In what way can the electric current open or close a second circuit?
О How many modulators are they designed to supply?
О Can the electric current open or close a second circuit?
Тема 13 Модальные глаголы
В1 Выберите правильный эквивалент предложению « Наш инженер сказал, что сделает это автоматическое устройство ».:
О Our engineer said he may not this automatic device.
О Our engineer say he must make this automatic device.
О Our engineer said he would make this automatic device.
О Our engineer said he was shall be make this automatic device.
В2 Выберите варианты правильно построенных предложений с модальными глаголами:
О Nowadays spaceships may be launched from the Earth.
О Spaceships has to be launched from a satellite space station.
О Can spaceships be launched from the Earth?
О Lines used for energy transmission may be classed into the following three types: overhead, indoor and underground.
В1 Выберите правильный эквивалент предложению « Мы должны помогать друг другу ».:
О We must help each other.
О We could help each other.
О We need help each other.
О We would help each other.
Тема 14 Страдательный залог
В1 Выберите русский эквивалент выделенного глагола в страдательном залоге « We WERE TOLD that you had taken a coaxial cable ».:
О мы сказали
О нам сказали
О нам скажут
О мы скажем
В2 Выберите варианты верно построенных предложений в страдательном залоге:
О Computers are also widely used in education.
О Word processors are using by journalists and writers for their literary ac­tivity, for writing books and articles.
О In what ways are computers used in the sphere of education?
О Computers are used by scientists to exchange ideas, to collect, manipu­late, and analyse new theories and designs.
В1 Выберите русский эквивалент выделенного глагола в страдательном залоге « It includes a device like a typewriter which IS COMBINED with a paper-tape reader and a punch ».:
О не объединен
О объединена
О будет объединена
О объединяется
Тема 15 Артикли
В2 Выберите варианты предложений с правильным употреблением артиклей:
О Besides, a photons travel faster than an electrons.
О It is a well-known fact that cables are classified as belonging to the main parts in the modern communication systems.
О Photons are packets of light that process information.
О Traditional microprocessors include tiny electronic switches, or logic circuits, for processing.
В1 Выберите правильный артикль к предложению «_______ polythene cables belong to the type of cables widely used in trans­mitting electrical energy from area to area ».
О an
О the
О -
О a
В2 Выберите варианты предложений с правильным употреблением артиклей:
О An electric current starts flowing through the conducting wire or cable to the receiver.
О An enlarged current either sounds buzzer or telephone receiver.
О Electrical relays may be a mechanical switches operated by the gas-filled ther­mionic valves — a thyratrons.
О The relay closes a local circuit by carrying a larger current.
Тема 16 Предлоги места, времени, направления
В1 Выберите подходящий по значению предлог « The main function of a coaxial cable is to transmit power from one ele­ment of a system ­­_______ another with minimum energy loss. ».:
О to
О by
О at
О in
В1 Выберите подходящий по значению предлог « According to the definition, wave mechanics is a development _______ quan­tum mechanics ».:
О of
О by
О on
О to
В1 Выберите подходящий по значению предлог « As for the amplitude limiters, they are mostly used _______ one-source fluency-modulated equipment ».:
О of
О on
О by
О in
Тема 17 Местоимения many/much, few/little, a few/a little
В1 Выберите подходящее по значению местоимение « In cities it is not possible to use direct laying and _______ cables must be put in ducts ».:
О many
О little
О a little
О much
В1 Выберите подходящее по значению местоимение « Zero point energy is the energy of _______ atoms of a substance at the absolute zero of temperature ».:
О a little
О much
О few
О little
В1 Выберите подходящее по значению местоимение « Elec­trical impulses are sent through _______ wires ».:
О much
О many
О a little
О little
Тема 18 Будущее время в придаточных предложениях условия и времени
В1 Выберите правильный вариант употребления согласования времен в придаточных предложениях условия и времени:
О When they will enter the room they saw warmer.
О They will enter the room when they saw warmer.
О When they entered the room they saw warmer.
