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The home of the Future

Before the 1800s, few homes (have) any luxuries. Devices like vacuum cleaners and dishwashers only (appear) in the 1900s. Until then, all housework (have) to be done by hand and this took a very long time. The home of the future (will be design) to offer its inhabitants a secure, comfortable and adaptable environment. Architects and engineers will take advantage of advances in electronics. They will create living spaces that can easily be altered by the occupants. Intelligent devices will play an important role in many houses. Robot cleaners and ‘smart’ exercise machines that can monitor health will be as common as today’s microwave ovens and washing machines. Experts (predict) that by 2025, the average home will have as much computing power as a nuclear power station in the 1990s. Computers will be small and cheap and we will be (can) to have them everywhere. They will be able to sense our presence and adjust the light and temperature automatically, according to our needs. By 2015, designers (will have create) furniture that can change shape and colour. They may (have design) a robot vacuum cleaners which detects dirt and it cleans it up automatically.


Задание № 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях предлогами места, времени и движения:

1. I don’t go … work … Sundays.

2. My son was born … Christmas Day … 10: 30 pm … 1998.

3. Have you ever been ……. Chine?

4. I’m tired. As soon as I get ….. home, I’m going ….. bed.

5. What time does this train arrive …. London.

6. He’ll be back …. a week.

7. I’ll meet you …. the entrance …. the hotel.

8. Have you seen this picture …. today’s paper?

9. I last saw her ….. David’s wedding.

10. What are you doing …. home? I expected you to be … work.

Задание № 5. В предложениях вставьте правильные предлоги после глаголов и прилагательных. В некоторых случаях предлог не требуется:

1. She smiled … me as she passed me by … the street.

2. What happened … the picture that used to be … that wall?

3. The police is responsible … maintaining law and order.

4. I’m sorry … being late.

5. The economy of Russia mostly depends … oil and gas.

6. I want to listen … the radio. Can you turn it …?

7. A stranger approached … me … the street and asked me … money.

8. I’m interested … football, but I’m not very good … basketball.

9. He insisted … visiting Peter.

10. He got angry and shouted … me.

Задание № 6. Напишите нижеприведенные предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме:

1. By that time we had already changed our plans.

2. The new engine is being tested in the laboratory.

3. We had to find a safe place for the pictures.

4. He was allowed to use the mobile equipment.

5. The book is as interesting as you think.

6. The child wanted to be taken seriously.

7. They insisted on the question being reconsidered.

8. There are always some problems to be solved.

9. I shall have to take a local train.

10. Before the experiment the substances are mixed in a large cup.

Задание № 7. Раскройте скобки, переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на условные придаточные предложения:


1. If I (not have) a car, I won’t spend so much money on petrol.

2. She’ll phone her mother when she … (get) to London.

3. I’ll cook dinner when I … (get) back home.

4. We’ll leave as soon as the baby-sitter … (arrive).

5. We’ll do our Christmas shopping as soon as we … (be paid).

6. He’ll be a lawyer when he … (grow) up.

7. I … (help) you if I have time.

8. You can wait here until she (come).

9. He’ll go out after he … (finish) his job.

10. He … (leave) as soon as he received the telegram.

Задание № 8. Выберите из данных глаголов (а-d) тот, который больше всего подходит к данному предложению:

1. What …. you do if you won lots of money?

a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t

2. If you make so much noise, I ……. be able to sleep.

a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’

3. They …….. have to hurry or they …… miss the train.

a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t

4. If she had locked all the doors, the burglars …. have got it.

a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t

5. If my train is late, ….. I …. take a taxi.

a)will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t

6. He must build a strong boat, otherwise he …. be able to sail round the world.

a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t

7. You ….. understand unless you listen carefully.

a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t

8. If he hadn’t cut his finger, it ……. not have hurt for weeks.

a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t

9. I …. give you $ 5 if you do me a favour.

a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t

10. They ….. have missed the last bus if they had hurried.

a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t

Задание № 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Мы знаем друг друга уже четыре года.

2. Он понял, что никогда ее не забудет.

3. Она сказала, что идет дождь и нам лучше остаться дома.

4. Сколько дней вы уже читаете эту книгу?

5. Он думал, что его друзья работают вместе.

6. Она жила в этом доме уже пять лет, когда приехал ее брат.

7. Только когда она была в поезде, она вспомнила, что оставила книгу дома.

8. Наступила зима, и теперь мы опять будем часто ходить на каток.

9. Было уже темно, когда мы подошли к дому; дул сильный ветер, и становилось всё холоднее и холоднее.

10. Когда Том вышел из дома, все ребята играли в футбол.


Задание № 10. Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами:

1. Advances in technology will make our lives easier and more … (INTEREST).

2. They walked … into the castle (SLOW).

3. Through the … they could see that it was a woman in a long dress (DARK).

4. She was crying … (QUIET).

5. Some types of oyster cannot be eaten, but they produce … pearls, instead (BEAUTY).

6. She was a … but she also loved to paint and draw things (TEACH).

7. I love my job even though it’s … (DANGER).

8. In the past, it was quiet … to see a woman firefighter (USUAL).

9. Emily has a very good …, so she’s good at writing stories (IMAGINE).

10. Many people look forward to their … after years of working hard (RETIRE).



Задание № 1. Прочтите текст и письменно переведите на русский язык:

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