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I. I. Silly to miss such a film. D) would be
I... TO VISIT MY SICK FRIEND MORE OFTEN. Ought I... YOU ANYTHING. cannot promise I … my homework when mother came home Was doing I …. DO IT MYSELF. A)must I AM DELIGHTED. TOM HAS MADE...MISTAKES IN THE TEST.E) few I AM GLAD... YOU. E) To meet I BORROW YOUR BOOK.E) can I decided to go to the dining - car.. to have a meal I didn't want to sell the 30th section and... E) it's hanging now in our living-room I DO NOT... TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING. need I DON'T LIKE IT WHEN I'M... ABOUT.E) ordered I ENJOY... PAPERS WITH YOU. To have taken I happened to know all about it, because I was the executor of the will of Barton’s aunt. This sentence is from the text ….: “Wager with Destiny” E.E. Gatti I happened to know all about it. because 1 was the executor of the will of Barton's aunt. Wager with Destiny" E.E. Gatti I have never read any stories by Jack London. I have read any stories by Jack London. (never) I HAVE READ ANY STORIES BY JACK LONDON. (NEVER) D) I have never read any stories by Jack London. I HAVE READ ANY STORIES BY JACK LONDON. (NEVER) I have never read any stories by Jack London. I IMAGINE THAT MOST YOU NG MEN SPIRIT... LIKE THAT. would feel I IOOSE THE RIGHT MODAL VERB YOU... COME. THE PROBLEM IS settled Needn’t I knew that the party would be a mistake with Merry Ann the guests; ……. But it was mother’s favourite subject. I KNEW THEY...FOR ME AT THE METRO STATION AND I DECIDED TO HURRY. C) were waiting I KNOW THIS GIRL. SHE IS MY BEST... SISTER. B) friend's I must go to Oakland to see … my brother I OFTEN CONSULT...DICTIONARY. C) Jones's I REALLY.. IT VERY STRONGLY. E) would advise I REMEMBER... HIM IN PARIS. D) Meeting I returned home and did a little work on the scenario. It... very...; it was line scenarioB) was/ easy I SAID TO KATE: " DID ANYBODY MEET YOU AT THE STATION? " E) 1 wondered if somebody had met her at the station. I saw that the gentleman I saw to face wore a large beard. He was a young man. His beard was full, loose and very black. These sentence are from the text … “ The Beard” by G. Clark I SAW HER... ALONG THE STREET. Coming I saw that the gentleman I was to face wore a large beard. He was a young man. His beard was full, loose and very black. These sentences are from the text..." The Beard" by G.Clark I send you... seven addresses I SMOKE IN HERE? may I THINK OF... HER A PRESENT. C) Making I waited For it to be time to give... another capsule I want you …me alone. To leave I WAS AFRAID THAT I... HOME VERY LATE. would return I was bored......death.B) to I was up at seven-thirty the next morning and I remembered that I had a job to do. Our vegetable garden had a fence around it which needed a coat of paint. I look out a bucket half full of white paint and a brush and an old kitchen chair". These sentences are from the text ...Lautisse Paints Again" I WISH HE... ME THAT BEFOREE) could have told I WISH SHE _____ SOON. would come I WISH YOU... IT WELL. would know I wish you …me. Would believe I... RING YOU UP AT 1(1 O'CLOCK Shall I... SAY WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE. E) Cannot I... УOU ANYTHING.E) cannot promise I......why I decided to come here" he said." But now I'm sure a good angel brought me". B) don't remember I__ my sister to school every day. Take I__ you anything. Cannot promise I…at my aunt’s since my arrival. Have stayed Iaitsky Town was renamed......Uralsk in 1775. into If the form may stand alone without changing its meaning it is said to be – free If anybody was drunk and in trouble ashore … it was Zabinski If anybody was smoking on watch or asleep 011 watch, it always was Zabinski. Discipline on board was hard to keep and Zabinski made it worse. These sentences are from the text... IF HE... EARLIER, HE WOULD HAVE SPOKEN TO HER. had come If he…earlier, he would have spoken to her. Had come If I had a pretty little wife I shouldn't let your spend a year in... E) New York IF I HAD TIME... I... OFTEN... TO SEE YOU. should/come IF I WERE YOU I... TO THE PARTY BEFORE AN EXAM. D) shouldn't go If mother … a cake, we … a very nice tea party. If the form may stand alone without changing its meaning, it is said to be.. Free IF YOU... ME UP. I... YOU ABOUT