О They are entered the room when they seen warmer.
В1 Выберите правильный вариант употребления согласования времен в придаточных предложениях условия и времени:
О If you read this instruction you will like it.
О You liking it if you will read this instruction.
О If you will read this instruction you liking it.
О You was like it if you will read this instruction.
В1 Выберите правильный вариант употребления согласования времен в придаточных предложениях условия и времени:
О If I won’t have you beside me I feel you’re safer.
О I feel you’re safer if I won’t have you beside me.
О If I had you beside me I will feel you’re safer.
О I shall feel you’re safer if I have you beside me.
Тема 19 Согласование времен. Косвенная речь.
В1 Выберите правильный вариант употребления согласования времен при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную « The number of pairs in different cables is also different, » he says »:
О He will says that the number of pairs in different cables was also different.
О He says that the number of pairs in different cables is also different.
О He said that the number of pairs in different cables is also different.
О He has said that the number of pairs in different cables is also different.
В1 Выберите правильный вариант употребления согласования времен при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную « He says to me «Do you know about Internet?»:
О He asks me if I know about Internet.
О He asked me if I know about Internet.
О He says me if you know about Internet.
О He will ask me if I know about Internet.
В1 Выберите правильный вариант употребления согласования времен при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную « She said, « They were here yesterday ».:
О She say they have been there the day before.
О She said they had been there the day before.
О She said they was there the day before.
О She says they were there the day before.
Тема 20 Неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, герундий, причастия
В1 Заполните пропуск в предложении соответствующей формой инфинитива « For the last few days she seemed to _______ to nobody ».:
О have been talking
О has talking
О had were talking
О has was talking
В1 Заполните пропуск в предложении соответствующей формой герундия « He felt better for _______ the letter ».:
О had written
О have write
О wrote
О having written
В1 Заполните пропуск в предложении соответствующей формой причастия « I am going the same day myself _______ here four days ».:
О have detained
О has detained
О having been detained
О have was detained
Тема 21 Фразовые глаголы
В1 Выберите эквивалент фразовому словосочетанию « откровенно высказаться »:
О to say no more
О to say a good word for
О let us say
О say out
В1 Заполните пропуск в предложении подходящим фразовым глаголом « He ________ to the table ».:
О went up
О went into
О went with
О went across
В1 Выберите эквивалент фразовому словосочетанию « смотреть свысока »:
О to have a look for
О look like
О to look down on
О look ahead
Тема 22 Безличные предложения
В2 Выберите безличные предложения:
О Does it get dark early?
О It is not dark.
О Is it easy for him to speak about it?
О How can the cables be laid?
В1 Выберите безличные предложения:
О It didn’t often rain in autumn.
О The construction of a cable is comparatively simple.
О Will it take us a lot of time to make it?
О It takes her two hours to do lessons.
В2 Выберите безличные предложения:
О Usually separate amplifiers are provided for each channel.
О It often rained in autumn.
О It didn’t take her six hours to do it.
О It doesn’t snow in summer.
Тема 23 Речевой этикет
В2 Выберите фразы, применимые при официальном знакомстве:
О Harry, I’d like you to meet James.
О James, may I introduce Harry Smith?
О Harry, have you met Mr Grey?
О I’m also very glad to have made your acquaintance, Mr Smith.
В1 Выберите подходящий по значению ответ к фразе «How do you do?»:
О Good evening!
О How are you?
О Hello!
О How do you do?
В2 Выберите подходящие по значению ответы к фразе « How are you? »:
О Good evening!
О Fine, thank you.
О So-so.
О Not too bad.
Тема 24 Деловое письмо
В2 Выберите данные и фразы, располагающиеся в конце делового письма:
О your signature
О Best wishes.
О where do you live
О Regards.
