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Choose the right modal verb they . Have this picturea)are to 2 страница
Choose the correct translation of the word; agriculture: земледелие Choose the correct translation of the word; practical classses практическое занятия Choose the correct translation of the word: an electronic equipment Электронное оборудование Choose the correct translation of the word: coal field угольный бассейн Choose the correct translation of the word: compulsory: объязателный Choose the correct translation of the word: degree степень Choose the correct translation of the word: docks верфи Choose the correct translation of the word: educational aids учебные пособия Choose the correct translation of the word: electronic equipment.... электронное оборудование Choose the correct translation of the word: engineering: машиностроение Choose the correct translation of the word: graduate выпускник Choose the correct translation of the word: off-shore oil industry добыча нефти в открытом море Choose the correct translation of the word: petrochemicals. химические продукты из нефти Choose the correct translation of the word: picturesque scenery живописный пейзаж Choose the correct translation of the word: practical classes.. практические занятия Choose the correct translation of the word: teaching practice практика в школе Choose the correct translation of the word: To hold exam проводить экзамены Choose the correct translation of the word: to observe a lesson учебные пособия Choose the correct translation of the word: tools оборудование Choose the correct translation: extremely. Чрезвычайно Choose the correct translation: KaccaD) booking-office Choose the correct translation: rocky скалистый Choose the correct translation: sandy песчаный Choose the correct translation: Бурное ..rough Choose the correct translation: вагон-ресторан dining-car Choose the correct translation: выйгратьB ) To win Choose the correct translation: грузовое судно... cargo-ship Choose the correct translation: заниматься спортом... to go in for sports Choose the correct translation: касса Booking-office Choose the correct translation: очко Score Choose the correct translation: палуба. Deck. Choose the correct translation: параход. Steamer. Choose the correct translation: шашки draughts Choose the correct tvpe of syllable: first III тип Choose the correct type of syllable: note... I тип, условно закрытый Choose the correct variant: The educatoin for all schoolchildren is… compulsory Choose the correct variant of the sentence: the news, yesterday, saw, television. I, on. Yesterday, I saw the news on television. Choose the correct variant of the sentence: To, come, the office, he, yesterday, taxi, by: He came to the office by the taxi Choose the correct variant of the sentence: to, come, the office, he, yesterday, taxi, by.: he came to the office by taxi yesterday Choose the correct variant: ………. Meals a day are served traditionally in Britain. four Choose the correct variant: Chips are … Fried pieces of potatoes Choose the correct variant: Mail is... to one’s house by a postman.... delivered Choose the correct variant: Optimists are sure that the future.......... Will he happy Choose the correct variant: Pudding is a very popular.......dish. English Choose the correct variant: The education for all schoolchildren is... compulsory Choose the correct variant: The English tea is taken …. At 5 o’clock choose the correct variant: The heart of London is.............. City Choose the correct variant: The higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan include Universities Choose the correct variant: The Mediterranean … promised many interesting impressions. Cruise. Choose the correct variant: The Mediterranean........ promised many interesting Choose the correct variant: The meeting place for Parliament is... Westminster Palace Choose the correct variant: The official home of Prime Minister. Downing Street 10. Choose the correct variant: The Tower of London was fouded by... Julius Caesar Choose the correct variant: The Tower of London was used as a … prison Choose the correct variant: there are ….. Houses of Parliament 2 Choose the correct variant:........ meals a day are served traditionally in Britain. four Choose the correct variant; Chips are.,.,. fried pieces of potatoes Choose the correct word: a journey frequently brief one made by land or water trip Choose the correct word: a journey in which a short stay is made a a number of places: Tour Choose the correct word: a rather long journey, esp. by water or air voyage Choose the correct word: a sea voyage from port to port. Cruise. Choose the correct word: the act of going from one place to another taking a rather long time... journey Choose the correct word: the act of traveling esp. a long one in distant or foreign places? Net otveta Choose the correct word: The person telling the story. Narrator choose the correctformoftheverb: i...gotomy relativeslastyearbecauseicouldn'taffordit. did not Choose the English equivalent to the following Russian one: общая комната: living-room Choose the English equivalent to the following Russian one: оглавление: a table of contents Choose the English equivalent to the sentence Писать? Shall I write? Choose the English equivalent to the sentence: Начинать? Shall I begin? Choose the English equivalent to the sentence: Отвечать? Shall I answer? Choose the English equivalent to the sentence: Говорить? Shall I speak? Choose the English equivalent to the sentence: читать?.. Shall I read? Choose the English equivalent to the word: джаз jazz Choose the English equivalent to the word: Европа: Europe Choose the English equivalent to the word: классическая музыка classical music Choose the English equivalent to the word: тихий океан: Pacific Ocean Choose the English equivalent to the word: умный bright Choose the English equivalent to the word: юг: the south Choose the necessary indefinite pronoun: there aren’t … fruit at this time of the year: any Choose the necessary indefinite pronoun: They have … really good friends: Some Choose the necessary indefinite pronoun: We don’t know… about his problem. He didn’t tell us about it. anything Choose the necessary modal verb: you… go when you have finished your composition: may Choose the opposite in meaning: death.. dead choose the plural form of the noun:...are wild animals. Deer choose the plural form of the noun: … are crossing the street.