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The roots of revolution and the War of Independence

In the eighteenth century Britain and France fought several major wars. The struggle between them went on in Europe, Asia and North America.

In 1756 Britain and France began fighting the Seven Years War. This is known to American as the French and Indian War. The war was ended by the Peace of Paris, which was signed in 1763. France gave up its claim to Canada and to all of North America east of the Mississippi River.

Britain had won an Empire. But its victory led directly to conflict with its American colonies. The colonies became angry when the British government told them that they must pay new taxes on imports of sugar, coffee, textiles, and other goods. The government also told them that they must feed and find shelter for British soldiers.

It had cost Britain a lot of money to defend the colonies during the French and Indian War. And the British government thought that the colonies must pay that money back.

But the colonists did object. They didn’t have representatives in the British Parliament, and their demand became “No taxation without representation”. Americans began to fight for their Independence.

On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress cut up all political ties with Britain and declared that «these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states”. Two days later, on July 4, it issued the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence is the most important document in American history. It was written by Thomas Jefferson. After repeating that the colonies were now «free and independent states» it officially named them the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence was more than a statement that the colonies were a new nation. It claimed that all men had a natural right to “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. But it wasn’t the end of war of Independence, that was only the beginning. After some early successes, the Americans did badly in the war against the British.

Washington set work to train his men and turn them into disciplined soldiers. But this took time, and meanwhile the Americans suffered defeat after defeat.

Success began to come to the Americans in October 1777. In the Treaty of Paris, which was signed in September 1783, Britain officially recognized her former colonies as an independent nation.


struggle (against, between) борьба с ч-л, против ч-л.
to sign [saɪ n] подписывать
to claim [kleɪ m] предъявлять требования; заявлять о своих правах на что-л.
to defend [dɪ 'fend] защищать
to object ['ɔ bʤ ɪ kt], ['ɔ bʤ ekt] возражать
taxation [tæ k'seɪ ʃ (ə)n] обложение налогом; налогообложение; взимание налога
to fight for бороться за ч-л.
to cut up ties разорвать связи
to declare [dɪ 'klɛ ə ] объявить
to issue выпускать
pursuit [pə 'sjuː t] стремление
to do badly не иметь успех
to suffer a defeat терпеть поражение
to recognize признавать
meanwhile [ˌ miː n'waɪ l] тем временем, пока
former ['fɔ ː mə ] бывший, давний, старый

1. Find the synonyms:

struggle attempt
pursuit express
declare fight
defend to overcome
claim wealth
prosperity to receive
to cultivate protect
hardships difficulties
former previous
to obtain to farm
to survive demand

2. Guess the words:

a) when you try to achieve a plan, activity or situation, usually over a long period of time;

b) officially accept the existence of something;

c) the system of taxing people;

d) until something expected happens, or while something else is happening;

e) to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly or officially;

f) to ask for something of value because you think it belongs to you or because you think you have a right to it;

g) to protect someone or something;

h) to write your name, usually on a written or printed document, to show that you agree with its contents;

i) to use physical force to try to defeat another person or group of people;

j) to feel or express opposition to or dislike of something or someone;

k) of or in an earlier time.


3. Fill in the gaps:

1) The painting was then restored to its... condition.

2) Clearly there will be a power... within the party.

3) She said the painting was by Picasso, but it wasn't....

4) When King Richard III died, Henry VII... the English throne.

5) At the last General Election, the party ... a crushing....

6) The country... independence in 1952.

7) The international community has refused... the newly independent nation state.

8) Would anyone... if we started the meeting now?

9) How can we... our homeland if we don't have an army?

10) Americans began to … for their Independence.

4. Match the words, which are logically connected with each other:

Seven Years War to suffer defeat after defeat
the French and Indian War the Peace of Paris
taxes on imports Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Independence Independence
to train natural right
Continental Congress independent nation
more than a statement Britain and France
the Treaty of Paris to cut up political ties


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