В2 Выберите данные, располагающиеся в начале делового письма:
О Dear Sir or Madam
О who you live with
О your address
О the date
В2 Выберите данные, НЕ содержащиеся в основе делового письма:
О your hobbies and interests
О business question
О how your family rests
О what do you like to eat
Тема 25 Чтение профессионально – ориентированного текста
В1 Прочитайте текст «It is a well-known fact that the basic technological element in communi­cation is a transmission line and its main part is a cable. The construction of a cable is comparatively simple. Mainly it consists of insulated conductors that form a metallic circuit. The conducting wires are made of metals. The space between central conducting wire and a concentric cylindrical conductor is filled with some dielectric material. It may be air, polythene, bakelite or some other». Ответьте на вопрос «What is the basic technological element in communi­cation?»:
О The basic technological element in communi­cation is the construction of a cable.
О The basic technological element in communi­cation is a transmission line and its main part is a cable.
О The basic technological element in communi­cation is comparatively simple.
О The basic technological element in communi­cation is a concentric cylindrical conductor.
В1 Прочитайте текст «Computers are used by scientists to exchange ideas, to collect, manipu­late, and analyse new theories and designs. Computers are also widely used in education. Personal computer users use educational means on magnetic or optical disks or get the necessary information through various telecom­munication networks. Local area networks link the computers in different offices and educa­tional institutions». Ответьте на вопрос «How do personal computer users use educational means?»:
О Personal computer users use educational means on magnetic or optical disks or get the necessary information through various telecom­munication networks.
О Personal computer users use educational means by scientists to exchange ideas.
О Personal computer users use educational means by scientists to collect new theories and designs.
О Personal computer users use educational means by scientists to manipu­late new theories and designs.
В1 Прочитайте текст «Telecommunication is the telegraphic or telephonic communication of signals, images, or sounds performed by wire, radio, optical, or other elec­tromagnetic systems. Among the devices widely used today there are tele­types, teleprinters, telemeters and many others. Teletype is a printing telegraph system». Ответьте на вопрос «What is the teletype?»:
О Teletype are tele­types.
О Teletype are teleprinters.
О Teletype are telemeters.
О Teletype is a printing telegraph system.
Тема 26 Профессионально – ориентированная лексика, фразеология и термины
В1 Выберите слово, которое НЕ относится к теме « Coaxial cable »:
О dielectric
О cylindrical
О coaxial
О birthday
В1 Выберите фразу, которая НЕ относится к теме « Computer systems »:
О that's beside the point
О computer hardware
О external memory
О internal memory
В2 Выберите словосочетания, которые относятся к теме « Telecommunication »:
О to the knowledge of my ability
О to get the better of
О sound energy
О taping wire
Тема 27 Перевод текста с извлечением основной информации (ознакомительное чтение)
В1 Прочитайте текст и определите, какой из заголовков наиболее соответствует тексту «It is a well-known fact that cables are classified as belonging to the main parts in the modern communication systems. What is polythene? It is thermoplastic material used as insulator, and for many other purposes in communication industry. Polythene is mostly used in cases where a chemically-resistant plastic material is needed. Cables used for communica­tion purposes differ in length, construction, properties, and, naturally, in their cost. Polythene cables belong to the type of cables widely used in trans­mitting electrical energy from area to area, since polythene is the popular and highly useful insulating material of today».:
О Telegraphy
О Polythene cables
О Communication
О Analog and digital types of computers
В1 Прочитайте текст и определите, какой из заголовков наиболее соответствует тексту «There exist two fundamentally different types of computers: analog and digital ones. There exist also hybrid types of computers that combine some of the properties of both analog and digital computers. In analog comput­ers problems are solved by considering continuously changing data (electric current, voltage, resistance, pressure). But in practical usage the term «computer» usually refers to digital computers».:
О Communication
О Telegraphy
О Analog and digital types of computers
О Polythene cables
В1 Прочитайте текст и определите, какой из заголовков наиболее соответствует тексту «Historically, telegraphy is the first electrical system of information movement transmission. Telegraph was patented by inventor Samuel Morse in 1837. The first telegraph line completed in 1844 ran for 64 km. The first message was transmitted as a coded series of long and short electronic impulses - the so-called dots and dashes».:
О Network development
О Telegraphy
О Artificial communication satellites
О Communication
Тема 28 Перевод текстов с извлечением полной информации (изучающее чтение)
В1 Прочитайте текст и выберите утверждение, наиболее соответствующее содержанию текста «The outer conductor of a cable is normally connected to Earth. In this construction high-frequency currents travel only on the surface of the con­ductor, since the solid inner part of it causes resistance to the flow of current. And this resistance causes a drag. The coaxial construction of the cable eliminates this drag. And that is the main advantage of a coaxial construc­tion. But it also has disadvantages, and one of them is its comparatively high cost. The dimensions must be very accurate for the range of the frequencies to be carried. This property of coaxial cable makes its construction rather costly».:
О Coaxial construc­tion has disadvantage - its surface of the con­ductor.