IT. E) had rung/ should have told If you … … you will miss the train don’t hurry if you don't want to" …needn't come I'm going to change the whole plan and show his new work... in the autumn I'm not going to stand....a queue. E) in In 1997 when the capital was transferred from Almaty the city got a symbolic... " Astana". E) name In a telephone conversation the most frequent word is …: you In a telephone conversation the most frequent word is… I In Britain the........on a letter is now about 40 pence. posting In England achieved industrial monopoly in the world … century In the 19 th In GB there are … main groups of dialects: 5 In GB there are … variants of English: 2 In Scotland yon have... distinct regions. 9 In the cabin there was___. a safe IN THE OPEN AIR IS MORE THAN PLESANT, IT IS HEALTHY. To sleep IN THE OPEN AIR IS MORE THANPLESANT.IT IS HEALTHY. B) То sleeped to In the street he met... the same Negro In the street it was very tpiiet. The trees stood silent in lilt* moonlight. Roy walked under the dry falling leaves towards the centre of the luwii. breathing in the night air. " Home" In the XIII-XV centuries the larger amount.... Jaik lands formed part of the Golden Orda.E) of In this part of GB the system of education is a little indifferent: In Wales In this part of GB the system of education is a little indifferent: In Wales In this part of London " cockney" is spoken. the East End In this part of the Great Britain the system of education is a little indifferent. In Wales In writing the most frequent word is..... C)the Indo-European are – native industrialization: Victoria Insert a suitable word in the following sentence: He had been verger for 16 years and … Liked his job Insert a suitable word in the following sentence: He thought the matter over from every point of view and the next day he went... to look for a suitable shop Insert a suitable word in the following sentence: One morning … said he wanted to talk him The bank manager Insert a suitable word in the following sentence:... he went to all his shops, collected the week's takings and took them to the bank .E) every Monday Insert preposition or post-verbal nouns. The University is not far... my house. From Insert prepositions or post-verbal nouns: We have a nice flat... the centre...the town… in/ of instead of International words " football, baseball, cricket, golf " are originated from ...C) English International words are...: borrowed by several languages International words: “football, baseball, cricket, golf” are originated from... English Irish poets give this name to their land. The “Emerald Isle” It began geeting …and it was time to go back home. Dark It has a great effect on England’s climate. Sea IT HAS FOOLISH... LIKE THAT. A) To speak It is a important branch of applied linguistics: lexicography IT IS BETTER... THE LAND THAN TO R DOING SUMS. To be contemplating It is better … the land than to be doing sums. It is high time they …their quarrel. Made up It was … all the morning, and Jerry decided not to …, when, at one o’clock, there came a knock at the door. It was a sheer beauty …. Of her face that took your breath away It was some 20 minutes later when the princess stood up and said: " Before we leave уou. may I have my ring back? " There was a pause, while each of us looked expectantly at his neighbour. Then there was silence. These sentences are from the text... C) " The Dinner Party" It was the greatest engineering cunning of Christopher Wren: spires IT'S CRUEL I... HIM SUFFER SO! should make It's shame! Andrew burst out. I wish he were here and knew what we know' Danny shrugged his shoulders. " It's no use". These sentences are from the text... " The Explosion" It's shame! " Andrew burst out. " I wish he were here and knew what we know' Danny shrugged his shoulders. " It's no use". These sentences are from the text ... " The Explosion" Iu Great Britain there are...main groups of dialects 5 If anybody was smoking on watch or asleep on watch, it always was Zabinski discipline on board was hard to keep and Zabinski made it worse These sentences are from the text: {a foul play} Insert of prepositions or post-verbal nouns: The University is not far … my house {from} Insert prepositions or post-verbal nouns: We have a nice flat- the centre... the town (in/ of)