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Unit Unit7;
interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Math, Buttons; type TForm7 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; Memo2: TMemo; Memo3: TMemo; Memo4: TMemo; Memo5: TMemo; Label5: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; Label7: TLabel; Label9: TLabel; Label11: TLabel; BitBtn1: TBitBtn; procedure BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
var Form7: TForm7;
implementation uses Unit1, Unit8, Unit5;
{$R *.dfm} function StringToWords(T: string; List: Tstrings = nil; List2: Tstrings = nil): integer; var i, z: integer; s: string; c: Char; procedure Check; begin if (s > '') and (List < > nil) then begin List.Add(S); z: = z + 1; end; s: = ''; end; begin i: = 0; z: = 0; s: = ''; if t > '' then begin while i < = Length(t) + 1 do begin c: = t[i]; if (c in ['а'..'я']) or (c in ['А'..'Я']) or (c in ['Ё'..'ё']) or (c in ['А'..'Я']+['-']) and (c < > ' ') then s: = s + c else Check; i: = i + 1; end; end; result: = z; end;
{Перевод заглавных в строчные} function nepeBog(const s: string): string; var i: Integer; begin Result: = s; for i: = 1 to Length(s) do begin case s[i] of 'А'..'Я': Result[i]: = Chr(Ord(s[i]) + 32); 'Ё': Result[i]: = 'ё'; end; end; end;
procedure TForm7.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var Source, Dest: Tstrings; i, j: integer; f1, f2, f3, f4, f5: textfile; begin BitBtn1.Enabled: =false; BitBtn1.Caption: ='Идет разбор';
if Form1.Memo1.Text < > '' then begin Source: = TstringList.Create; Dest: = TstringList.Create; for i: =0 to Form1.Memo1.Lines.Count-1 do begin StringToWords(Form1.Memo1.Lines[i], Dest); //строку разбиваем на слова, слова в список Dest end; Dest.SaveToFile('Слова в тексте.txt'); //ShowMessage('В тексте найдено: ' + IntToStr(Dest.Count) + ' слов');
//Местоимения assignfile(f1, 'Результат\местоимения.txt'); rewrite(f1); for i: =0 to Dest.Count-1 do for j: =0 to Form1.Memo4.Lines.Count-1 do if CompareStr(dest[i], Form1.Memo4.Lines[j])=0 then begin //Form7.Memo1.Lines.add('#'+inttostr(i+1)+' | '+dest[i]); Form7.Memo1.Lines.add(' '+dest[i]); writeln(f1, '# ', inttostr(i+1), ' ', dest[i]); end; closefile(f1); //междометия assignfile(f2, 'Результат\междометия.txt'); rewrite(f2); for i: =0 to Dest.Count-1 do for j: =0 to Form1.Memo5.Lines.Count-1 do if CompareStr(dest[i], Form1.Memo5.Lines[j])=0 then begin //Form7.Memo2.Lines.add('#'+inttostr(i+1)+' | '+dest[i]); Form7.Memo2.Lines.add(' '+dest[i]); writeln(f2, '# ', inttostr(i+1), ' ', dest[i]); end; closefile(f2); //Предлоги assignfile(f3, 'Результат\предлоги.txt'); rewrite(f3); for i: =0 to Dest.Count-1 do for j: =0 to Form1.Memo8.Lines.Count-1 do if CompareStr(dest[i], Form1.Memo8.Lines[j])=0 then begin //Form7.Memo3.Lines.add('#'+inttostr(i+1)+' | '+dest[i]); Form7.Memo3.Lines.add(' '+dest[i]); writeln(f3, '# ', inttostr(i+1), ' ', dest[i]); end; closefile(f3); //Числительные assignfile(f4, 'Результат\числительные.txt'); rewrite(f4); for i: =0 to Dest.Count-1 do for j: =0 to Form1.Memo11.Lines.Count-1 do if CompareStr(dest[i], Form1.Memo11.Lines[j])=0 then begin //Form7.Memo4.Lines.add('#'+inttostr(i+1)+' | '+dest[i]); Form7.Memo4.Lines.add(' '+dest[i]); writeln(f4, '# ', inttostr(i+1), ' ', dest[i]); end; closefile(f4); //Союзы assignfile(f5, 'Результат\союзы.txt'); rewrite(f5); for i: =0 to Dest.Count-1 do for j: =0 to Form1.Memo13.Lines.Count-1 do if CompareStr(dest[i], Form1.Memo13.Lines[j])=0 then begin // Form7.Memo5.Lines.add('#'+inttostr(i+1)+' | '+dest[i]); Form7.Memo5.Lines.add(' '+dest[i]); writeln(f5, '# ', inttostr(i+1), ' ', dest[i]); end; closefile(f5); BitBtn1.Caption: ='Разбор произведен'; end else messageDlg('Загрузите текстовый файл', mtInformation, [mbok], 0);