О Coaxial construc­tion has disadvantage - its resistance causes.
О Coaxial construc­tion has disadvantage - its high cost.
О Coaxial construc­tion has disadvantage - its cable eliminates.
В1 Прочитайте тексты и выберите утверждение, наиболее соответствующее их содержанию «Modems are telecommunication devices that transmit data through tele­phone lines. Modems link individual computers to other computers any­where in the country or hi the world. Word processors are used by journalists and writers for their literary ac­tivity, for writing books and articles. Their works are presented on magnetic disks or transmitted through telephone lines. Invention of computers belongs to the greatest developments of man­kind. It can be compared with the invention of steam-engine at the end of the 18th century or the utilization of atomic energy».:
О Journalists’s works are presented on data through tele­phone lines.
О Journalists’s works are presented through telephone lines.
О Journalists’s works are presented on the greatest developments of man­kind.
О Journalists’s works are presented on magnetic disks or transmitted through telephone lines.
В1 Прочитайте текст и выберите утверждение, наиболее соответствующее содержанию текста «Teletype is a printing telegraph system. One of the definitions of a modern teletype is a computer terminal. It includes a device like a typewriter which is combined with a paper-tape reader and a punch. Telemeter is a device that records physical events at a certain distance. For example, it may be an instrument in an artificial satellite which transmits information received in space back to Earth by radio».:
О A computer terminal includes a modern teletype.
О A computer terminal includes physical events.
О A computer terminal includes a device like a typewriter.
О A computer terminal includes an artificial satellite.
Тема 29 Перевод текстов с извлечением нужной или интересующей информации (поисковое чтение)
В1 Прочитайте текст и найдите соответствующий перевод выделенного выражения «Nowadays a great number of coaxial cables of various length and differ­ent constructions are being produced and laid all over the world. The main function of a coaxial cable is to transmit power from one ele­ment of a system to another with MINIMUM ENERGY LOSS. It may be, for exam­ple, used in the aerial of a radio system. From the aerial, as we know, energy is transmitted into, or received from, space, or the atmosphere. The properties of cables are being constantly improved. One of the pop­ular ways of improving their properties is the use of polythene as an insulat­ing material».:
О минимальная энергетическая утрата
О минимальная потеря энергии
О минимальная потеря энергетика
О энергетическая утрата минимума
В1 Прочитайте текст «Polythene cables are known to have a number of advantages: they may be used for both a conductor insulation and a sheath, which makes them one of the most usable substance in industry. There exist two main types of poly­thene cables: the one having polythene insulation for the conductors, and the other having paper insulation. To these belong lead-sheathed paper-core cables. The number of pairs in different cables is also different. Of them the cables including 100 pairs and more have natural polythene sheaths». Закончите предложение «Polythene cables may be used for both ________».:
О polythene insulation
О paper insulation
О a conductor insulation and a sheath
О paper-core cables
В1 Прочитайте текст и найдите соответствующий перевод выделенного выражения «A digital computer is a complex system of four fundamentally different elements. What are they? In order to be able to use computers for practice, it is necessary to have elementary knowledge of its construction. Thus, the four main parts of a computer are: A CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT, input devices, memory-storage devices, and output devices. These four parts are linked by a communication network, or bus. These physical parts and all their physical components are called hardware».:
О центральный процессор
О центральный прогрессирующий блок
О процесс центрального блока
О блок процессирующего центра
Тема 30 Распознавание значений слов по контексту
В1 Заполните пропуск одним из данных слов «Polythene _______ are comparatively new devices. Their industrial pro­duction started only after World War II».:
О pro­duction
О period
О cables
О transmission