С) Passers-by Choose the proper article: I seem to be suffering from all … illness imaginable the Choose the proper word: A person who goes in for diving Diver Choose the proper article: Then he hit me over ---chest when I wasn't expecting: the Choose the proper article: to be in.. hospital: - Choose the proper article: Mv sister is fond of... music C) - Choose the proper article:... honesty is the best policy. – Choose the proper article:... Wilsons live in this house the Choose the proper article:... Wilsons live in this house. C)the Choose the proper article: 1 sat for a while frozen with horror and then in... Choose the proper article: Benny is … only child and there are no boys or girls in the family for him to play with: an Choose the proper article: Every mother wants... childhood for her child a Choose the proper article: I seem to be suffering all --- illness imaginable The Choose the proper article: I’ve caught…cold and have a sore throat. A. Choose the proper article: My sister is found of … music: _ Choose the proper article: She has... cleverness, which helps her a lot a Choose the proper article: The living -room is... largest room in our flat The Choose the proper article: Then he hit me over --- chest when I wasn’t expecting... the Choose the proper article: to live in … country (Жить за городом). The. Choose the proper article: We have had... great fun.- Choose the proper article: She has …cleverness, which helps her a lot ..a Choose the proper article: We have had… great fun… .– Choose the proper English equivalent to: Пусть каждый останется при своем мнении. let's agree to differ Choose the proper English equivalent to: сравнять счет: To end in a shutout Choose the proper English equivalent to: Располагайтесь как дома: Make yourself at home Choose the proper English equivalent to: роковая болезнь: fatal meledy Choose the proper English equivalent to: приемная surgery Choose the proper English equivalent to: Я (бывало) играл в школе в футбол; I used to play football at school Choose the proper English equivalent to Он просит передать ему хлеба – He asks to pass him some bread Choose the proper English equivalent to: c нетерпением ожидать. to look forward to Choose the proper English equivalent to: быть в ответе зa что-то to be responsible for smth Choose the proper English equivalent to: В довершении ко всему to crown it all Choose the proper English equivalent to: закончить вничью.... to end in a draw Choose the proper English equivalent to: записаться к врачу... to take an appointment with a doctor Choose the proper prepositions or adverbs: The teachers serve — humanity. ---- Choose the proper prepositions or adverbs: the time to choose one job…: out of Choose the proper prepositions or adverbs: What is - line? – Choose the proper word corresponding to that in brackets: I can't say 1 feel any sharp (боль) in some definite place. I just ache all over. Pain Choose the proper word or word combination: Now Benny is eager to have.... a rabbit Choose the proper word. Mind synonyms: Does it — you to move your arms, legs or head?.. hurt Choose the proper word. Mind synonyms: I decided to break with him after he had… to help me when I was in great need help – refused Choose the proper word: — people «ñ à ã neither shoes nor stockings: barefoot Choose the proper word: A paper that comes every day... daily Choose the proper word: A person who goes in for diving diver Choose the proper word: A person who goes in for wrestling wrestler Choose the proper word: ОЧЕНЬ ХОТЕТЬ.. To be eager Choose the proper word: поговорить to have a talk Choose the righr verb: He likes... with a fountain-pen... to write Choose the righr verb: Mary asked a lot of questions... at the building... pointing Choose the righr verb: Mary came in... loudly... singing Choose the right verb I wish he … me that before Could have told Choose the right verb we saw him … the street at 5 o’clock Crossing Choose the right verb he ….a fence around his house. Has built Choose the right verb he ….to stay at home. Was told Choose the right verb he ordered that he….. should come Choose the right verb he… from for two days. Hasn’t been heard Choose the right verb I wish you …..it….well. would know Choose the right verb I’m always saying what I … say. Shouldn’t Choose the right verb if he …earlier. He would have spoken to her. Had come Choose the right verb one day a letter….to the hospital. Was brought Choose the right verb the book … by him. Is written Choose the right verb: his pupils…..good progress lately. Have made Choose the right verb: …..I….this play? Have, seen Choose the right modal verb I … stay here long Mustn’t Choose the right modal verb it …rain today, though the sun is shining now.: may Choose the right modal verb speak to her so that she … quieter May keep Choose the right modal verb we … go there whenever we wanted Could Choose the right structure with there:... Many people on the platform waiting for the train. there are Choose the right verb I think of … her a present. Making Choose the right verb we … the news by the teacher: were told Choose the right verb. She preferred … at home. Staying Choose the right verb. While … the street, The boy was stopped by stranger. Crossing CHOOSE THE RIGHT ARTICLE:...FRESH AIR IS GOOD FOR OUR HEALTH. - CHOOSE THE RIGHT ARTICLE:...FRESH AIR IS GOOD FOR OUR HEALTH. B)- choose the right form of participle 2: this is church... many years ago. Built Choose the right form of participle 