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Modern agriculture

If one looks at the basic structure of modem agriculture he/she is not likely (навряд ли) to find any dramatic changes in it. There are two main branches of agriculture - crop production and animal husbandry. Crop production is the practice of growing and harvesting crops. In order to obtain high yields crops are grown under favorable soil and climatic conditions. Animal husbandry is engaged in breeding of farm animals and their use. Dairy and beef cattle, hogs, ship and poultry are highly important sources of food for man. They help to get such nutritious products as meat, milk and eggs. Many crops grown by man are used for feeding livestock. At the same time manure produced by farm animals is an important source of the maintenance of soil fertility. Most of the nutrients, taken by plants are thus returned.

These two branches of agriculture are extremely important for national economy. It supplies people with food and clothing and industry with raw material. Countries like Japan, the USA and Canada support local farmers. They forbid the import of agricultural products from other countries and decrease the taxes imposed upon local farmers. Моrеоvеr, the state invests money into the intensification of agricultural production, which is based on mechanization, electrification and chemization. Preparation of soil, planting and harvesting crops, feeding farm animals and cleaning livestock buildings are mechanized. The use of chemical fertilizers increases crop yields and quality. Genetics helps much in the development of better high-yielding varieties of crops. Chemistry helps to control weeds, insects and diseases.

Transport a 195O's farmer through time and he would be flabergasted (потрясён). Everything has changed even the language. Phrases like " groundwater protection" and " electric fire control" would leave the 50's farmer scratching his head. Back then " environmental protection" meant putting a tin can over the tractors exhaust pipe. If earlier farm families took more people to do the work, present families tend to be smaller today but they produce twice as much as their counterparts from the 50's. It's not difficult to notice that today's farms are not only bigger, but have instant access to information around the world and the latest technologies in agriculture. Computers help much with everything from soil analysis to financial planning and farming is going to change even more in the years to come.

Task 13.1. Answer the questions:

1. What is the basic stracture of agriculture? 2. What are the two branches of agriculture engaged in? 3. How do the nutrients taken by the plants return into soil? 4. Is agriculture important for country's economy? Why? 5. What do the countries do to protect the fanners? Give your own examples. 6. What agricultural processes are mechanized? 7. What do the present day farms and the 1950's farms differ in?


Task 14. Read the text and be ready for a comprehension check-up

Useful words and words combinations:

feature - черта

tool - инструмент

to proceed investigations - продолжать исследования

device - прибор

to till the soil - обрабатывать землю

to perform - выполнять, совершать

cultural practices - агротехнические приемы

growing season - вегетационный период

tractor powered- приводимый в движение трактором

self-propelled- самоходный

silage unloaders - машины для разгрузки силоса

threshing machine - молотильная машина

drill - рядовая сеялка

root crop - корнеплоды

root lifter- уборочная машина для корнеплодов

potato digger - картофелекопалка

grain grinder - зернодробилка

feed mixer - кормосмеситель

forage cutter - корморезка

years to come - грядущие года

implement - орудие труда

to do without - обходиться без чего-либо

to he powered by - приводиться в действие

to be equipped with - быть оборудованным чем-либо

to provide smb. with smth - обеспечивать кого-то чем-либо


Task 14. 1. Check-up for a comprehension

1) Какие операции может совершать техника в растениеводстве?

2) Какие машины являются самоходными, а какие нет?

3) Машины, используемых при сборе урожая.

4) Техника, используемая в животноводстве.

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