В1 Прочитайте текст и выберите соответствующий перевод выделенного словосочетания «As for the problem of hardware development, specialists believe that radically new computer designs are absolutely necessary! Almost all of to­day's computers process information one element at a time. But the problem could be solved much more quickly by the use of a great number of proces­sors simultaneously working on the given task. And there already exists one such design called Thinking Machine. By using several thousand micropro­cessors the THINKING MACHINE outperforms many of today's supercomputers».:
О интеллектуальный механизм
О Думающая Машина (Суперкомпьютер)
О думающая техника
О интеллектуальная автоматика
В1 Заполните пропуск одним из данных слов «In developing his telegraph_______, Samuel Morse reduced the way of writing the letters of the alphabet to a very simple form. And they could be by an electrically controlled instrument. In forming the combinations of dots and dashes to be used for each letter, Morse used the shorter and simpler combinations for the most frequently used letters. In that way period needed for transmitting the messages was greatly reduced».:
О form
О instrument
О letter
О system
Тема 31 Чтение текстов с полным пониманием и выстраиванием логической последовательности
В1 Прочитайте текст «Cables may be laid directly in the ground or put into ducts already laid. Cables laid directly in the ground must always have some protection against corrosion. Faulty cable must be taken out and inspected». Закончите предложение «Faulty cable must be ________».:
О taken out and inspected
О laid directly
О ducts already laid
О laid directly
В1 Прочитайте текст «Without a program a computer is nothing but potential. A computer's operating system is the software. Without a software a computer does not operate. The hardware and the software systems of a computer work together. Software is often stored in a computer's memory. Most often programs exist independently of the computer. When a software is loaded into a computer it automatically programs the computer to perform a specific task. It may be word processing, managing accounts and others». Закончите предложение «Without a software a computer ________».:
О to perform a specific task
О does not operate
О may be word processing
О work together
В1 Прочитайте текст «Internet is the linking of tens of thousands of educational institutions, businesses, and public organizations with millions of individual users. That is why the Internet is referred to as the information superhighway». Закончите предложение «The Internet is referred to as ________».:
О individual users
О educational institutions
О the information superhighway
О public organizations
Тема 32 Чтение текстов с полным пониманием и логическое завершение предложения
В1 Прочитайте текст «The cost of direct laying is rather low but laying of this kind has a disad­vantage: directly laid cables cannot be taken out. In cities it is not possible to use direct laying and cables must be put in ducts. In tunnels and subways cables are usually put on walls. In cold weather cables must be kept warm or warmed before laying. No cable should be laid when the temperature is low because of the possible damage to the paper core. If a cable is faulty or if it is corroded, it stops operating or operates badly». Закончите предложение «In tunnels and subways cables are ______».:
О taken out
О warmed before laying
О usually put on walls
О paper core
В1 Прочитайте текст «Programming of a computer is performed by specialists. Software is written by professionals known as computer programmers. Often program­mers in large corporations work in teams, each programmer focusing on a specific problem of a total project». Закончите предложение «Software is written by professionals known as ________».:
О computer programmers
О specialists
О total project
О programmer focusing
В1 Прочитайте текст «It should be noted that the Internet is not the only way for computer users to communicate with each other. A number of commercial on-line ser­vices also provide connections to those who pay for it. These services provide a great range of information including on-line conferencing, electronic mail transfer, program loading, travel and entertainment information, access to encyclopedias, and other educational means and reference works, electronic forums for specific users' groups, sports fans and so on». Закончите предложение «Сommercial on-line ser­vices provide connections to those who ________».:
О electronic forums
О reference works
О pay for it
О sports fans


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