2: You … just …. Tomorrow’s weather forecast. Have/heard CHOOSE THE RIGHT FORM OF THE PASSIVE VOICE: A LOT OF MANEY … FROM THE SHOP.: was stolen Choose the right form of the passive voice: a new concert hall… in our street at the present time: is being built Choose the right indefinite pronoun if there … else you would like me to explain to you? Anything Choose the right infinitive He is said … chess in the plane: to have been playing Choose the right infinitive He liked … with children: to play Choose the right infinitive He must.. the flower: water Choose the right infinitive I enjoy …papers with you: to have taken Choose the right infinitive I object to his … football all day long: playing Choose the right infinitive It was foolish… like that: to speak Choose the right infinitive She agreed … at home: to stay Choose the right infinitive The task was … the text: to translate Choose the right infinitive The teacher asked us … to each other: to help Choose the right infinitive. I object to his … football all day long. Playing Choose the right infinitive. He liked … with children. To play Choose the right infinitive. It is better … the land than to be doing sums. To be contemplating CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. HE IS SAID... CHESS IN THE PLANE: To have been playing CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. HE LIKED... WITH CHILDREN. To play CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. HE MUST... THE FLOWER. water CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. I AM GLAD... YOU. To meet CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. I AM SORRY... YOU. To disturb CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. I ENJOY... PAPERS WITH YOU. To have taken CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. I OBJECT TO HIS... FOOTBALL ALL DAY LONG…Playing CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. I WANT YOU... THE SUBJECT: to change Choose the right infinitive. In his childhood he dreamed … a car To buy CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. IT IS BETTER... THE LAND THAN TO BE DOING SUMS. To be contemplating CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. IT WAS FOOLISH... LIKE THAT: To speak CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. SHE AGREED... AT HOME. To stay CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. THE TASK WAS... THE TEXT. To translate CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. THE TEACHER ASKED US... TO BACH OTHER.E) To help Choose the right infinitive. The was … the text. To translate CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. YOU CAN RELY ON FATHER... NOTHING. When they... and I... Mary Ann holding Sladen's arm. E) To forget CHOOSE THE RIGHT INFINITIVE. YOU CAN RELY ON FATHER... NOTHING. To forget Choose the right infinitive.i am glad …you: to meet Choose the right infinitive: The teacher asked us... to each other... to help Choose the right infinitive: He is … chess in the plane. To have been playing Choose the right infinitive: He liked … with children. To play Choose the right infinitive: I am sorry…you. To disturb. Choose the right infinitive: I enjoy... papers with you... to have taken Choose the right infinitive: I object to his... football all day long... playing Choose the right infinitive: I want you... the subject... to change Choose the right infinitive: I’m glad … you: to meet Choose the right infinitive: It is better... the land than to be doing sums... to be contemplating Choose the right infinitive: The task was... the text... to translate Choose the right infinitive: The teacher asked us … to each other. To help Choose the right infinitive: You can rely on father... nothing... to forget Choose the right modal.he has bund a…umrella: broken Choose the right modal they …come tomorrow: will Choose the right modal verb I … say what she looks like. Cannot CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB we …. Ring the bell. I have got a key. Needn’t CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB... I BORROW YOUR BOOK. can Choose the right modal verb.This film is worth.. seeing Choose the right modal verb: … I smoke in here?: may Choose the right modal verb at your age you … to help your mother about the house. Ought CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB CHILDREN... NOT (TO PLAY) WITH MATCHES. Must CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB did you… to read all those books? Need CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB HE... PLAY THE PIANO. A) needn't can't CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB HE SAD THAT I …. DO IT MYSELF. must Choose the right modal verb He said “The boy ….to apologize”: ought Choose the right modal verb He said that I … do it myself. Must CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB I... TO VISIT MY SICK FRIEND MORE OFTEN… ought Choose the right modal verb I …you anything. Cannot promise CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB I DO NOT ANYTHING C ) need Choose the right modal verb I wish you… it well.: would know CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB I... RING YOU UP AT 10 O'CLOCK: Shall CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB I... SAY WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE. Cannot CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB IT... RAIN TODAY, THOUGH THE SUN IS SHINING NOW. May CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB MR BROWN IS ALONE NOW. YOU... HIM. may see CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB MY BROTHER...PLAY THE PIANO TOMORROW… will CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB SHE... (TO BE MARRIED) NEXT MONTH Has to CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB SHE... (TO BE MARRIED) NEXT MONTH: Has to CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB SHE... DO SO. SHE'S TOO WEAK AFTER HER ILLNESS. must not CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB