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My office


I want to tell you about a working day of Mr. Wallace. He is a manager of a firm. He works for Belarus-export. The company is very large. They sell many different goods to many countries. The firm does business with Belarusian and British companies. Many customers come to Belarus-export to discuss business matters with the representatives of the company.

Mr. Wallace often goes to different cities and countries to do business with their customers. He is usually very busy. He has got much work to do every day. His office hours begin at 9 o’clock. Mr. Wallace looks through newspapers and journals in the morning. He is interested in the latest political and business events. He usually receives much mail: letters, cables, and telexes.

Mr. Wallace has got many offers and enquiries on his desk. He reads orders for the equipment of his company. They sell new models of chemical equipment to foreign companies. Mr. Wallace often speaks on the phone with their customers. He makes appointments on the phone with Belarusian and British businessmen for the following day. They are interested in the catalogues and quotations for different goods. Mr. Wallace usually has dinner at 2 o’clock. After dinner, together with the inspectors, he often goes to plants in and outside the city. But sometimes he stays in the office and discusses business matters with the engineers or the director.

During the day Mr. Wallace meets Belarusian and British businessmen and makes contracts with them. They discuss prices for different goods, terms of payment, shipment and delivery. Sometimes he discusses business matters on the phone.

Mr. Wallace finishes his work at 6 o’clock in the evening. He usually comes home at 7 o’clock. He has supper together with his family and then after supper they go to their comfortable sitting-room. Mr. Wallace likes to be at home together with his family. They usually watch TV, read newspapers, journals, magazines and discuss their future plans.



I am a businessman. I have got my own office and I invite you to go in.

My office is situated in a new building. The building is of modern design. In front of it there is a small park.

My office is on the third floor. It consists of three rooms: the secretary’s office, the accountant’s office and the manager’s office that may serve as a conference room.

All the rooms are large and light. The walls are papered with wallpaper of various design. There are some pictures on the walls. The high ceilings are painted. The floors are parquet with nice carpets in every room. The windows are large, they face the park, so it’s very light there. The pots with flowers stand on the windowsills. There are jalousies over the windows. A modern lighting makes the rooms cosy.

All the rooms are nicely furnished with office furniture. There are writing-tables, bookcases, shelves, desks, chairs, safes, etc. All the necessary office equipment helps us to organize a productive work in my office. There are telephones and faxes, personal computers and printers.

For a coffee break we have a cosy corner with a sofa, three armchairs, a small table with a nice china coffee-set on it.

I like my office very much and I hope one day I’ll enter it as a boss.

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