SHE... SPEAK ENGLISH QUITE WELL NOW….Can CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB SHE... TO HAVE HELPED HER MOTHER… Ought CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB SHE...speak English quite well now. Can CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB SHE … (TO BE MARRIED) NEXT MONTH: HAS TO Choose the right modal verb She … do so, she’s too weak after her illness: must not CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB SPEAK TO HER SO THAT SHE... QUIETER… May keep CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB ß * SAID. " THE BOY... TO APOLOGIZE." ought Choose the right modal verb they went there where they … the film. might see CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB THEY... COME TOMORROW: Will CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB THEY... HAVE THIS PICTURE Must CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB THEY... HAVE THIS PICTUREA)are to CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB THEY... NOT RUN VERY QUICKLY… Could CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB WE... CONSULTED THE DICTIONARY FIRST. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB WE... CONSULTED THE DICTIONARY FIRST.E) Should have CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB WE... CONSULTED THE DICTIONARY FIRST .E) Need CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB WE... GO ON FOOT. Shall CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB WE... GO THERE WHENEVER WE WANTED.C) Could Choose the right modal verb We … ring the bell,.. I have got a key: needn’t Choose the right modal verb we … ring the Bell; I have lost the key Can’t Choose the right modal verb you … and help him: Might go Choose the right modal verb you.. (to learn) the whole poem: have to Choose the right modal verb You.. to have put everything off: ought CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB YOU... COME AND SEE THE BABY. must CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB YOU... COME. THE PROBLEM IS SETTLED. needn't CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB YOU... DO IT YOURSELF.т Must CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB YOU... go there at once. Shall CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB YOU... SPEAK MORE DISTINCTLY E) Should CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB YOU... WARN HIM. must CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB YOU...MY CAR. can borrow Choose the right modal verb you … come and see the baby. must Choose the right modal verb you … come the problem is settled. needn’t Choose the right modal verb you … take it with you to the institute. Must Choose the right modal verb you … warn him. Must Choose the right modal verb you… come the problem is settled needn’t Choose the right modal verb you… to have put everything off ..ought CHOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB YOUR BROTHER... TO BE SO CREDULOUS. Choose the right modal verb your brother … to be so credulous. ought not Choose the right modal verb. I... say what she looks like. Cannot Choose the right modal verb. I do not … to explain anything. Need Choose the right modal verb. Speak to her so that she... quieter. may keep Choose the right modal verb. You … to have put everything off. Ought Choose the right modal verb:... I smoke in here? may Choose the right modal verb: At your age … to help your mother about the house. ought Choose the right modal verb: But for the rain, they … to the country yesterday. Would have gone Choose the right modal verb: Children... not (to play) with matches... must Choose the right modal verb: He said “The boy … to apologize.” Ought Choose the right modal verb: Her grandmother … knit very well. Can. Choose the right modal verb: I... you anything... cannot promise Choose the right modal verb: I … ring you up at 10 o’clock. Shall. Choose the right modal verb: I … to visit my sick friend more often. Ought. Choose the right modal verb: I do not... to explain anything. Need Choose the right modal verb: I say what she looks like: cannot Choose the right modal verb: I wish you … it well. Would know Choose the right modal verb: My brother … play the piano tomorrow. Will. Choose the right modal verb: She... to have helped her mother... ought Choose the right modal verb: She … (to be married) next month. Has to Choose the right modal verb: She … speak English quite well now. Can Choose the right modal verb: She … to have helped her mother. Ought Choose the right modal verb: she… (to be married) next month: has to Choose the right modal verb: Speak to her so that she … quieter. May keep Choose the right modal verb: They... come tomorrow... will Choose the right modal verb: They... have this picture... must Choose the right modal verb: They … have this picture. Must Choose the right modal verb: They went there where they … the film. Might see Choose the right modal verb: We... consulted the dictionary first... should have Choose the right modal verb: We … go there whenever we wanted. Could Choose the right modal verb: You,,, (to learn) the whole poem. Have to Choose the right modal verb: You... and help him.. might go Choose the right modal verb: You... come. The problem is settled... needn’t Choose the right modal verb: You... speak more distinctly... should Choose the right modal verb: You... take it with you to the institute... must Choose the right modal verb: You...(to learn) the whole poem... have to Choose the right modal verb: You … and help him. Might go Choose the right modal verb: you … speak more distinctly: should Choose the right modal verb: You … take it with you to the Institute. Must. Choose the right modal verb: you …and help him. Might go. Choose the right modal verb: Your brother.... to be so credulous... ought not Choose the right modal verb: We... ring the bell; I have lost the key... can’t Choose the right modal verb… I borrow your book. Can